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Posts posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. 41 minutes ago, yaqdum said:

    memento mori was the latin reminder that we all must die.  funerary architecture of old often included skulls and other such reminders.

    memento mori photography was a victorian practice of post-mortem photography, often with the goal to deceive that the departed was being photographed still alive.  sometimes families would lose a child, say, and realize there was no photo to remind of how the child looked.  they might dress up a grim brother or sister to stand with the propped and posed child and the photographer would later try to draw eyes on the departed.  sometimes that didn't come out very well.


    Weekend at Bernice's?

  2. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The Trump administration is some combination of these three movies:

    The Truman Show

    The Matrix


    However, it will most likely end like Scarface.

    You watch.  Someday they will make a musical about this admin.  It will be a uncomfortably dazzling combination color, light, and sound like Moulin Rouge and unorganized stumblebum with vast production overruns like Spider Man.  The entire cast will be made up of gay immigrants and it will be Trumps lasting legacy. It will be a moderate success in the US but a huge hit in Russia and the Baltic states, kind of like Baywatch effect.

  3. I was raised Catholic and practiced well into my 40's.  Got remarried at 36 and had some more kids.  Frankly I've got better things to do on a Sunday Morning (or for Catholics Saturday evening, Sunday afternoon, or Sunday night-they really offer a lot of mass times-as a student I remember attending many a 10PM mass to squeak it in before midnight).

    There is a traditional element to at least the Catholic faith that was pretty nice growing up, since a lot of the church holidays were accompanied by actual holidays where family  gatherings would take place and would coincide with goods times along with some hunting and fishing.  The whole thing was not in your face it was just something that you did.

    My last two kids are not formally baptized, but I did splash them with some holy water a few times just to make sure I had my bases covered. Really the only reason I would have them get religious instruction would be so that they understand a few things and give them some actual historical religious perspective so that later on in life, perhaps if times get tough, they won't fall in with some some cult or young earth crowd-think of it like having them take a gun safety course for the sole purpose of them being able to recognize who is being an idiot with a gun.

    As for God, the universe is a big place, and somehow it got made by some force, so I keep an open mind as to a "higher power" 

  4. 3 hours ago, Netzer said:

    Reminds me of the time I was driving off the National Seashore after a fishing tournament and I see this minivan bogged down by the waters edge with two skinny tourist looking dudes trying to push it out.  There was no way what they were doing was going to work, so my buddy and I stop and offer to let some air out of the tires and push before we pulled out the straps.  Nothing doing. That van was not moving-we tried three  or four times all the while scratching our heads why it wouldn't work. We figured we were just to drunk and worn down from the tourney  so we hook it up to my 3/4 ton and pull it right out with the tow strap.

    After declining their shitty beer as payment and while explaining the finer points of beach driving and sand extraction, two giant fat chicks and a St. Bernard hop out the sliding door-mystery solved.

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