Well, as of midnight my homeowners insurance expired. We set up a new policy a couple of years ago through Progressive who has some sort of deal with Farmers (I think. My wife, who I may or may not getting divorced from was in charge of this)
At any rate, we have a unique home in the "country" which while pretty low risk and fairly new 2007, really needs a good look at to insure. In fact, during the initial underwriting, I had to go dig up construction documents on our garden roof install, for example.
We have been trying for two years to get an actual inspection, but have not been able to get Farmers out there simply because they cant just drop by since our propert is gated and game fenced and they refuse to set up an actual appointment.
So I guess they labeled us a non cooperative and dropped us despite our protestations and recommended we get another carrier for everything.
I own a construction business and my agent hasn't been able to help much on the personal side over the years.
Im eligible for USAA. Any other suggestions? Thanks.