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Posts posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. 2 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    This is all silly.... Flynn's just trying to get off light on sentencing.  


    Also filed today...

    This chart, which should be taken with a grain of salt, gives some context with other Special Prosecution Investigations.  Pay the folks complaining about the cost or length of this no mind.  Let the dude and his team do their job.


    "We are going to build a special counsel, and Paul Manafort will pay for it". That is a deal I can get behind.

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    • Haha 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, Lagunamadre said:

    Great story. I vividly remember that cold front as I was tailgating outside of Jerryworld and was underdressed. My steep blood pressure rise on Suh's 27th sack of Colt warmed me up. 

    Interesting that illegals make their way to PINS. I'd be interested in the logistics of how they got there. 

    It has been awhile since I have seen any down there.  Summer seemed to be when I remember my encounters.  I camp back in Yarborough during the summer (and most other times as well), so no action there.  All the cameras installed at the gates and whatever other post 911 changes that eventually made into NPS parks probably put a lid on some of it. Doesn't seem to have stopped the drug dealers though-seems like I am always reading about that stuff down there.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Lagunamadre said:

    I spent a lot of time on ranches in South Texas (south of the checkpoints) growing up. We would often come across illegals while driving around or a couple of times they wandered up to the house. We would give them water and tamales and call the border patrol.  I never felt scared or threatened by any of them. This demonization of these people is fucking terrible. I would say that 99.9% of the people who think this is a material issue in this country have never been to the border region and never encountered illegals in their life. They are just sheep who need a boogeyman. 

    This has been my experience as well.

    Back in 2009, I was hunting down in south Texas the weekend of the Texas Nebraska Big 12 Championship game.  A freak cold front had worked its way down south and we had some snow flurries with temps in the 20s and a howling wind. It had been hot and dry in the weeks prior.  One poor guy (illegal mid 20's)happened upon our set up wearing tennis shoes, jorts, and a long sleeved t shirt and otherwise totally unprepared for the conditions.  Given his age and resourcefulness, I am sure he could have sheltered up someplace down there and probably made it once the conditions got better.  Nevertheless, we got him some of our clothes, fed him, got him warmed up by the fire, set him up with some cash, and drove him about 30 miles up the road to a guy we knew that could set him up with work and contacts.

    Rather than feeling warm and fuzzy about our good deeds, we got to talking about the fellow and what he had to go through just to get to where our camp was a good 30 miles from the border.  We could use more people like that in our country.

    Also, on a few occasions, while camping down on PINS, illegals would show up out of nowhere walking down the beach in the middle of the night.  Never felt threatened in the slightest (which I can't say about the idiots hauling ass down the beach in their jacked up Dodges with their confederate flags waving).  These guys were pretty well prepared.  We topped off their water, wished them luck, and they got the hell out of there-all business.

    • Like 8
  4. 2 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    We murder children.


    Abolish ICE.

    Purge the Border Patrol.

    While I am sure the USA does in fact kill children in many ways, I am willing to withhold judgement in this particular case (the 7 yo girl, not the above picture), despite the less than stellar reputation of the Border Patrol.  NPR had a segment this morning on the girl's death, and lots about this is still unknown.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    This is a really interesting article by the New York Times on the impact of robots in flyover country. In a nutshell, one robot takes the job of six workers ----- machinists, welders etc.... ------- and there are more robots already in flyover country per capita than in the rest of the nation.  Trump's 1.5 trillion dollar tax cut has increased incentives to replace workers with robots, contradicting his campaign promise to restore well-paying manufacturing jobs in the Midwest. 


    Upshot: many of those who voted for Trump last time around will NOT be voting for him or any Republican this time around. 


    Right.  But the olds have Old Glory Robot insurance so they ok.

    • Haha 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    How about a goldfish funeral?  Someone pretends to care and says a couple of words, then we flush him down a giant toilet.

    Posted this yesterday for my thoughts on what a vice-presidents funeral would look like, but it works for Trump's "state" funeral:


  7. 6 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Well, I'm old enough to have overlapped Nixon, so you're right.

    But otherwise, no.  Egotistical?  Sure.  Narcissistic tendencies?  All but a requirement to even SEEK the job.  But so narcissistic as to be utterly devoid of empathy?  Nope.  Ford, Carter, Reagan, GHWB, Clinton, BWB, Obama....sorry, they all had real and basis human empathy.  Some were clearly better than others, but nobody even comes close to the sociopath that currently holds the office.

    And finally, what we have for him isn't hate.  It's utter contempt.  He's beneath us.  He's beneath ALL of us.  He is worthy only of scorn and contempt.  Shit, hate's too good for him.



  8. I saw the American Experience on 41 last night. It pointed out a few things that stuck with me.

    One was the dichotomy of 41 and Reagan.  Reagan reveled in his  former screen personas as a war hero, sports guy and family man when, in fact he was none of those while 41 was all of those in spades.

    Two was his lack of grandstanding or credit taking at the end of the cold war so as not rub the noses of the Soviets in their system failure.

    Three was the ominous foreshadowing of dirty politics that infiltrated the '88 presidential campaign through Lee Atwater and others.  I had also forgotten that Dukakis had a ten point lead in the poles-I had always thought 41 had been in a comfortable lead.   


  9. Time Bandits as well as any of the other two (Brazil and Barron Von M.) in the "imagination" series.  I am especially fond of TB since it connects with my childhood and had a lighter tone.



  10. 16 hours ago, Fozzz said:

    He was forced to raise some taxes when the budget deficit grew to the largest share of GDP since the WWII era, but the tax increases were mainly payroll taxes, which are regressive.  When you look at the trends in income inequality in this country, something very mysterious happened at around 1980.  I wonder what that could have been?  Nixon was really the last "centrist" (he would probably be seen as a communist today) on economics from the GOP.



    Nixon also gave us OSHA and EPA, oh the horror.  He has also been described as the last of the "new dealers".  He would be laughed out of the party now.

  11. 3 hours ago, po elvis said:

    The number one reason we lost this game was because we did not go for it on 4th and 11 or whatever with a minute something left in the first half at their 40.

    You can't afford to make such coaching mistakes in games like this. This was an unbelievably good situation to go for it. Number one, we are actually good at that situation with LJH and CJ and Sam. I think it is a 50% chance of converting. But to really understand why it is a must go for it situation is to realize the reward you get for making it. Not only do you get a chance to score a field goal or more likely a touchdown the way our offense is against their defense, but you keep OU from having a chance to score at the end of the half. The fact that they get the ball first in the second half even makes it more important to keep them from scoring. So this wasn't your normal go for it on 4th down and maybe we can score situation. This was a 2-score decision. This was giving us a scoring chance near the red zone and taking away a scoring chance from OU. This was frickin huge. This was us possibly going into halftime up 21-10 versus OU winning 20-14. I mean this was huge.

    The reason you would not go for it is because the risk is too big (even though the reward as I discussed is so high). But the risk really is only giving OU like 20 extra yards of field position. In this day and age, with over a minute left on the clock, with their type offense, 20 yards is nothing. That is one 20 yard pass. You are not giving them an appreciably greater chance of scoring by giving the ball at the 40 as opposed as the 20, especially with their offense. If you are playing Iowa State, then yes, there is a greater chance they score from the 40 than the 20.

    But having said all that, I get why Herman did not go for it. This is a high pressure job with all of us on every decision. The old school thinking is you punt on 4th and 11. Imagine he went for it and didn't make it and OU goes down and scores a TD. He would catch so much shit even though it was 100% the correct decision. There would have been no way for us to know that OU would have scored the TD even if he punted. But to be a great coach, he needs to get past doing the "safe" thing for the optics for our fans. Especially when the "safe" thing when you really look at risk and reward is really the riskiest thing you can do. Giving OU the ball with over a minute on the clock is just a risk you don't want to take if you don't have to.


    I also remember saying to myself during the game that it would have been nice to have that int on OUs first drive as well.  It was a pretty lucky pic but you have to take advantage of those situations.  So don't grab a face mask and manage the clock better and you get 10 points. 11 if you count the missed PAT.

    Reminded me a lot of the 2008 Tech game clock management on our final touchdown.  Different but just not not mensa level clock management.

  12. 1 hour ago, burntorangebongos said:

    Why does he call himself a developer? He licenses his name to go on buildings developed by others. He doesn't need to put up money for that. WTF?

    Same reason he calls himself a billionaire -he is a fucking liar.

    • Haha 1
  13. 9 hours ago, lemonlime said:

    The sad part is that speech primarily makes me miss having a president who can talk I’m coherent and complete sentences 

    My thoughts on the oratory skills of recent POTUSs.:

    Nixon, Ford, Carter were all pretty much much paint by the numbers type of guys, got the job done with minimal gaffs and a few idiosyncrasies thrown in.

    Reagan: Best speaker in my lifetime.  Might have been full of shit on some things, but could do it all (caring grandpa, humor, hard ass, feel good story).

    Bush I:  Also a paint by the numbers guy who tried to get outside the box on occasion with no success, also not as good at number painting as group one. Perhaps judged a little harshly compared to Reagan.

    Clinton: good speaker, smart guy, but really overrated as a public speaker.  Benefited from contrast with Bush I.

    Bush II: Inherited his father's uneasiness with connecting to an audience, not good impromptu, butchered the language on occasion.

    Obama: Great speaker able to explain more complex subjects with understandable language , good impromptu skills, not as good as Reagan.

    Trump: Really wanders around whatever subject he is addressing, good at hitting the high points points and rallying cries, would be much better if he had better positions and stuck to the painting by the numbers, natural ability not the worst of the bunch, but final product easily the worst and when bad its really bad.

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