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Everything posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. Gus had a couple of single digit loss teams that dod not close the deal. Those teams back then were stacked.
  2. Oh be quiet, you guys were lucky to be there and the college baseball gods owed us after 2004.
  3. Should have been in quotes. Good catch.
  4. The cringe goes farther back than that. Originally it seemed like schools that used the term were rarely a threat to actually ""use it" when referring to their own school's accomplishments. Back in the late 90's and early 2000's it was kind of frowned upon here and other longhorn boards. I guess the thinking back in the day was that a MNC or an NCAA championship was pretty hard to come by so when mentioned we spelled it out or gave it a proper abbreviation rather than just naming it after a marginal lite beer that gave you the trots. If I remember correctly, aggy was fond of it, so it was dismissed. The whole world of nomenclature and dynamic of NCAA sports has changed in the last few years so what do I know. Far be it from me to correct the guy that is hanging out in cemeteries to escort his new coach to safety and makes more in one year than I need for retirement.
  5. Looks like somebody has egg on their face...poached egg, that is. I'll see myself out
  6. ...and henceforth, from that day on, whenever an athletic director snuck into town to poach a coach and transfer them back to their own institution, it became known as "snookering". The school losing their coach will have been said to have been "snookered" or a victim of "the snook". In a sentence: The documents were all signed and the only loose end was completing "the snook". Also in a sentence: After "snookering" South Austin's mom, I had a cheeseburger.
  7. LOL at CDC taking an unmarked American sedan to Snook and hanging out at the cemetery. Probably got some shut eye or listened to a podcast. I bet he also had some flowers or a wreath to make the disguise complete.
  8. Are we going to have a separate press conference thread or will we end up using one of the 3 existing ones.
  9. Absolutely. It was the 800lb gorilla in the room. Had to be asked. As I stated in a previous post, it was my belief that this deal was in the works for possibly years and would be pursued if the circumstances broke in the right way. Now if I can believe that, right or wrong, then aggy admin was certainly aware of it and took a calculated risk that just didn't work out for them, but was nevertheless the right call for them based on my loose evaluation of the odds. Still aggy picked the one coach in all the world that had the highest likelihood of being poached by Texas however small that likelihood was. Additionally, a bunch of circumstances had to break the right way too: Aggy not winning it all, other top notch coaches availability, Texas' own performance, aggy admin relationship with JS, timing of aggy and UT facilities projects, the Jimbo factor, NIL, and CDC/JS relationship. Who knows, in the end, it may have aggy's own goofiness in the AD and school cult that ultimately sealed the deal.
  10. Far be it from me to interrupt the nuts dragging narrative with actual facts and measured response. Carry on you magnificent bastards.
  11. So, all of this is objectively awesome for Texas and Jim S. was my #1 choice and it is nice to poach him from aggy without having to absolutely money whip him. But let's not act like this deal could have been done had CDC and JS not absolutely loved working with each other. Any othe AD and this deal is iffy. It would not surprise me at all if this deal had not been in the works for years. JS has long stated that Texas was his dream job. Towards the end of the season, I figured this might be a done deal if Pierce was canned. I also figured that JS might be a viable candidate for other top shelf blue blood coaching jobs should they open up. In fact, Im pretty sure CDC and JS had a wink wink agreement that once JS proved himself at a legit school in a legit conference that we would take him. We are making much out of drinking aggy's milkshake, but they made the right hire and took a risk, knowing CDC and JS's relationship and it brought them to heights unseen im their baseball history, but again it was always a risk that they were perfectly aware of. As much as I would.like to be all puffy chested about this, I can't. This turn of events was all CDC and aggy reaching for the stars. They almost made it, and it would have been worth it for them had they closed the deal, but they didn't.
  12. Man. Illinois and Indiana lighting it up. I guess the deep south had " other means".
  13. "Child sex tourism"? What will those assholes think of next?
  14. CSB: I got to see the Rockfordmobile on my tour of Universal Studios back in 1977. We had just been through the Jaws thing where the shark jumps up and scares everyone on the tram. We turned the corner and some dude was parking it on the grass and just threw the keys on the driver seat with the window open and walked off like they were using it to go get pizza or something.
  15. I might catch some slack for this based on the reviews, but watched the remake of Total Recall last night. It was not terrible. I liked the reimagined setting with its Bladerunner feel, all star cast, Kate, Jessica, and the fact that it was free. I've wasted my time on lesser movies.
  16. What are worrying about? This deal was probably docusigned during the 7th inning stretch and the press conference will be zoomed from Bora Bora and a golf course in Fiji.
  17. Helobious has been right exactly one time. Unfortunately, I forgot what it was.
  18. Yes. When my carbon wheels were out of commission, I used my alloy gravel wheels which have 38s , for my road rides. With proper inflation, I noticed no difference in performance despite the alloys being much heavier. The 38 tires do have a nice smooth bottom, so that also helps v. more aggressive tread. Really I was just pointing out that I was trying to whittle it down to just one bike, well plus a mountain bike.
  19. I use my Ti CX bike for almost everything by swapping wheels. I am seriously considering moving up to 32mm tires (from 28mm) in my road set up and forgetting about the swapping. I run a 1 x 12 set up.
  20. Sounds like somebody is not happy with their Secret "Service" detail.
  21. Nice bike. I want to live on Colorado so bad for cool rides like that with amazing views.
  22. Bars? Hell, they could fit a brewery and a couple dozen tasting rooms in there and still have room for indoor cornhole tournaments.
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