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Posts posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. 15 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Yeah, pretty much.  

    The timing just seemed so odd and you can tell they had been planning it out for a long time.  They may not have known how they were going to smear Mueller but it looked like they settled on a time to do it. 

    That plan did not seem like they had been been planning it out a long time. lulz

  2. 9 minutes ago, CHEF DIESEL said:

    Beto would not even carry Texas if running against Trump

    No. Not today.  But Trump will have plenty of opportunity to taint himself in Texas by 2020, or not.

    R's pretty much have rural Texas locked up.  Even more amazing than the sea of red outside of the metro areas and valley is the numbers that came in, in general, from those counties.

    60, 70, 80, 90 %  for Cruz. Not a lot of votes individually, but they add up to more than the margin of victory.  Definitely a firewall.

  3. 4 minutes ago, AtticusFinch said:

    Well, the dems favorite presidential candidate just said Fucking on national TV during an  speech.  The times have changed.  I mean, Beta probably meant to say you guys were  Fuckin A, totally rad dude but it doesnt matter.  "Presidential" doesnt mean what it used to.  Obama was presidential.  W was presidential, Clinton was a rapist bumpkin whose wife swore like a sailor so neither of them were presidential.   It sort of depends on upbringing 

    So you agree with my sarcastic assessment? 

  4. 2 minutes ago, hpslugga said:

    That's been evident since Tuesday November 8, 2016.

    This isn't a time for the Democrats to re-trot the same old Clintonites. Clintonism is fucking dead, and the D's recapture of the House was not a re-embrace of it. 

    Additionally, if Trump and Pence are implicated and are removed, the notion of a placeholder President Pelosi will not sit well.

  5. 1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

    They got whipped last night.

    At this point I am not willing to concede any side got whipped last night. I am not saying it didn't happen, but I would need to look at a lot of numbers in the aggregate and then look at any nuances in the individual races.

    For example, here in Texas the senate race is incredibly nuanced and each candidate this morning has a ledger of +'s and -'s  with numbers to back them up and what it means going forward.  In fact, I would wager that if reps from both sides got together in a room and the nature of their discourse was not disclosed to the public, I bet there would be 95% consensus on what the numbers mean, and any disagreements would be only by the thinnest of margins and not even necessarily about favor-ability to one side or the other.

    Keep in mind this is just about interpretation of numbers, not actual policy or strategy about what to do going forward.

  6. 24 minutes ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    Have plenty of friends that could care less about the election, pretty indifferent, but after the Kavanaugh spectacle got tired of basically being called the party of rapists and womanizers.

    The attacks pissed them off enough to basically do a "I'll show you" response.   I strongly feel Beto would have squeaked by without the Kavanaugh shit show.

    Frankly, I'm not seeing a reason for the self righteous indignation that you speak of.

    Ford gave credible and compelling testimony and was a sympathetic figure for all observers.  Despite the fact that there was minimal investigation, and that based on that BK had plausible deniability, I really could not fault  anyone for falling on either side of the fence for his nomination-again based solely on Ford's allegations.

    However, BK did not acquit himself well in his testimony and revealed some unsympathetic tendencies.

    I do not consider his proceedings to be any kind of witch hunt or overreach given the allegations considering the seriousness of the allegations and the fact that this was for a lifetime appointment to the SC. The whole thing ended up being a partisan shit show, but I just don't see how one on the winning side could be emotionally attached to the results.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    Hate to break it to you, but that stuff was going up before Obamacare. 

    Yes it was, at a steady rate that out paced inflation and wage growth.  However, ACA  has costs me and my family > $30,000 (3-4 years worth) in what premiums would have been had things been left alone and continued on the trajectory I mentioned. Some of that is due to living in Texas (ie R's fault) but this shit needs to get fixed and most of the blame as far as I am concerned lies with the D's for opening this can of worms when they did.

    BTW.  voted straight D with Beto with one or 2 Ls thrown in.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Bruh Man said:


    Do they mean ever cast a vote at all or ever casts a vote in Texas.  Big deal if just Texas, but not a big if Cali transplants voting for first time in Texas.

  9. 2 hours ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    Jews for Jesus/Messianic “Judaism” should be offensive to both real Christians and Jews. They are in no way real Jews and that asshole with Pence is in no way a real rabbi. Jews have every right to be offended by such bs. Also, as a Christian, I find what Messianic “Jews” try to pretend to be to be as theologically repugnant. St. Paul rebuked those in the early church for such bullshit.


    As a business major at UT, I had a mandatory writing component credit that I needed to get.  By the time adds and drops were almost done, I was desperate and lucked into one that opened up-Antisemitism in History and Literature.  Aside from being way out of my element, the class was full of ringers (Jews)/(Liberal Arts majors). My writing skills needed some work, and I struggled with the material, not having ever experienced Antisemitism first hand nor having had any Jewish friends growing up.  Hell, as a Catholic, I didn't really have any catholic friends.  But I digress.

    Toward the end of the semester, our prof(Jew) told this story about how he was accosted by one of the Jews for Jesus people and was handed a pamphlet, which he promptly wadded up in the presence of the Jesus Jew person to show his ire for the organization.  Being naive, I thought it was kind of a dick move, but sure enough, those guys are kind of weird.

    Even though I made a C in the class after working my ass off, I did become a much better writer and learned a hell of a lot more than the ringers in there.  One of my best classes at UT.

    It was a fall class and as the holiday season approached I even felt accepted enough to wish everyone and the professor a holiday greeting:

    Merry  Jewish!!!


  10. 8 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Donald Trump is not giving up power voluntarily. That's even dumber than your earlier Jeff Flake fandom.

    If his presidency gets neutered by Mueller, midterms, 2020 primaries, economy and he is ousted one way or the other, those that know him have said he will not go quietly, and even once he is gone he will sow his brand of hate around the country .

  11. 2 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    Hey can you blame him? Everyone knows that the only way to get elected in this state is to pretend to be a Mexican. Just look at who’s gotten elected in the past. That Robert O’Rourke is one smart dude. He should start wearing a sombrero around with a thick dark mustache to seal this deal. 

    Not enough.  He needs the Pancho Villa style bullets draped over the shoulders as well.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Why were the cops and EMS there?  Standard in case a minority tries to vote and has to be shot on sight?

    Not 100%  sure but looked like an old black guy, possibly homeless.  They were gone by the time I got back from the employee restroom. (about 5 min later).

    Line was culturally diverse with a lean towards older.

    If I had to guess using my Sherlock Holmes powers i would say, homeless guy was hanging out under the overhang to get out of the rain and was still high/drunk and a slight danger to himself and others. Nothing to see here. Its south Austin.

  13. 14 hours ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    Long line at Randall’s at manchac and Ben White, long day of work plus some rain made me decide to come back later

    Went there this morning. Had to use the men's room, but cops and ems had a guy in the restroom area common hallway on a stretcher.  They were not using the restrooms but still would not let me take care of business.  ended up using employee restroom.  Cop was pretty short with me. they could have easily blocked the common area hallway and not has any trouble.  Cops.  I guess I should be thankful I am still alive, but then again I am white and look like a construction guy so the odds were in my favor.

    Report from the field.


    Anyway, got in line and monitored my progress for 15-20 min and figured it would be 1:15 wait.  Plus guy in front of me smelled funny, so I left to try another time.

  14. 1 hour ago, phdhorn said:

    But first put the water in the refrigerator for 3 hours, then fill a pan half full of peanut oil.  When the oil is hot, throw the water in all at once.  It boils much better.

    my peanut oil is not boiling, should i put the plastic container in?

  15. 2 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Voted at the Randall's in West Lake Hills.  There were about 60 people ahead of me when I got in line at 8:00.  There were about 80 people in line when I left around 8:40.

    Suburban white women seem very eager to vote.


    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Stringer said:

    My wife woke up to that news and asked me to go grab some bottled water.  Annoying, but whatever.

    I get there and it is Thunderdome.  People are taking away 4-5 flats of bottled water with probably 32 bottles per.  Just complete assholery.  Do you really need that much water?  It's the stupid fucking gas run last year, all over again.  

    I grabbed the last flat, which was half busted open and a few large Evian singles.  We have multiple major cities within 3 hours of us.  I think we're going to have water.

    Yeah, we could, you know, boil it.

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