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Everything posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. Why are you the way that you are? Do you enjoy jinxing us? Are you a roofing contractor? What?
  2. ..with 150% humidity. Crazy Ivan to Tampa
  3. Turks and Cockos 7 inch beach Erection island Shlong sound Were you working for the Chub Group?
  4. FYI: A batting helmet is for your head, not your office. The best protection for your office is a good lock and an airtight insurance policy.
  5. I have not tried Texas Farm Bureau. Did not cross my mind. We are not on a ranch per se, just 6 acres in southwest Austin. The game fence was to keep the roaming pit bulls from our neighbor's dog fighting concern from mauling my family- years ago. Those guys are gone, but the fence remains. Wife does not want USAA for some reason. Anyone heard anything bad about them.
  6. Well, as of midnight my homeowners insurance expired. We set up a new policy a couple of years ago through Progressive who has some sort of deal with Farmers (I think. My wife, who I may or may not getting divorced from was in charge of this) At any rate, we have a unique home in the "country" which while pretty low risk and fairly new 2007, really needs a good look at to insure. In fact, during the initial underwriting, I had to go dig up construction documents on our garden roof install, for example. We have been trying for two years to get an actual inspection, but have not been able to get Farmers out there simply because they cant just drop by since our propert is gated and game fenced and they refuse to set up an actual appointment. So I guess they labeled us a non cooperative and dropped us despite our protestations and recommended we get another carrier for everything. I own a construction business and my agent hasn't been able to help much on the personal side over the years. Im eligible for USAA. Any other suggestions? Thanks.
  7. I'm having withdrawals. Aggy needs to hurry up hire that guy from DPU and get the misery flowing again.
  8. ...especially when you consider Surly is run out of Iamamac's mom's basement with a 1984 McIntosh and a dial up modem. I guess TXAgs need the computing power for all those threads.
  9. That magnificent bastard. Probably flipped a coin to see if was going to Snook or Dime Box.
  10. Finger on the pulse of aggy nation: Texted with an aggy friend last night. I wrote a lot. I got two texts back. The first one just said Finebaum. The second was thumbs up emoji or I guess it could have been a gig them. Still sore I guess.
  11. 1989 v. Wichita St. I thought the one game format lasted until 2002 when Texas beat SC.
  12. Always wanted to do something like that out west. In fact, I built my bike for that specific purpose. It's nice that it is fully supported so you dont have to cart a bunch of shit with you...which I also want to do.
  13. aggy bitching about coming so close that one time. Cry me a fucking river. 2nd places since I've been paying attention...and there are more. Those rubes have no idea what heartbreak is. 84, 85 , 89, 2004, 2009
  14. Gus had a couple of single digit loss teams that dod not close the deal. Those teams back then were stacked.
  15. Oh be quiet, you guys were lucky to be there and the college baseball gods owed us after 2004.
  16. Should have been in quotes. Good catch.
  17. The cringe goes farther back than that. Originally it seemed like schools that used the term were rarely a threat to actually ""use it" when referring to their own school's accomplishments. Back in the late 90's and early 2000's it was kind of frowned upon here and other longhorn boards. I guess the thinking back in the day was that a MNC or an NCAA championship was pretty hard to come by so when mentioned we spelled it out or gave it a proper abbreviation rather than just naming it after a marginal lite beer that gave you the trots. If I remember correctly, aggy was fond of it, so it was dismissed. The whole world of nomenclature and dynamic of NCAA sports has changed in the last few years so what do I know. Far be it from me to correct the guy that is hanging out in cemeteries to escort his new coach to safety and makes more in one year than I need for retirement.
  18. Looks like somebody has egg on their face...poached egg, that is. I'll see myself out
  19. ...and henceforth, from that day on, whenever an athletic director snuck into town to poach a coach and transfer them back to their own institution, it became known as "snookering". The school losing their coach will have been said to have been "snookered" or a victim of "the snook". In a sentence: The documents were all signed and the only loose end was completing "the snook". Also in a sentence: After "snookering" South Austin's mom, I had a cheeseburger.
  20. LOL at CDC taking an unmarked American sedan to Snook and hanging out at the cemetery. Probably got some shut eye or listened to a podcast. I bet he also had some flowers or a wreath to make the disguise complete.
  21. Are we going to have a separate press conference thread or will we end up using one of the 3 existing ones.
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