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Posts posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. 12 hours ago, Slade said:

    Literally just finished watching it and holy shit indeed, Trump is probably the biggest conman in the history of the country. His whole life has been about maintaining this image of him being bigger than he actually is. 

    But wait there's more:


    The press, MSM had been very reluctant to put forth some of the more seedy stuff that Trump has done over the years.

    Take a look at the work of David Cay Johnson, an investigative reporter/author that first encountered trump back in the late 80's when his work drew him to Atlantic City to write about the emerging casino gaming industry.  Johnson has written at least two books on Trump and others that indirectly cover some of Trump's favorite issues, and he has tons of YouTube videos pimping his various books.  I'll post a book tour lecture and q & a session here but any search for "David Cay Johnson Trump" will yield results.

    Once you get past the crazy Trump stuff, go and look at his work on  taxation and policy.


  2. 25 minutes ago, Orca of Peace said:

    are cops paid overtime or something? I'd imagine any event would be their daily pay as if they were just patrolling their own hood.  I don't believe this wildass $92 million number whatsoever. Moving equipement shouldn't be all that expensive and airfare/hotel for a few thousand guys should not top $1000/soldier. Besides, they could just come from within 100 miles of the event anyway. The numbers are garbage. I'm going to have to see a detailed audit to believe it.  Don't blindly accept whatever the govt says, especially regarding dollars. 

    I think the DC city portion of the event was 20 million ish.  Military portion 50- mill.  23 million (other, pinash whatever).

    So if those amounts are tied to the correct entities, it looks like more of a military block than city.

  3. 29 minutes ago, Message Board User said:

    Anyone who says they can get through the first 30 seconds of this video without laughing is a baldfaced liar.


    Couldn't do it.

  4. 1 hour ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    One slight correction the stock market is artificially inflated at the moment due to the lower corporate tax and corporations are buying back stocks which props up their value. That's far and away not at all the same thing as a strong, robust, healthy economy or stock market.

    If you look at DJIA over the last year there have been some ups and downs but it really hasn't done anything. 25,000ish.  There was a presidential bump, a bump for the corporate tax cut (present value of future tax flows) and a continuation of a bull market that started after 2008-which is fine but lets not act like this is the end all be all either as you pointed out.

    Also, pointed out that the 2008 and beyond market was also a bit of a smoke screen considering that after a down market stocks must go up. 

  5. 28 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    Got about 25 NFL HOF's to sign a football at Michael Irvin's induction ceremony afterparty.  When I went up to get Mean Joe Green's signature, he obliged.  Then he smeared the marker from his fresh sig and ruined he and Bob Lilly's signatures beyond recognition, and thus ruined the whole ball.  It still sits in a case at my house (would never sell it anyway) but it pisses me off to no end every time I look at it.  

    Mean Joe Green is mean.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Fozzz said:

    lmao.  Did you know Germany is communist?



    Warren would be my choice at the top of the ticket, given my present knowledge and feelings.

    She offers the best prospects(although not great) for addressing health care, campaign reform, fair taxation, and the environment and is the complete opposite of what we have now.

    I saw an interview she did with Seth Meyer and was disturbed by how she dodged his question regarding democrats also being beholden to Wall Street/ Goldman Sachs by simply pointing out Trumps admin corruption with such. Granted Seth Meyer is not "Face the Nation", but this shit is not going to change until we get some politicians that actually work for us. But right now we need to stop the bleeding.

  7. 53 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Have we ever had a president with Italian heritage?  I mean, I know there's no 100% or even 50% Italian presidents.  But anybody have like a quarter in 'em?  

    The Vatican has used up the world's Italian quota on the popes.

  8. 22 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    If revoking security clearances is gloating on twitter is how he's lashing out, damn, he's feeling mighty impotent.  There's nothing alpha male about any of that stuff.

    Chris Hedges has written extensively on the symptoms of dying empires which America is going through and are exemplified by our DOTUS. 

  9. 18 hours ago, David Dennison said:

    For someone who spent a great deal of time in Catholic school, evangelical Catholic just sounds funny to me. 

    Believe it or not there is such a thing.

    Now it is not the garden variety literal interpretation of the bible, prosperity gospel, evolution hating, end of times type of evangelical but they are "fundamental" in their beliefs and behave much like  their protestant brethren when it comes to belief in miracles and daily duty to god.

    I went to Catholic school back in the 70's and, of course, my education was not the slightest bit "evangelical".  However, there was a not insignificant movement in our large church that was part of what came to be know as the Catholic charismatic movement which dealt with being very open about your Christianity and delved in laying on of hands for healing, prayer for healing, and being baptized in the Holy Spirit (Catholics never use the term "holy ghost") .  They were staunchly anti gay and anti abortion.   Interestingly enough, like most Catholics, even the evangelicals did not really go in for much literal biblical interpretation, unless it dealt with very small daily acts that are, biblicaly speaking, not really controversial on any level. 

    From a political standpoint they were necessarily republican, a fact that I was intrigued by given that just about every other catholic demographic (think Mexican, Irish, Italian etc.) voted democrat at that time.

    My family's interest in the movement fizzled out in the mid 80's, not really out of disillusionment, but  more because my brother and I got older and more independent and my parents had shit to do.  Back on the shag, I wrote at length about some of my religious experiences which were on the whole very positive but as I look back on them, ended up holding me back from a lot of critically thinking that I should have been doing at that stage of my life.

    If I am being honest with myself, I would describe my 16-25 year old former self as somewhat racist, homophobic, war mongering, close minded, staunchly republican, anti government, and profit centered.  It was hard to shed the absolutism of those beliefs and I am sure some still linger deep down in places that I that I have not cleared out-which is kind of the problem that we have with evangelical fundamentalist-its hard to undo because it is belief based and not fact based.

    TLDR: There are evangelical Catholics, I was one, I made some mistakes, sorry.

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