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Posts posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. 3 minutes ago, Lagunamadre said:

    You mean Pence. 

    Good thing about Trump is he keeps us all engaged while he burns the Country to the ground. Pence would bore us all to sleep and we'd wake up one day in the Handmaid's Tale. 

    No. i don't mean Pence.  I believe he is also compromised at this point and carries his own set of unique baggage.  I'm thinking more of a Reagan/Dick Cheney combo-not as a ticket, but wrapped up in one individual-spooky.

  2. 8 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    I think they will disown Trump after he is gone.  There will be a D candidate that has moral failings or something and they will want to say they could never support such a (crook / philanderer / liar / whatever).  In order to do so, they'll have to convince themselves they never really supported Trump.

    Trump is not the one to fear long term.  One of these days we are going to get a Trump without the shady  past, with management skills, with a good eye for talent, and without the narcissistic buffoonery.  Look how hard it has been to compromise Trump even though most of all his shenanigans were out in the open, even a matter of public record long before the election.  Get somebody in there like him that knows what they are doing, and look out.  

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Junior Miller said:

    Anyone who wasn't a complete moron took one look at that tax bill and knew it was nothing more than corporate welfare. Unlike previous republican issued corporate welfare it wasn't even hidden. 

    No it was not.  Political rhetoric even mentioned taking care of donors.  WTF.

  4. 5 minutes ago, retread said:


    This is really the story of the last 30 years. It ties into everything.

    Deficits, wage stagnation, kleptocracy, eroding middle class, regressive taxation, environmental degradation....and last but not least, the moral reversal that the measure of a mans worth is now the size of his wallet rather than the content of his character.


    • Like 8
  5. 3 hours ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:

    What the fuck is Jack Nicklaus doing on f&f? Why would a global businessman wallow in that pig slop?

    I think Jack is a devout catholic, so abortion, Pence, and he is now old.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    He knowingly broke campaign finance laws in an effort to defraud the American public to win an election.

    And that's just one of the things he's done.

    He should be removed from office.

    I have a feeling once more stuff comes out we will be comparing this to tan suits.

  7. 15 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    This was something else, likely more nefarious because they intended to conceal and are still concealing to a degree.

    Checked in with Tea Pain angle on the data base replication. Trump server, Alpha Bank, Spectrum Health, Devos, Russians, this has it all and in its original packaging.  Interdasting.

    Articles build on each other so start with the one on  the bottom for sequential understanding.

    From June 2018



    From July 2017



    From April 2017



  8. 1 hour ago, longhornmatt said:


    Until something truly unspeakable comes out, like him actually murdering someone on Fifth Avenue, I’m pretty sure about 95% of the people who have remained his supporters up to this point would be willing to adopt that position.  They still have hope he can be their champion and win against the evil libs.   Only when they become convinced he’s lost will they abandon him, and then at that point they’ll turn on him like a dime.   But that might not happen until 2020.

    Politico had a really interesting article a few days ago comparing Trump and Joe McCarthy.  https://www.politico.com/magazine/amp/story/2018/08/19/trump-mcarthyism-joe-mccarthy-219373. They’re basically the same person, and Roy Cohn was even the confidant for both of them.   I think history will repeat itself.  Trump will eventually flame out and have to leave politics in disgrace.  He will have a not insubstantial amount of followers who fifty years from now will still say shit like, “He was right, you know!”, but to everyone else his name will become a perjorative, things will go back to normal and his movement will die until the next generational con man comes along.

    Don't underestimate this pull.

    For years, no matter what the republican party did that I spoke out against, no matter how vile I thought Limbaugh et al had become, no matter how infiltrated the party had become with creationists-in my presence you had better not have spoken ill of Ronald Reagan.  It has only been in the last three years that I have taken a "more tempered" stance on the Reagan administration.

    I was in 8th grade when Ronnie was elected and his administrations occurred during a formative period in my life in Texas.

    Reagan's first election was similar to Trumps in that there was a significant portion of the population, that right or wrong, felt marginalized.  In Reagan's case it was a bunch of middle of the roaders who were fed up with the perception of a declining American image that was highlighted by the vulnerability to gas prices, the hostage crisis, high inflation, high interest rates, stale social programs,  and a president in Carter who seemed wimpy.  Unlike Trumps election, it was a landslide and seemed like a no brainer.

    As I said, it was only in the last few years that I came to realize some of the extremely negative effects of Regain era policies.

    • Like 2
  9. 3 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    I don't understand the "Pocohontas" controversy. Did she falsely claim to be a native american or something a la Rachel Dolezel or is she like 1/18th native american like everyone else but tried to play it up and Donald Trump didn't take too kind to that? 

    Either way, Trump looks horrible for harping on calling her Pocohontas, don't get me wrong.

    The best article I read on this was from The Atlantic from back during her 2012 senate race, although she has made comments since and DJT has chimed in to draw attention.



    No DNA test and she does not plan to take one. Relatives to not a appear on the official registry compiled in 1803ish.  

    Her only known evidence of being Cherokee is from family stories and lore-says DNA test if negative would strip away her believed heritage(paraphrasing)

    Based on interviews and public records with various law schools where she has worked, no evidence exists that she profited from claiming to be native american.

    She did publish a recipe in a Cherokee cookbook. 

    Answer is more complicated than I am making it, but even with + DNA it would be difficult for her to join any Cherokee Nation officially. Ancestry if valid is on the 1/16 to 1/32 amount.

  10. 20 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    She wants to make too-big-to-fail never happen again.

    No corporate bailouts.

     She wants Wall Street criminals to go directly to jail. 

    She want to annihilate the four horsemen of the apocalypse known as Chase, Citi, Capital One, and Wells Fargo.

    Wall Street is no fan of Elizabeth Warren.

    But what about the everyday garden variety corporate socialism?...and what about Goldman Sachs?

  11. 20 minutes ago, DDD Dad said:

    If I'm on the jury I want to get the hell out of dodge.  So tonight.

    But I don't think staying until 6:15 really means much of anything.  Might just mean that they are in the middle of something and don't want to quit right at 5 or 5:30.


  12. 21 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Let’s speculate they finish.

    Do they issue verdict tonight or wait until the morning? 

    I say tonight.  If I am a rural juror, I want to GTFO.

  13. 29 minutes ago, RPM said:

    She specialized in bankruptcy and commercial law, was chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel, which was created to oversee the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). She later served as Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under Obama. She serves on the Senate Special Committee on Aging; the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee; and the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee.

    She's been after Wall Street greed since the meltdown and bailout.

    I know the bio stuff, thanks.  Was hoping for some inside scoop.

  14. On 8/19/2018 at 2:24 AM, Fudge Nuggets said:

    No idea why the press thinks it is so important to know who the jurors are.  We will know everything about each juror within a week after the verdict is read after the jury does it grand publicity tour on Good Morning America etc, while pimping their soon to be published books.


  15. On 8/18/2018 at 9:38 AM, bad_teammate said:

    Comrade Stalin is not a fan of Warren's proposal,

    Owing to pressure from below, the pressure of the masses, the bourgeoisie may sometimes concede certain partial reforms while remaining on the basis of the existing social-economic system. Acting in this way, it calculates that these concessions are necessary in order to preserve its class rule. This is the essence of reform. Revolution, however, means the transference of power from one class to another. That is why it is impossible to describe any reform as revolution.

    Chris Hedges mentioned something similar with his research on FDR's New Deal.  FDR sold the idea to his rich buddies with the pitch of "you better pay a little bit now or you are going to have a revolution on your hands and pay a lot more latter on."  FDR had a better argument with 25% unemployment, stronger unions, and socialist and communist parties with a pulse.

    Frankly, I think Warren needs to take a more tax policy oriented approach to equity to start. Prior to the last tax bill, I think the rates were fine +/-.  The problem is/was loopholes rules etc. that chip away at the effective rate of the wealthy and big corps while there are just as many doing the opposite to the middle class.

    There are even regulations that are not taxes but behave as such, like environmental deregulation which will put money in the pockets of the offenders in the short term and take money away from the public in the long term through clean up and lost common assets.

    One particular example is the case of Warren Buffet who in the sampled year had a net worth of $64 billion and paid taxes on ~$64 million. One the face of it it looks like he pays quite a bit in taxes but that is just a return of .01%, which is just ridiculous.

    However, there is quite a bit of ground to make up, so revolution might be the best course of action...and campaign finance reform/revolt.

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