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Posts posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. 1967.  I always thought that was too early for gen X and way too late for boomer.


    I remember going to camp on the beach and driving from Austin in 1972.  Dad rigged up some kind of shanty on the back of his truck with 2 X 4s and a heavy duty tarp.  The end would flap in the highway wind.  I know because my brother and I rode in the back of the truck all the way to Port A.

    1976 I remember being dropped off at the Village 4 for a matinee and then sneaking off to go see other movies until mom picked us up. 

    1979 I remember sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night and ridding bikes all over the neighborhood.

    1970's I remember catching dozens of horny toads and then letting them go.  Before the fire ants showed up.

    I remember trick or treating without an adult, probably from about age 6.

    I remember following flood waters in the rains, through fences, across creeks, all the way to a rancher's pond that had overflowed and was sending catfish into the creek behind our house.

    I remember fishing by myself on a pier in Rockport before I even learned to tie my shoes.

    I remember fishing with my dad in Bayside on a cold winter's day and him giving me a shot of Jim Beam to help warm up this freezing 8 year old. i also remember going back over to his cooler and getting a few more, because I was cold. 

    I remember my parents confiscating my plastic pool so they could set it under a deer that they were skinning in our garage.


    When I was growing up, I noticed that things were different in real life than they were in school literature or film strips.  It always seemed that I was looking at some bygone era.  Same with educational buildings and thought process.  Everything was already made for the generation that preceded us, but times had changed. 

    • Like 2
  2. 1 minute ago, Brandywine said:

    No, he’s a coward. And a piece of shit who only cares about himself. He’s a user x 1,000,000. Still pisses me off that the Reps were on Obama’s ass for nothing compared to this rat meal. 

    As Woodward wrote in his book "Fear" , Trump has surrounded himself with what he described a "killers", looking out for self interest first with little cooperation to be had. 

    Also, an FYI, that book is not as unflattering as MSM has led you to believe.

  3. 4 hours ago, Buzzrock said:

    OK since we may be getting close, let’s have everyone’s definition of collusion and see who gets closest to Mueller’s findings. I’ll send the winner an autographed picture of Gavin McLeod.

    Searched Gavin McLeod and ended up on the Love Boat cast.

    Let's just say I know who is going to play the Role of Mitch McConnell in the eventual motion picture, made for tv movie and Broadway musical of the Trump Admin story:


    Bernie Kopell

    • Like 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, Longhornfan1024 said:

    Are he and Ted Cruz of the same species or do we have multiple species alien/lizard people invading our government?

    Even asking that question seems a little racist.

  5. For those in the know...

    I have a fishing trip planned for Matagorda next week.  Wed -Sat .  Plan on camping back in 3 mile cut.  

    Any idea what happens down there when we start releasing this much water?

    I went last year in early Nov, a few weeks after all the Harvey floods and slayed them.  It was just about perfect.

  6. 12 minutes ago, UTEX_ME said:

    No way. That would send 45,000 cfs downstream and flood Austin. 


    Graveyard point. Water in the bottom story (basically only the garage) 708/9 is main living area. 18" inside the upstairs Christmas flood


  7. The whole family is going to go see this.

    My 10 and 12 year old are competitive climbers and have been at it for about 5 years now and those little shits can do some amazing things.

    Saw the Dawn wall also here in Austin-good flick. Adam Ondra has also completed the dawn wall, solo in 8 days.

    if you want a quick video of some crazy Adam Ondra/Chris Sharma shit :


  8. A couple of CSBs:

    My guitar teacher also teaches at community college.  They had a registrant come in on the national "get off your ass and vote" day a few weeks ago.  He was astonished at how some of the college kids refused even to register with the excuse of the just didn't know shit about politics.

    I too was an apathetic voter, exercising my rights only a few times in the last 32 years of eligibility-and then only in school board elections.  Current admin has changed that for me.  But I wonder how much of my concern is just me becoming old and wanting to vote.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Yeah first ou game in a while where I felt they had holding and dpi called against them when it actually hurt them. 

    I thought the holding penalty on OU early on which I think nullified a a nice run by Murray and led to punt or int was a little suspect. However, I saw some others that were way worse, had an impact on the play, were on significant downs, and were not called.

    The PI call on CJs man was a good call but I have seen that not get called.

  10. 9 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

    Not the entire game, but every play in the game in about 40 minutes:



    Upon rewatch.

    Almost more nervous than live.

    So many critical plays that had to go our way.  Tight catches, weird Murray mistakes, 4th down success etc.  I realize there were also a few that didn't go  Texas' way.

    Reminded me of the 05 MNC game in that way, except Texas was pulling this stuff off the whole game minus a 5 min period in the 4th.

    Keep it going.  Lots of room for improvement.

  11. 45 minutes ago, Bruh Man said:

    Let's not judge her before we find out how much economic anxiety she's been suffering.

    You jest, but it is a real thing.

    Those that have made some poor life decisions want to cast blame and feel better about themselves. 

    It is not a wholly unsympathetic position. Because a lot of "these people" actually did not make any really poor life decisions like drugs, credit card debt, etc.  They are victims, for lack of a better word, of a changing world.  They simply failed to adapt or recognized that they needed to adapt. They failed to recognize or be aware that they were the beneficiary of a lot of dubious stuff when it comes to other "races".  Rather then let go and admit their responsibly or at least assign responsibility to the offending parties they pick on someone who can be defeated and who is vulnerable. I guess it is why reality tv is so popular.

    Most fail to see how much work civic responsibility takes and to take action upon the knowledge gained from rigorous examination of the facts.

    In this case we are looking at one end of the spectrum, which in most cases must be tolerated or put up with just as a matter of course. However, the dangerous thing is any empowerment of these thoughts that gain traction to become a larger movement...which they have.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Beautiful poem.


    After listening to Teddy Roosevelt’s voice, there’s no way in hell he would get elected today.  

    Here’s a sample:


    It’s insane how much media charisma is required to be successful in American politics. 

    He would have adapted just like all of those old Vaudeville guys when TV came along.

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