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Posts posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. 1 hour ago, G650 said:

    I have 30s on my roadbike and 33s on my gravel, Ultradynamico Cava's. They roll pretty smooth. Biggest difference is really the aero penalty from the wider and shallower rims.

    Yes. When my carbon wheels were out of commission, I used my alloy gravel wheels which have 38s , for my road rides. With proper inflation, I noticed no difference in performance despite the alloys being much heavier. The 38 tires do have a nice smooth bottom, so that also helps v. more aggressive tread.

    Really I was just pointing out that I was trying to whittle it down to just one bike, well plus a mountain bike.

  2. 9 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    I need to get a gravel bike.  My fat tire works great for it, but it's just so much more work.  You wouldn't want to put in 50 miles on that fucker.  And we have nothing but endless gravel in the Midwest.

    I use my Ti  CX bike for almost everything by swapping wheels. I am seriously considering moving up to 32mm tires (from 28mm) in my road set up and forgetting about the swapping. I run a 1 x 12 set up.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Bodhi said:

    I live in CO and started MTB again last year. One of my early observations was exactly what you shared above. This last winter I realized I didn’t want to go 5 months without riding while trail conditions weren’t suitable. Borrowed a friends gravel bike and got into that. Bought a gravel bike to add to my growing collection this spring. Mostly ride gravel or non technical single track on it but occasionally do group road rides in the mountains. Yesterday was a doozie, 62 miles 6.5k elevation gain up to 11k feet. 





    Nice bike. I want to live on Colorado so bad for cool rides like that with amazing views.

  4. 1 hour ago, YGIFS said:

    Lord knows their "Hall of Champions" has enough space to add at least 4 walk-up bars on gameday.  

    Bars? Hell, they could fit a brewery and a couple dozen tasting rooms in there and still have room for indoor cornhole tournaments.

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  5. Did not see Ordinary People mentioned.  MTM stole the show in that one playing gigantic bitch of a wife and mother, so DS often gets overlooked.

    DS was also really good in Pride and Prejudice.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Texzilla588 said:

    The Nazi exterminations were horrible and they addressed the issue as an engineering problem, which in some ways is even more horrific. Firing squads were inefficient, they tried carbon monoxide in vehicles, until they figured out Zyclon-B and crematories. It wasn’t just 6 million Jews but gypsies, Slavs, poles, Russians, totaling about 13 million.

    I’m not dismissing the evils of Hitler Germany but often glossed over is Stalin’s murder of 23 to 50 million and Mao’s 40 to 70 million.

    20th Century was rough.

    21st Century is almost 1/4 of the way done and we are behind by one world war already.

  7. 8 hours ago, TexArcher said:

    Louisiana is just Texas 2 years from now.

    It's like an all seeing crystal shot glass.

    I actually have no problem with the 10 commandments being displayed on someplace like the capital grounds or other "law" type of government building since they do form part of the western legal tradition how ever tenuous.

    Classrooms, gtfo.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 22 hours ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Hitler was never going to win.  Invading the Soviet Union hastened his demise; but the USA was going to kick his ass eventually.

    Disagree. Much of the world and the American elite did nothing during his rise to power, despite detailed knowledge of the relatively minor atrocities committed prior to the real ramp up of extermination when the empire was shrinking.

    Had Germany committed to a limited war with takeover of Germanic or partially Germanic territory and even a few that were not like France and the Nordic  countries, then I think US involvement would have been limited. I say that with the caveat that Japan also affected the decision.

    This list of American titans of business that all but aided the Nazi cause is long, deep, well funded, and very washed over by history.

    Germany had a very stout army and could have very well succeeded in a limited takeover of Europe had they not been bat shit crazy.

    There are numerous scenarios where an invasion of Europe by the US could have been difficult and unsuccessful. To say nothing of a measured approach by Germany leading to their development of atomic weapons without interference from multifront wars.

    The world was truly fortunate. Germany had it there for the taking and just fucked up. History really did stand on the edge of a knife.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  9. 6 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    It's actually the only upside to fascism.  It has a built in "kill switch," that being "they always believe their own bullshit and buy into the notion that they are unstoppable gods."  That means they will always end up overextending themselves, metaphorically leaping off the cliff only to finally realize "sonofabitch....I can't actually fly."

    Fascism always falls.  But to those who say "so?  Then why are you so worried about it?"....it's because that the damage it does along the way to its inevitable failure is staggering, horrific, and a complete fucking waste to top it all off.

    ..and , they get started when nobody takes them seriously. I probably would have been one of those people back then.  First time I saw The Apprentice, I thought nobody would take this shit seriously...then my very liberal wife who speaks 4 languages, has a degree in architecture, and was a construction manager for hundreds of millions of dollars worth of work was absolutely hooked.  I despised that show so much that I would just go and practice my guitar whenever it was on...and get drunk attempting to make sense of it all.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Love that line.

    But the analogy is also why I am so fucking discouraged and furious.

    In the beginning, Hitler and the Nazis were a joke. Like Trump.  And they will likely end the same way: dead/shamed/destroyed.  I love that part.

    See, it's the middle part.  The part that involves unspeakable human suffering on a massive scale, at the hands of what was once one of the greatest civilized nations on earth.  That part....is bad.  Really, really bad.  Whether you're reading The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich or A Handmaid's Tale, the middle parts are really, really, really shitty.

    Can we skip to the Trump dead in a ditch and on fire part, without any more of the suffering?

    ...and the whole world was fortunate in that they were just bat shit crazy enough to invade Russia. A little less Crazy and we live in a different world.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    Yesterday by DFW airport airport. Video in link.


    Wild video shows cyclists being knocked off bikes, run over by brazen hit-and-run driver

    Two Texas cyclists were tossed from their bikes and then brazenly run over by a hit-and-run driver in a wild caught-on-camera ordeal.

    The terrifying incident reportedly unfolded near Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport on Tuesday, according to footage posted on social media.


    Good god, I can believe the guy in blue is going to be ok...according to the NY Post.. sigh.

    Driver must have been hopped up on something.

  12. 1 hour ago, YGIFS said:

    Well you see, at least it's a reverse commute.  I doubt he wants to attend anything other than his acceptance speech, but he does have some glad-handing to do with other RNC leadership and donors to keep the grift train running.  But yeah, his plane is too big to take off from anywhere but O'Hare and Midway.  So it's straight up I-94 to Milwaukee.  That's nearly 100 miles, that's a long ass way for a motorcade to block off dozens and dozens of on-ramps, block lanes, periodically halt oncoming traffic in sections where the highway isn't that sufficiently divided (it's a very wide highway with large divides for most of the trip but it gets narrower and not as spaced from about Gurnee to the Kenosha/Racine area).  4 business days, of which, he'll probably travel up there 3 days.  Probably midday, but still a shitshow.  He won't be coming back until late at night, 11pm or so, which won't present much of an issue heading back into downtown Chicago.  But those 3-4 days of him heading up there are cause all kinds of logistical challenges and piss off a lot of potential voters in SE Wisconsin.  

    I mean, if he had Marine 1 or something else, that'd be one thing.  But they can't fly a fixed wing plane up there.  It's gotta be done with a motorcade which has to stop at the Illinois border and switch over to Wisconsin state troopers alongside his own detail.  And then resume the trip.  There's gotta be several dozen overpasses of major roads that will also have to be closed and cleared for that 100 mile stretch.  And unlike our on/off ramps, many of which are elevated in Texas, in IL/WI---they are cloverleaf style for the most part due to freezing temps.  So they are more linear feet (I don't know the calculus of it).  So there's gonna be several dozen of those that need to be sealed off but because of their length (~3x the amount of footprint than an elevated ramp), that's more personnel needed to keep not only the ramp blocked but also the circle of land inside of it to the shoulder which will need to be patrolled for anybody hiding in those tall summer grasses.  Once he gets past National Avenue/59, kinda where 'downtown Milwaukee' starts, it's business as usual for Secret Service...just another city visit for a President/former President, something they've done in their sleep hundreds of times.  

    But given the layout of I-94, duration of the drive, and volume of cars on a weekday on both sides of the highway...it'll take several hundred troopers from both Illinois and Wisconsin to secure that route at several hours apiece.  Never mind what it costs the drivers who are not at work but stuck in traffic and the retail along the way that nobody can access (halfway thru the trip is a Six Flags amusement park and one of the 5 largest malls in the U.S., plus all the other gas stations and restaurants that will be shut off from traffic for what could be hours).  Total expenditures and lost revenue of all of the above could total hundreds of thousands per day, millions over the course of the week.  So his hotel can make a few bucks on 9 rooms on the Chicago River.  

    Business genius 



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  13. 29 minutes ago, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

    MIT elitist, huh?  You can't tell us common folk the best way we should die.  Shark attack it is!

    CSB- I actually am terrified of sharks and years ago almost drowned in St. Johns while snorkeling when I saw a shark (in hindsight it was a baby shark about a foot long) that was at the bottom of ocean about 30 feet below me.  I did what you should do when you see a shark and started splashing hysterically and swimming towards the shore as fast as I could.  When I got close to the shore, I looked in the water and a guppy swam right next to my mask which scared the shit out of me, and I swallowed sea water which is the almost drowning part.  Swam to the beach, coughing and hacking from the water and the wife who was sitting on the beach gave me the "you are an idiot look".  

    Simialr thing happened when I was 10. Snorkeling in about 20' of water off of 7 Mile Beach in Grand Cayman.  Only my predator was an 8' long Morey eel. I swam over to my dad and brother to warn them, then I got the hell out of there thrashing like a wounded bait fish with ADD.

    Shame on my parents for letting me watch The Deep right before that trip. Worth it to see Jacqueline Bissett's tits though.

  14. How is it that Norway, which has an actual state religion, has a population that does not give a shit about religion?

    My family visited some friends of ours over there a couple of years ago. After a few hugs and greetings it was like: "So America, what the fuck are you guys doing?"

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