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Everything posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. Not sure what "on gear" means nor "test tren anavar cycle", but otherwise I agree. Normally, I would be doing some type of heavy-ish lifting to maintain or gain, but that is not an option. Further, joints are not muscles and there is a weight at which climbing can become really damaging to the joints no matter how strong you are due to the unique, unequal, novel, and unrehearsed movements. Also, that fat gets in the way by volume alone. I should at some point get a fat scan and see where I am really at, at this pint I'm just going off of and caliper measurement done back in my 20's, some internet fat % photos, and experience based on weight loss difficulty.
  2. Great list. Some of you might find some good stuff in my formula: Story: 54, usually in good shape at around 185-190 at 5'-11". When I am in great shape I drop to about 175lb and for me that is about 12% body fat. Over the last 8 years I have been besieged with minor injury of various types that I usually rehabbed or worked around. I got into some bad form a few years ago with some cross fit type work outs and and ended up with a torn meniscus which I had partially removed in December. While rehabbing the knee and general inactivity over the last year, I have seen my weight balloon up to 202 lbs. My primary form of fun is gym rock climbing, and I came back too quickly from the knee surgery and although I had no knee issues, I quickly developed climbers elbow (golfers elbow) in both arms, an unusual but fairly minor shoulder impingement, and some tendinitis in my carpi wrist tendon. So I decided it was time to take a break from climbing, lose some weight, and concentrate on some movement evaluation and rework. However, due to my injuries and recent surgery, almost all form of traditional exercise are off the table. So I decided to come up with a simple hard hitting plan that I could do for 4-6 weeks to get off of high center on the weight loss front. This will not be for everyone, but I think it is a testament to the power of simplicity and diet. The steps: Complete cessation of alcohol. I put a pencil to my alcohol consumption as I recollected it and in the previous weeks averaged an alcohol equivalent of 31 Bud Lights per week. I know this Surly and that is no big deal, but calorically it amounts to about 1lb/week. Plus this is not forever. Walk 1 hr/day on average: Pretty easy to do since I have no other means of exercise. Based on my weight and pace, I figured I can get about 1LB/week out of this. I am also doing some light band rehab work on my wrists, elbows and shoulders, but nothing calorically significant. Walking is a very powerful fat loss tool. Several years ago I was down to about 179LBS while doing all kinds of body weight exercises and sprinting along with a very moderate paleo type of diet when my weight loss really stalled out until I added about 3 walks a week. There is just something about the pace that lends itself to steady fat loss. One Meal Per Day: This is where it might get difficult for some of you. This is not an eating window. I literally have one meal per day (during the week) and I eat mine at 3PM. From prep to finishing the dishes it is about 1 hr. In normal times I don't eat breakfast or lunch but eat from 6-9PM excluding weekends. The Meal is a salad: 1/2 LB of Spring mix, 2 can of sardines, 2 hard boiled eggs, generous portions of bell peppers, carrots, mushrooms, onions and broccoli. Topped with a homemade vinaigrette, shredded Parmesan cheese, and Parmesan Crisps. I have a hard time finishing it and I have no hunger for the rest of the evening unless someone brings in some fast food or something. The caloric intake would not be sufficient if I were climbing or otherwise working out, but I find it works while I am hobbled. I have weighed myself before and after this meal and the weight is ~3lbs of food +/-. I did a calorie count on it at one time but I don't have it anymore, but I think it was slightly less less than 2000 cals. I may rework it and edit this post if there is interest. The results: Very slow start for the first 3-4 days in terms of weight loss. Some of that may be in the weighing times and whether I have evacuated my bowels of the 3lb meal, but after that once you get in a rhythm the result are consistent. I vary from this approach on the weekends a bit and whatever happens over the weekend tends to even out by Monday afternoon. After 3 weeks I am at 185-186 lbs for an astonishing .8/lbs lost per day. Caveat, historically, my weight loss tends to stall as I get closer to 180lbs. But also consider, I have no weight work or HIT training in this regimen so I still have that in my bag of tricks once I get healthier. Consider too to that I am also preconditioned to smaller eating windows so the effect would in theory be greater for someone not accustomed to restricted eating windows. Also, I began this program not significantly over weight. For another Surly of similar build and love of all things alcohol, but say another 20lbs heavier to start, I would expect being able to run this program for longer with similar daily results. There are also other hidden calorie restrictions that I do not have available such as soft drinks or sweets which I don't usually have in my diet, so I don't benefit from cutting them out. On muscle loss: I have no idea or not whether this is occurring or not, but it is not a concern at this time since I really have no other choice. I will say that this injury situation has led me to research and rethink my movement patterns for all forms of exercise. I imagine I am going to be out of rock climbing for another 3-4 months and in that time I will continue to try and lose weight to where I am down to under 170lb. At that weight, I will have the benefit of over 30LBS less of body weight to deal with on the wall which is kind of like a hidden strength gain. Additionally with improvement in technique and emphasis on mobility and correct muscle activation and joint strengthening, any loss of muscle will be more than offset. I just thought I would share the weight loss portion especially since it is working so well and dispel the notion that you need to hit the gym all the time and wear yourself out to get good and fast results which are not the result of an unsustainable crash diet or questionable eating habits.
  3. Pfizer first today at 12:45 in San Antonio. I'm from Austin, but parlayed the trip into a free breakfast and visit with my mom and brother. 2nd shot scheduled for Apr 8 in SA. I might try to get #2 in Austin. Took 35 on the way back and As I drove through San Marcos, I had the strangest desire to see if Microsoft had an outlet store. No symptoms, yet.
  4. Thread tittle was true this morning. Went to vaccine finder link on the Google doc that Judgeroybeanbag posted on page 1. It showed stuff all over the state....except Austin. Ended up getting spot in San Antonio on Wed. Next week with 2nd dose already scheduled as well. CVS. Fyi . Age 54 non conditions.
  5. Jiggy-Z

    Getting old sucks

    Both of my youngest sons (13 and 15) rock climb competitively. Lets just say there is a big difference between a highly trained teenager weighing 100-120 lbs and a 54 year old man weighing 200lbs. I started climbing again after knee surgery about 6 weeks ago and promptly got climbers elbow (golfers elbow) in both arms, a shoulder impingement and some as of yet diagnosed wrist injury. Taking a break while I reconsider my life. Knee is great, though. Oldest son (32) likes to play music and get drunk (New Orleans). He is much funner to hang out with and I can keep up with him on the booze. What can I say, I'm a natural.
  6. If this keeps up, we will meet ourselves in the finals.
  7. The Gene Krupa story must have run on a loop when he was a kid.
  8. Good article from DC Report and links to others on how we got here and the fallout. https://www.dcreport.org/2021/03/09/texans-why-the-deep-freeze-power-debacle-will-cost-billions/
  9. All My customers are general contractors.
  10. Next door neighbors have it mother (82) and daughter (60). Daughter has it pretty bad but not hospital bad. Mother is high risk as a lifelong smoker and old. Symptoms for both arrived Sunday. We believe the culprit was their plumber who was doing winter storm stuff on Tuesday of last week. Plumber is a friend of their family and was just helping out, but I guess they got sloppy. My wife and I went to their house on Saturday to pick up an inversion table and spent about 15 minutes inside and out while masked. Daughter was masked but not mother. I think we are OK, but monitoring for symptoms in the next day or two and being extra careful.
  11. Back in the late 80's during the late summer, I had made a trip down to South Padre for some beach time and a few trips into Matamoros for some cheap beer and souvenirs. The Feds singled out my '86 Charcoal Grey Mazda B2000 for a search on the way back through the border stop. Say what you will about the Feds, but those guys are thorough. They tore that truck apart. They had three drug dogs on it. And here is the thing about a single cab standard B2000, there is no place to hide anything once you get past the obvious open places like the truck bed and under the hood (which is so empty you could fit a couple of pony kegs in there). I was there for two hours and of course they didn't find anything except for my long lost Cornell Green trading card under the seat, which they had completely removed from the cab. Back in '97 I sold the truck to one of my employees and it made its way down to Durango, Mex where it got a new coat of light blue paint and of course, a much better radio. He ended up selling it to another guy and that guy ended up immigrating to the US and now also works for me. The truck is still alive and well down in Durango and I even got to see a recent photo and the truck looked great as they had fixed the some damage to the right fender that I never got repaired after the lead singer of the Butthole Surfers ran into me back in 1989. Man if that truck could talk. Sorry about your encounter Pancho. Just try to be less black next time.
  12. 2004 CWS v. Fullerton. Close calls, uncharacteristically bad defense, bad luck. Guess we made up for it in 2005, was not expecting that. Also mentioned CWS LSU 2010, also basically a strike away from winning game one with Taylor Jungman on deck for game 2.
  13. I guess the road had been "Tiger Proofed"
  14. What is your age? I am now 54. I did IF summer before last and it was part of a weight loss "program" for me that had me go down from 190 to 180 over the summer, but that was also with a whole lot of exercise ( light cross fit and ton of rock climbing). The not eating part was easy, but the result seemed a little slow given the caloric output. A kick ass "12 pack" weight for me is about 175 so I might have been bumping up against those hard to lose lbs. My weight gain back to 200 has resulted in some rock climbing injuries that have left me without many exercise options so i am looking to my diet more, which is not my style at all. I prefer a moderate low carb diet with high activity which allows for more alcohol consumption. BTW, I hate rowers, treadmills, stationary bikes, and ellipticals except for 5 minutes of warm ups. Although with my injuries a rower would probably be a good option.
  15. No leaks, just lots of trees to deal with over the next few weeks.
  16. Water back on in 78736 about 8PM last night. Lied and told everyone it was still out. I just like the way a crisis brings my family together and don't want it to end. Of course, if I find broken pipes in the morning it won't end.
  17. Damage unknown at this point as water is still off since Wednesday. We did the foam cover/towel/bag wrap and dripped inside. Our bibs are close enough to the ground that we were able to surround them with 5 gal buckets of mulch and top off with about 6" of mulch cover that goes all the way to the ground. Wall pipe gets protected this way as well. However, completely forgot about protecting the hose bib on the roof garden. It was flowing right before the water went off with no signs of leaks, so fingers crossed.
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