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Everything posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. Probably, but everybody thought Ondra was a shoe in for the gold in Tokyo and he didn't even medal.
  2. My dad grew up in Refugio county and his family owned the funeral home there. Due to WWII he was pressed into service as the ambulance driver at age 12 accompanied by his 9 year old younger brother. This was not an ambulance in the modern sense. They would drive to auto fatalities and take care of collecting the deceased and other less gruesome duties. Dad didn't elaborate much on the blood and guts, but I was forbidden from having a motorcycle due to the decapitations he saw when the motorcyclists encountered the barbed wire fences down there. Pretty salty work for a 12 year old. Also, as a side note, one of their favorite things to do in the summer was to sneak into the oil drilling sites and swim in the discharge pits. Dad was almost 90 when he died last summer...and not from cancer. Go figure.
  3. My boys are competitive climbers and know Sam well. They don't do speed but have all been competing in bouldering and sport since they were 7. Sam was a pretty run of the mill youth climber but found his mojo with speed.
  4. It takes awhile before certain parts aren't sore . Also, as a runner you are aware of the tremendous benefits of hill and speed work. Those are easy 30 to 45 minute workouts that you should do during the week. As cyclists (and runners to a lesser extent), we become too infatuated with distance. Distance is great for seeing a lot of ground or prepping for a charity ride, but can be time consuming and obsesive in nature. This is supposed to be fun. The hurt doesn't need to last for hours. That is what the speed and hill work are for. I am in the process of changing my mileage I mentioned above to do just that. Most of us on this board need to realize that we are never going to average more than 20mph and should try to enjoy this sport more. I do it mostly because, for the most part, it makes me feel like a kid again. I run a simple set up and just ride. That being said, I think it would be super cool to do some cross country bike packing shit.
  5. Try to gef as much info as you can on proper form. Dont be afraid to go ride without you kit. Just put some shorts on an do 10 to 15 miles. Ride in group for motivation. Road cycling can get boring real fast. I am 57 and started when I was 55. I do 100 to 150 miles per week at 17 to 18.8 average mph. 5'11" 190lbs.
  6. Ohio and Florida blue? Oh well, at least Trump won DC. Lol.
  7. What a weird looking dude. Are we sure he is old enough to be VP? I'm gonna need to see a birth certificate, which might prove difficult to find in Appalachia.
  8. Our guys aren't even rising stars in the republican party.
  9. ...and thus completes the great circle of crap.
  10. ...it all started simply and innocently enough with the old familiar basement couch, but before long I found myself parking out of the way on my grocery trips, just so I could walk by the Scandinavia store. Then is was a trip to Costco everyday-damn their liberal return policy. Soon after I was a full blown addict trying to plan family vacations around Rooms To Go Superstore locations and no payments for 6 months promotions. But then I hit rock bottom....
  11. Harris should pick multiple VPs. Why not? It will be just like a bank.
  12. Of course that's what they called it. Do you like the sound of any of these options?: Operation Greaser Operation Beaner Operation Spick and Span. I thought not. I mean they had focus groups in the 50's people.
  13. I said it was watchable, I didn't say I was going to watch it.
  14. At least it will be watchable with a real platform and policy and shit rather than a poo flinging coke fest.
  15. Lools like I picked the wrong week to pour concrete paving.
  16. The presidential election has everthing: Attempted assassination, incumbent quitting, challenger trying to pull a Grover Cleveland, black woman nominee, and a wide open party convention for vp. All we need are another pandemic and some riots and we can check all the boxes.
  17. You can't fire me, I quit!!!
  18. User name does not check out.
  19. 2020 was pretty bad. Hey, at least this year they have a platform. FYI. Did not watch either year. Just can3t do it.
  20. I think the ear injury is probably embarrassingly mild especially when written in medical terms: "Minor ear laceration cased by foreign plastic matter not requiring stitches, antibiotics, or bandaging"
  21. Well, I for one think the venue looks Fab u luuus!!!.
  22. The simulatiom is just showing off now.
  23. Hiding in plain sight.
  24. Leaving Salt Lake City today to return to Austin. Temps were above 100 Tuesday through Saturday and probably today too. Very dry. This place would go up in flames from one errant spark...from a positron collider perhaps.
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