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Everything posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. Alas, no beer fridge. We are a just in time inventory on beer. Can't have thirsty teenage climbers reducing stock, plus I don't have the energy to keep tabs on inventory.
  2. Goats and goat shed/pen. Built climbing wall in garage
  3. Also known as "Uncle Rico" guy.
  4. Scampy's was awesome. We also frequented Shakey's, the Mr Gattis on 183, and latter Godfathers on Burnet. It was a big deal to go out for Pizza, especially at Gattis back when they did dine in their old English style restaurants.
  5. Similar story with the Carpenter Freeway up in Dallas. Old man Carpenter donated the ROW land but told TXDOT where the road was going to go, such that he ended up with hwy frontage on both sides of the freeway.
  6. Sage used to be a go to for us. Airport haven hamburgers, the Fox theater, and the drive in movie by there were also on the menu. There was a drive in on Airport right, as well as the one on Burnet?
  7. I bet I knew them. My last year there was 6th grade 78-79 school year.
  8. That Kroger had everything. While my mom would shop I would go over to the fishing and toy areas and check out all the cool stuff they had. They also had an awesome Halloween display with a mini haunted house. I remember I went in there one time and then came back out and could not find my mom and brother because they had left me there. The story goes that they both got in the car and neither one said anything until they were almost back home. Mom had to come all the way back from Parmer to get me. I was waiting out front as the sun was going down. A few more stories from the neighborhood that taken with previous posts from this thread, all seem to reflect rather poorly on my parents attention to detail and child raising abilities: Story 1: There used to be a Yarrings and a Cloth World up the street on Burnet that mom would frequent. When she wanted peace and quiet to shop, she would leave my brother and I in the car to wait outside for up to an hour. As mentioned before, we had a Country Squire station wagon, which had a pair of seats in the very back that folded down for space and would also fold up to have the seats facing each other perpendicular to the regular car seating. On one such occasion while we were waiting, my brother slammed the seats closed while my finger was by the seam crease and he closed my finger in the seam while the seat lock was in the lock position, so I was stuck screaming with my finger caught. My brother refused to go get my mom for fear that it might upset her and preferred to wait it out. Eventually he went and got her and she unlocked the seat, told me to rub some dirt on my wound and went back to shopping. Story 2: There is an old post office there on Anderson that we used back in the day. It was 1970 and my twin brother and I were 3 when mom left us in the car to go run in and mail something. She was in such a hurry that she forgot to put the car in park. No sooner was he inside than it started to roll down the parking lot, jumping the curb and out into Anderson Lane. When mom came out she was horrified thinking that someone had stolen her car with her boys in it until a concerned bystander asked if the car out in the middle of Anderson Lane was hers. Story 3: Back when we lived on Melshire, my dad was building a house a few doors down from us. My mom was busy doing something having to do with her lady parts and dad got stuck with us during the evening. Back in those days he did a lot of the work himself and he and his foreman were trimming out the house a few doors down that night. My brother and I (we were 4 or 5 ant the time)were clowning around and he ended up stepping on a nail that went right through his foot. My dad bitched my brother a blue streak before taking his snotty handkerchief in hand to bind the wound. It was winter and cold and he then forced us to stay seated on the bare concrete floor without moving for the next 3 hours while he worked on the house trim. My poor brother cried the whole time. didn't get a whole lotta love from mom either if I recall. We have a family reunion coming up next week and it is good that I have had occasion to recall all of this, as it might come in handy should there be any questioning of my parenting skills.
  9. We were out of there to our Parmer/Burnet house in the fall of '75, so I think we missed your gun play.
  10. I remember the field of which you speak. Our house backed up to it on Melshire. Back in the early 70s, there was a thriving horny toad population in that field. We would catch dozens of them put them in a shoebox for observation and then release later. Bluebonnet's were also pretty spectacular.
  11. Not right on the intersection. Kroger was on Burnet north of Anderson by a block or two There was also a Handy Andy in the village.
  12. How did I miss this? CSB: Back in the early 70's my family lived out by what is now the Burnet Rd.and Parmer area. Parmer was barley able to fit two way traffic and was surround by nothing but fields and Metric was a dirt road. My folks would deer hunt out of our backyard and the closest grocery store was the Kroger by Burnet and Anderson. But I digress... I attended St Louis Catholic School from 1971-1979 and my parents would drive me past this intersection every weekday during school and on Sunday year round. The photo: The Elliptical sign in the background was for Levitz furniture, which I watched being built in the mid 70's. The Silver Dollar was a lumber yard in its previous life. I think it was a Stripling Blake. Since my dad was a home builder and didn't like paying for a baby sitter or having my brother and I sit at home and watch cartoons, we often ended up pushing the back end of a broom on job sites (for no wages) and accompanying him to the lumber yard. As soon as he was looking the other way we would be gone off to climb up on the multi story piles of lumber and various forklifts they had sitting around. Lucky we are not dead. I am sad to say I never set foot in that place when it was a beer joint. PS:If I remember correctly the Original Silver Dollar was farther south on Burnet and had taken over the Underwood's Bar B que building, which was also newly built back in the 70's and had shitty food. More on that intersection/area: On the Southwest corner-ish, where the roller skate/antique place is now used to be all Playland Skating, where alas, I was not permitted to hang out. However, before it was Playland, it was a bad ass fill dump place that was overgrown with weeds except where we would carve bike trails and jumps into the dump loads and hang out with the neighborhood delinquents who had minibikes and smoked cigarettes, which was apparently ok with my parents. My dad got in a wreck turning left into the side street of the future Playland, he was broadsided on the passenger side where my brother and I were sitting with no seat belts of course. Not a scratch. Another time heading up that street my brother fell out of our Country Squire station wagon when he forgot to close his door all the way. He simply tumbled out over the curb and landed on the grass as my dad drove on for another 30' or so. Again, no seat belts. Good times.
  13. It happens early too. My 13 and 15 yo boys, will do this work out after rock climbing practice where they add a pull up-up to ten and then count down so they end up doing 110 pull ups. The numbers are not as impressive as the type of pull up. One the way down they switch to these one finger pull ups on these tiny pocket holds and they switch between ring, middle and index finger. They are working on the pinky but still do the pinky with the ring finger. My pulley tendons scream just watching them.
  14. Depends on how far you want to drive. But minimal effort somewhere between the 8 and 15mm a little more effort 20-30mm harder driving fewer people past 30mm it gets pretty secluded, unless you are at Mansfield which is like Vegas on the weekend.
  15. I drive a 2013 Toyota Tacoma on which I modified the suspension with Old Man Emu leaf springs in back along with Nitro shocks/struts up front along with new upper control arms back when I first got the truck. The first alignment shop I went to back then did a great job and I had no issues until I got new tires a few years ago and I had the same shop look at the alignment and found some of the adjustment components rusted together, so we had to deal with that and a new alignment, which was ok. I took the truck to Jeep Masters last year and was not happy with their work and now the tires are wearing funny and there is some vibration. There is a particular way that lifted Tacos need to be aligned when they have after market control arms and I would rather find somebody that knows whats up rather than me having to explain it and having something get lost in translation.
  16. Back in the days before I had my Tacoma, I spent many an hour digging my 3/4 tn F250 diesel out of the sands of Yarborough...good times. I have had buddies get stuck there with kayak trailers too. Great spot to go for a few days, not for everyone though. Long before the park fixed the road a couple of years ago and before the oil companies fixed it the times before that, your adventure was just beginning once you got through the dunes at Yarborough. Often there were wet washouts and boggy areas that could sink even the lightest of vehicles if you were not paying attention. I'll take being stuck in the sand any day as long as its not that muddy stuff down by the water like at Matagorda.
  17. The small red mark at the top is across from Baffin. That is about at the 10 mile mark, Yarborough is just below it at the 15. I have found my favorite wade guts at about the 48, although big and little shell have some great and obvious structure.
  18. Puh-fizered at same time today. CVS in Bastrop. Arm is not even sore, but I have been doing shoulder mobilization drills for 3 weeks. Felt a little warm about 2 hours ago, but I was outside in the sun doing some unloading of materials stuff. Pro tip: Might milk some faux pain and suffering to get out of mowing the lawn tonight if I don't have actual pain and suffering.
  19. Black chrome jr in the surf at dawn it is. I don't think my black chrome has ever been slimed. I am partial to the wade gut at dawn. Any recommendations on Matagorda Beach structure to attack?
  20. Structure is hard one for me unless it is super obvious. I have been seriously fishing the surf for 17 years and I am still amazed by some of my buddies ability to scout surf. When in doubt look for deep wade gut and or deep 1st gut. I caught my first shark (6' blacktip) no more than 10' from the sand in a 4' deep wade hole with a live 4" Pompano. It was awesome as it was about 11PM and we heard the clicker go off as we were relaxing with margaritas around the camp fire. All hell broke loose and the shark was all the way in the second gut by the time I got him turned around. My HS senior was with me and after that day he thought I was freaking Earnest Hemingway.
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