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Posts posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. 54 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Good lord.  The Saudis flew 4 of our commercial jetliners into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field which resulted in a "we are the world" bipartisan reaching across the aisle in newfound unity . . . that lasted about a month.

    There will never be unity in America.  Getting back to merely how fractured we were when I was born would be a giant leap forward, but that ain't happening either.

    I'm just glad to see the left is finally learning that they must fight dirty.  I suppose that won't last long, though.

    I am just mystified why things are so polar with the population. I'm pretty sure solutions to our problems can be had and that solutions could be agreed upon by about 80% of the population.  My only guess is that, in general, we are ignorant, and would rather feel better about ourselves than become educated and solve problems.

  2. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    That would be the most pages of any cooperation agreement so far. 

    Gates was 12 pages.  Flynn and Papadopoulos < 11 pages.

    Probably means nothing tho

    Gotta get the $/pg numbers down just in case Trump tweets about it.

  3. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Well over a year ago, I said the two people I’d want Mueller to flip:

    1. Paul Manafort 

    2. Jared Kushner


    It was mostly Jared and the kids that got Manafort on board and ousted Corey Lewindowski.  

    Jared also ran the digital arm of the campaign and traveled with Trump on the campaign trail.

    Jared was also in the Trump Tower meeting with Manafort and Jr.

    Jared has miraculously flowed under the radar throughout much of this mess while Don jr and Stone are seen as top targets.

    There’s also all the unresolved stuff regarding Jared’s finances.

    Jared, Jared, Jared

    The Galleria of Treason.  He went to Jared's.

    • Haha 1
  4. 40 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    This.  Sitting on the sidelines doesn't help, it hurts.  If you truly don't like what you're seeing in this country, then you need to go vote against it.  Until everyone on team Trump from President to dog catcher knows that playing footsie with Nazis, kidnapping children, cavorting with despots, etc., etc., isn't voter approved, then they'll keep doing it.

    Your vote matters.

    This.  And keep voting.  We have some fires to put out here in the USA, but after those are taken care of, we also have some real long term issues to solve that have been festering for decades.  We have no one to blame but ourselves.  Elected reps should not be rewarded for kicking the can down the road.  If they don't address things, get someone else.  i would also be willing to bet that the dialogue between parties and the citizenry in general would be more polite if there was a broad increase in civic awareness of the issues and corresponding action on that awareness rather than lazy knee jerk reactions to hot button items.  Understanding issues takes work and we would rather be fed the party line than do the hard work of understanding what the other side has to say and the nuances of the issue itself.

  5. 4 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Like not playing talented underclassmen until AFTER the annual loss to OU - only to see how well they could then finish off the rest of the season.  Mack would get so wound up on the sideline overthinking everything...he looked as miserable as a dog trying to pass a peach seed.  

    Yeah, like that, except with game film.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    Motherfucking this.  It’s one thing to admire a soldier’s bravery and selflessness in pursuit of some cause other than his own gain.  But how again is securing some town in Iraq necessary to protect my freedom?

    Whether securing a town in Iraq is necessary to protect my freedom is irrelevant to the soldier and should be to us a well when it concerns the consideration of the soldier's sacrifice and willingness to obey orders and do their job.  That is why combat engagement and war mongering should not be taken lightly.

    Otherwise, I agree with your point, and will make another.  We have been at war for so long that "supporting the troops" has become commonplace and taken for granted. Faux patriotism has taken the place of genuine concern and active participation in civic duty. Everyone is a hero now-combat troops, first responders, athletes, special needs kids and adults, moms and dads that just do their jobs, 5th place soccer teams at a city tournament, and on and on.  When everybody is a hero, nobody is a hero.


  7. With Mack there was a lot of competent football being played.  Even after a loss (excepting OU and Kstate), there was analysis that could be done, criticism of a tactical error here or there, a timeout not taken, a critical call here and there..football stuff that could be debated and discussed as nuance of the game.  Up until the last few years an analytical fan could really sink their teeth into game film and have some pretty good stuff to get them through the week until the next game.

  8. 46 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Totally agree. I'm convinced everyone working in the Trump administration is waiting for their moment to cash in on an eventual book deal. Just a bunch of money-hungry, morally bankrupt assholes.  Fuck them all. 



    They better hurry up.  There'a going to be a library's worth of book deals.

    Pic of suspected snitch:


  9. 13 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    No disrespect, but I'm ready for this story to pass into history. I grew up without wall to wall coverage of deaths, viewings, wakes, funerals and burials. From the day McCain's plane went down, he behaved heroically as a soldier of the US. He had some fine moments on the national stage and some not so fine. A good life.

    As with all of us, bury him and move on.

    Yeah.  Add this to the list of week long birthday and bachelor(ette) parties, endless "support the troops" shows, and Superbowl halftime as things that go on too long.  Enough already.

  10. 1 hour ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    In all seriousness, though. Assuming this nightmare ends soon and entities like the EPA and such can get back to doing what they do, what will the actual fallout be from all of these anti-regulation policies?

    Not sure on the policies, but it may take a very long time to replace the scores of competent and experienced EPAers who were either ought right fired or quit.  These were not just lackeys and  bureaucrats but long time experienced, trained, and cultivated environmental assets for the people and our well being.  The department has spent millions on them and they were just cast aside so dirty business could make and end run to profit. 


    13 minutes ago, Post Oak said:

    If I was the King of the EPA this would be my only regulation. 

    Is this is bad for the environment and/or humans fuck off.  Fuck your industry.  Figure it out.  

    Pretty much this.  Global warming aside, the reason the EPA was created was because corporate citizens could not be trusted to do the right thing.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Smells like more trickle down bullshit.  If you don’t have a shitload of assets in stock/real estate, you’re not going to see the benefits of this tax break.

    ...and lest we forget that capital gains taxation is already its own special wealth subsidy with a lower rate than income tax and almost unlimited deferment.

    ....which also ties in to some of the bullshit logic used for inheritance taxation....

    As a student in the PPA/MPA program at UT we were dutifully taught that inheritance/estate taxation was a form of double taxation since the residual assets of an estate had already been taxed and paid by the deceased, which is true when considering their original basis.  However, assets long held in an estate have appreciated and would at least need to be taxed as capital gains. As it is, there is a step up in basis such that when and if the inheritors liquidate estate assets they are doing so with the stepped up basis and the lower capital gains tax.

    This sound like a win for the average inheritor and it is, which is why there should be some threshold before taxation kicks in (like 10 million or so-consider the now debunked family farm line of reasoning).  Above that, current policy allows tax deferment and avoidance for the large estates.

    If I remember correctly, estate taxation came about as a tool to break up some of the large family businesses (think Dupont's ,Morgans, Rockefellers etc) for the public good.

    Rant over.

  12. 8 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Is he a power bottom? We had a thread on that once years ago....I forgot the definition supplied to us by posters in the know. 

    Remember Pastor Ted Haggard? A gay friend of mine told me he and his buddies all called him "Pastor Bookstore," because they knew his type from old-school gay porn shops. Before he was caught....

    I grew up Catholic and am not religious at all now but have a certain tribal loyalty to the breed, if none at all to the faith. That Pence rejected Catholicism to become an Evangelical is a mortal sin, even to this agnostic. You can leave the church to become a Jew, a Buddhist, a Lutheran, an Episcopalian, a Unitarian, or like me, just reject faith altogether, but CATHOLICS DO NOT BECOME EVANGELICALS. (Unless you are from Brazil or something...)

    True this.  I had a post up in another thread detailing some of my experience as a Catholic experiencing evangelical Catholicism, which is/was a real thing.  For someone wanting to go that route (evangelical) there is plenty of room for you in the Church.  Not sure what turned Pence off of Catholicism: Could be a lot of things .  I doubt it had anything to do with sex crimes stuff as he had converted before those came out, unless of course he was a victim himself. The Church does not, nor ever has, taken to literal interpretation of the bible, so that might be one thing.  The Church has also become/been very racially diverse on a worldwide basis as far as members go-it is also not unusual to see Catholic pastors of all races in the American church-and by all races I mean all (I have seen black, South American, Pacific Islander, Asian, Chinese, Mexican, all European, middle eastern and everything in between.) So if Pence has racist leanings, that might also account for some of his reasoning.  Might just be a political thing since he has apparently long held presidential aspirations.

    • Like 1
  13. 57 minutes ago, Horn Dog said:

    Roos also said of Pence: "He said that God told him he would be president.


    God:  MIKE, YOU WILL BE PRESIDENT  (of a frat, will rat out your brothers, and be a closeted gahy your whole life)

    Is there anything to this closeted gay guy stuff or is it just surly being surly?....asking for a friend.

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