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Posts posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. 15 minutes ago, The People’s Elbow said:

    Just finished reading Fear and, if it’s true, appreciate Dowd was prescient vis a vis Trump testifying. It was always going to end in a lie of some kind. Dude seemed to get out at the right time. 

    Read it a few month's ago.  Not as scandalous as I was led to believe, but for sure some major dysfunction.

    Funny how many times times it was remarked in the book "this would normally work"  but,  "he's a fucking liar"

    • Like 1
  2. 45 minutes ago, cfpisrigged said:

    He was good at recruiting, but one of the worst game managers I've ever seen. Looking back on the list of candidates from that year there weren't a ton of good options. Only realistic one that would have been good was Franklin.

    ..and Franklin had that creepy vibe about him, but yeah, there were not a whole lot of known slam dunk hires at the time.

    Hard to really disagree with the decision at the time.  Look at Stoops, Tressel, and Carroll -not exactly can't miss hires before the fact either.

  3. 10 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    And his followers rising up to feel like they need to defend him since they were promised the swamp to be drained....but it will look like the swamp will try to drain Trump. Dangerous times ahead. 

    This was always going to be the scenario, whether it was the Mueller investigation, the primaries,  general election, or term limit years from now.  Not going quietly, no matter what.

  4. 1 minute ago, horncyclist said:

    Can we get off this stupid Texas versus California shit?

    Correct.  Not really the right topic heading for this discussion.

    But I have seen enough California "bashing" for it to warrant its own thread.  State rivalry aside, a separate topic would be a good place to get some of the facts out there, lest we repeat some of Cali's mistakes. I will also say Texas can only dream of having a heyday like California.

  5. 1 hour ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

    While we're talking about coincidences, there's the fact that Damon Nelson, the staff director of the House Intelligence Committee who helped gin up the Nunes Memo, died over the weekend "after a brief illness".

    I Russia, flu shots you.

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, UTexasFight said:


    Whoa, looks like the shoring for the concrete form work was still up on the east side..good times. I bet a few female ankles were seen on that day.  I wonder if Armybrat was checking students for booze.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    This story should be taken with an extremely high level of skepticism given the sourcing which isn’t from Mueller’s team as far as we know.  

    Lots of motivations from many parties to create the appearance Mueller is about to wrap things up.

    Yes, it is a pretty much meaningless tweet, considering the Mueller team started "writing" its report from day 1

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