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Everything posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. I drive a 2013 Toyota Tacoma on which I modified the suspension with Old Man Emu leaf springs in back along with Nitro shocks/struts up front along with new upper control arms back when I first got the truck. The first alignment shop I went to back then did a great job and I had no issues until I got new tires a few years ago and I had the same shop look at the alignment and found some of the adjustment components rusted together, so we had to deal with that and a new alignment, which was ok. I took the truck to Jeep Masters last year and was not happy with their work and now the tires are wearing funny and there is some vibration. There is a particular way that lifted Tacos need to be aligned when they have after market control arms and I would rather find somebody that knows whats up rather than me having to explain it and having something get lost in translation.
  2. Back in the days before I had my Tacoma, I spent many an hour digging my 3/4 tn F250 diesel out of the sands of Yarborough...good times. I have had buddies get stuck there with kayak trailers too. Great spot to go for a few days, not for everyone though. Long before the park fixed the road a couple of years ago and before the oil companies fixed it the times before that, your adventure was just beginning once you got through the dunes at Yarborough. Often there were wet washouts and boggy areas that could sink even the lightest of vehicles if you were not paying attention. I'll take being stuck in the sand any day as long as its not that muddy stuff down by the water like at Matagorda.
  3. The small red mark at the top is across from Baffin. That is about at the 10 mile mark, Yarborough is just below it at the 15. I have found my favorite wade guts at about the 48, although big and little shell have some great and obvious structure.
  4. Puh-fizered at same time today. CVS in Bastrop. Arm is not even sore, but I have been doing shoulder mobilization drills for 3 weeks. Felt a little warm about 2 hours ago, but I was outside in the sun doing some unloading of materials stuff. Pro tip: Might milk some faux pain and suffering to get out of mowing the lawn tonight if I don't have actual pain and suffering.
  5. Black chrome jr in the surf at dawn it is. I don't think my black chrome has ever been slimed. I am partial to the wade gut at dawn. Any recommendations on Matagorda Beach structure to attack?
  6. Structure is hard one for me unless it is super obvious. I have been seriously fishing the surf for 17 years and I am still amazed by some of my buddies ability to scout surf. When in doubt look for deep wade gut and or deep 1st gut. I caught my first shark (6' blacktip) no more than 10' from the sand in a 4' deep wade hole with a live 4" Pompano. It was awesome as it was about 11PM and we heard the clicker go off as we were relaxing with margaritas around the camp fire. All hell broke loose and the shark was all the way in the second gut by the time I got him turned around. My HS senior was with me and after that day he thought I was freaking Earnest Hemingway.
  7. Thanks. I hear you. I almost only throw top water out of the kayak or wade. I will switch to a popping cork if I get tired and want to down a few Bud Lights that I have conveniently placed in my kayak cooler. Top water strikes are like Xmas morning to me. My best rigs are set up for tw and everything else is just an afterthought. I assume when you say Spooks you are referring to Spook Sr. and not Jr. I like both and have recently gotten faith in my She Dog and Badonka donk.
  8. If you are eating properly, and Keto certainly qualifies, and getting good sleep, and reducing stress, and getting an appropriate amount of water and various essential minerals from eating properly,then the workout requirements are pretty minimal when considering time spent and bang for the buck towards optimal health. I have mentioned Mark's daily Apple before and used their workout set up for years with pretty incredible results. I will Reader's Digest it here, but there are progressions to each of the exercises and you can go beyond mastery levels, but it is not necessary. Move: 3-5 hours/week of general movement but not to exertion, think being able to breath and carry on a conversation (yard work, walking, house cleaning, car washing, hiking etc.) Sprint every once in awhile: Do a series of sprints from 8-15 seconds 8-12 reps with plenty of rest in between once every seven to ten days. Maximum effort, full recovery for each rep. For most people who are overweight and have not been exercising, this could be laps in a pool, bike or elliptical. It is all relative. Lift heavy things: You do this 2 times per week. Mastery is 2 sets of 50 push ups, 2 sets of 50 air squats, 2 sets of 2 minutes forearm knee planks, 1 set of 12 pull ups and 1 set of 12 chin ups. Remember that those numbers are Mastery and there are much easier variations that you start with for each exercise as well as harder variations should you wish to go beyond mastery. At Mastery is where they determined the most optimal expression of health for time spent occurred such that they posited that you will achieve ~90% of your genetic potential at mastery. Beyond mastery takes exponentially more effort and might be geared to specific sport training or specific fitness goals. Now I don't know if all of this is true, but I can relate my specific experience with was very positive. Between diet and exercise I went from 200lb to 174lbs and obtained mastery levels after about 4 months. I was very close if not under 10% BF and was very competent in many crossover activities (play if you will) like kayaking, ultimate Frisbee, basketball, playing with my kids, and rock climbing to name a few of the more rigorous activities and this was at age 45+. I eventually started to push on the body weight exercises and moved on to more difficult push up variations, pistol squats, muscle ups, and different forms of planks. It is a natural progression as I found doing 50 reps of anything eventually got really tedious and the more difficult variations greatly reduced the reps. Alas, I did start to develop nagging injuries from the more difficult variations. The point is that if you are below this 90% threshold of optimal expression, then a very simple workout routine will suffice. I did all of my work in the driveway or on my kids playground set. This point lends to the notion that diet is anywhere from 75% to 90% of the equation. I tend to think exercise is more on the high side of the range as I tend to eat better when I want to perform well on my sprinting or body weight stuff, so it is kind of a circular thing. It is also of great help if there is a particular sport or activity that you want to improve. Instead of saying no to certain things I think of this a bigger yes. Also, I have posted before the benefits of mini workouts, such that you perform all of the mastery exercises but do them in small increments throughout the week/day. At the end of the week you have completed mastery levels of work, but did it in small increments. For example, perform 1-3 pull ups perhaps hours apart on not every day, but at the end of the week you have done the required 24 pull ups. This is the route I would recommend with perhaps starting at easier variations. It is especially rewarding as you lose weight, because although you are getting stronger you are also getting lighter at a much faster rate and your performance gains/reps appear to happen much faster than just with wight training.
  9. I am no stranger to the surf on PINS or even Matagorda, but I have never fished down Matagorda in the late spring. For your good days in the surf are we talking trout? If so, I usually throw top water at dawn and switch to a rattletrap a little later. I never much cared for soft plastics in the surf, although I do use them in the bays. What was you mid may go to for surf trout and other targeted species.
  10. Picked up 1 LB over Easter week. Not bad considering I drank alcohol, gorged on pecan pie, peach cobbler, and brownies as well as having two big meals per day...and tiramisu on most nights. Back to work.
  11. I do not, when I am doing that sort of thing. I don't really do keto either. I have a bunch of stuff that I just don't eat and somewhere along the way during each day I go into ketosis either through IF or low carb consumption. Works pretty well until I get down to those last few stubborn lbs. Do what works for you but I would try the less work route.
  12. Now & Later. Superior in every way to Starbursts. As a lad, this was my go to candy as I tried to cultivate my tough guy image.
  13. A few years ago one of my neighbors was murdered (stabbed to death). A little background: We live out in what used to be the country in Austin, so when I say neighbor, he lived a few hundred yards away and we went months without seeing him. Nevertheless, "Jim" would come by back when we were building our house and would chat sometimes. Back in 2008 we put up a fence and security gate on our property to protect my toddlers from the roaming pit bulls that another neighbor had turned into pets following their retirement from dog fighting in the dog fight ring that my "other neighbors" had. The "other neighbors" are a story unto themselves and I posted up about them on the other site back in 2014. Back to the story. So Jim did not come around anymore after we got the fence up, but we did see him from time to time down at the convenience store up the street. Jim lived in an old platted subdivision with 12 lots. This subdivision sat behind a Montessori School and there was always bad blood between Jim and the school. Nothing serious, just traffic stuff since they shared a drive. Things got a little more heated when the school purchased all the remaining lots in the old subdivision and expanded all around old Jim. Jim was very late middle aged and had never married or had kids and his dreams of retiring to the country in peace were shattered by the sound of hundreds of kids. My kids eventually attended the school by Jim and we would sometimes see him in his yard when picking up the kids and we would say hi, but he was not as friendly as he used to be. He would try to bend our ear about the issues he had with the school. Eventually we ended up in public school and had not sen Jim in years, but would hear about him from the school since we were neighbors with the school as well. Jim was some kind of public defender for juvenile boys, some of which would end up "at his place" for "legal consultations". On the day he was murdered, one such juvenile was at his place and I guess hings got out of control and the young man stabbed Jim to death and fled the scene. There were choppers and cops all over the place looking for the guy. I'm not sure where they found him, but they did. I'm not sure what actually happened and most of the days events are just what I heard from the Montessori people. More on the "other neighbors": A collection of alcoholics and multiple generations living in trailers that had meth labs, underage prostitution, dog fighting, cock fighting, and gun play. Most of them have died off and things are quiet now. Last year there was another meth lab that was busted on the street behind us. Also had choppers and cops everywhere with some flash bangs and other assorted cop excitement. The funny thing is that these are holdovers from days gone by as the neighborhood changes over to million dollar homes and new commercial businesses. It really is a nice place to live.
  14. I hear you. Nursing climbing injuries right now and losing weight with walking, no alcohol and diet. Last summer I did pretty well with cycling. I just took the bike out in some neighborhoods for about 45 min/day. you get some sprinting in in disguise with the hills. Another thing i did last summer was just some mini workouts. During the day I did small sets of push ups, pull ups, planks and air squats. I did about the same amount each day and my weekly goal was 200 push ups, 50 pull ups, 8 minutes of various planks, and 200 air squats. Very doable. Consider also some real mobility work. It is painful, requires concentration, and dedication. There are no real mirror results, but this and general weight loss will take years of wear off. I would recommend mobility work over weights, body weight, cardio, and HIT any day even for the youngsters.
  15. Anybody fished East Matagorda lately? I have a four night camp/kayak trip planned down there in mid May. We usually do Three mile lake area. Not sure what is available in the surf mid May either. Seems a little early for trout.
  16. No fat bastards on this thread, everybody is already shredded and yoked and just trying to lose penis weight.
  17. It's not like they had to play a 14 seed.
  18. I was a sophomore at UT when that happened and even I knew it was a bad idea.
  19. I wonder if all the other ships are going to slow down and look and if the pilots and clean up crew will block most of the canal while they stand around in their hazard uniforms.
  20. Vaccine Spotter. Was never able to get Austin proper for me but did get Pfizer #2 to go from SA to Bastrop. I found Walgreens opens up early Sunday AM 6:30-7AM Got the wife's in Cedar Park. CVS Thursday late or Friday Early or SAT early. Not really baby sitting the spotter. I just happen to wake pretty early, check the surl, then the spotter. 1C APH was to much work. HEB never has anything, but they are on the spotter. Spotter: CVS, Walgreens, HEB, Walmart had stuff. Get familiar with each site and have your insurance info at hand.
  21. I'll see your CSB and raise you one: When I knew Texas Basketball had hit bottom (lower than now): I was in the old Rollingwood Safeway mere days before Weltlich's last game against Houston in the conference tournament (we lost). I spy our firebrand Bobby Knight disciple in my isle as he is mulling over a purchase. He seemed pretty happy with himself and was completely at ease. As I got closer I could hear him humming along to the Muzak being pumped out in an absent minded fashion. I paused and considered the song: The Reflex by Duran Duran. Just picture in your mind, Bob Weltlich humming along to the Muzak version of The Reflex in a Safeway. I hung my head and shook it as I walked past. Texas basketball was dead to me.
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