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Posts posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. 50 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    He showed up, literally apologized for America, had a secret meeting with Putin, then got on stage with Putin and blew him, and then left. God dam fucking press!

    George Orwell wrote in 1984: “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

    • Like 3
  2. I have recently been cruising YouTube and looking at the speaking engagements of David Cay Johnston, a very credible journalist that has been covering Trump since 1988.

    His most recent engagements have been on his book tour promoting his most recent work: "It's Worse Than You Think".  His speeches bring up a variety of topics but relevant to this thread, he goes through some scenarios with Mueller's investigation and midterm elections...and as his book title suggest, none of them are good.  Definitely worth a look for discussion in this thread.

    Mr. Johnston has also written recently a bio on Trump (published 2016) and there are lectures given on that book tour as well. In addition, he has written extensively on tax reform, influence peddling, and wealth concentration. Again, all very enlightening and well researched topics.

    His overall plea in his most recent book is to pay less attention to the tweets and "palace intrigue" and look at what is going on from a policy standpoint, and if you are thoroughly disgusted, go vote, become involved, and get a congress elected that will work for you.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Lagunamadre said:

    He will come out tomorrow, read off a script, and say he meant to say "Russia was YES longer interfering in US elections, you see when I said no, I meant yes. And while we are on the topic, what I meant to say is they DON'T let you grab them by the pussy. Good, all cleared up, great." 


  4. 24 minutes ago, Tuco said:

    You can argue that it's not her fault she was a terrible candidate.  But, at the end of the day, she lost to Donald Trump.  I think some of that was not her fault.  I think some of it was. 

    At the end of the day (ducks) it was our fault. Even those of us who voted, for not being involved in understanding public policy and carefully selecting those who work for us.

    Had Hillary won, we would still have the same vulnerable system run by the same people selling us out to the highest bidder just waiting for someone just as evil as Trump but more competent. The damage Trump's admin is doing will take possibly decades to undo, but it has exposed itself and hopefully will result in a renewal of civic duty and participation.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Yes, but that is part of the problem.  We need to change the way we think of education as a society.  There are plenty of jobs that don't actually require a university education but will only hire (or will prioritize) college graduates because there's so many of them, and why would you choose a high school graduate over a college grad, all things being equal.   It has become a self-fulfilling thing where you need college to be successful because people have decided that you need college to be successful.   There needs to be a broad societal change on this.  

    Agree, Higher education is a long game and also requires the right mix of those not pursuing a university education.

    At one point not  too long ago a public university education was basically "free" and could be again.  But was it really.  The student would forgo 4 years of full time wage earnings to pursue a degree compared to their counterpart who would have begun their career and not only had the wages to show for it (and taxation thereon) but also advancement and on the job education in their chosen field.  Upon graduating from the university a grad would advance up the career ladder  at a more advanced pace than their trade counterpart  spinning off cumulative higher wages upon which higher taxes were drawn ultimately resulting in more than paying for the costs of the university education along with providing society with a more educated workforce.

    This scenario requires two really important things: Relative scarcity of those pursuing a university education and quality jobs for those who chose not to pursue a university education.

    Also, when discussing "costs" of higher education (or anything for that  matter), especially when large governmental bodies are concerned, one needs to take a really broad and long term view in order to fully evaluate all costs. So in my example I will lists some (not all) +/- with respect to costs of freely educating a university student:

    Direct costs to actually provide University ed: minus

    Lost taxation of full time wages during education period: minus

    Lost worker productivity during education period (ie the underutilized cost of their HS education): minus

    The above costs would be paid for with the taxation of higher wages, the overall betterment of having educated populace, and increased worker productivity at all pay grades through continuing research and advancement.


    What this has to do with Donald Trump 2018, I have no idea.

  6. 8 minutes ago, RandomIdoit said:

    I knew he was a narcissist and an asshole, but I thought he was an American first. 


    There are tons of documentaries, interviews, YouTube compilations on the the history of all things Trump.  Even the ones that are obvious Trump propaganda are not very flattering.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Tuco said:

    The FoxNews (website) coverage is fascinating.  It straddles more deftly than a young Stormy Daniels.

    Main Headline: "Wild Finnish: Helsinki summit stuns world as Putin invites Mueller to Moscow, Trump blasts 'disaster' probe"  - It's a strong statement, but at the same time neutral.  And it misses what is "stunning" about the press conference.  The first line: " President Trump and Vladimir Putin both dubbed their highly anticipated summit Monday a success, though allegations of Russian meddling...quickly took center stage at a joint press conference."   1. Establish the meeting as a success, 2. Establish the investigation as a distraction to that success. 

    Other stories under the main:

    “RECAP: Putin admits he wanted Trump to beat Hillary; both agree there was no collusion.”  This is basically a collection of tweets, as far as I can see.

    “Media slams Trump following Putin summit: “One of the most disgraceful performances by an American President.”  Then quotes Cooper (CNN), Baldwin (CNN), but, to their credit, eventually includes criticism by Brit Hume (FoxN), Trish Regan (FoxB), Neil Cavuto (FoxN), and Ben Shapiro. 

    “Terror Expert Compares Reaction to Trump’s Russia Efforts to Obama’s: ‘It’s glaring Hypocrisy.”  This criticism was from US Army Special Forces Jim Hanson which referred exclusively to Obama’s hot mic moment of saying he’d be in better position to negotiate after the 2012 election. 

    “ ’Absolutely Unbelievable’:Dem Strategist Blast Trump for Believing Putin Over US Intelligence”.  It doesn’t actually quote her on anything (there is a video that I assume does), but does discuss what she is reacting to (the President taking Putin’s word.)

    Just reading the headlines, it make it seem like FoxNews is siding with President, and blaming the media and Democrats for overreacting.  But the article themselves hedge that position, and include actual criticism from conservative sources.



    I listen to KLBJ AM for the afternoon drive to catch Jeff Ward and Ed , just because NPR starts to repeat themselves by then.


    ....anyway I went to work this morning and did not have my radio on but turned it on when I went to lunch and it was still on 590 from Friday.  Caught the tale end of Rush and some locals after that.  Man that was some grade A bullshit.  I get that the local hosts have their talking points, but the callers are pretty scary.  I guess I'm used to Jeff and Ed shutting down any nuttiness, but not these guys.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    "On or about August 15, 2016, the Conspirators, posing as Guccifer 2.0, received a request for stolen documents from a candidate for the U.S. Congress.   The Conspirators responded using the Guccifer 2.0 persona and sent the candidate stolen documents related to the candidate's opponent."

    Seems important.

  9. 27 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Peter Strozk’s texts indicate he is a great detective.  He was on to Trump’s incompetence way before most of the American people.

    It's not like you have to be a great detective to uncover Trumps' incompetence.


  10. Just now, TwiceHorn said:

    Check this shit.  A place all of these were posted, masquerading as a CNN site.  http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-760536


    And happy birthday, old man (I'm right behind ya).

    I saw that...and I turned 51 in January.

    Here are a couple of clean links with actual debunking/editorializing going on, which of course, cite snopes etc.



  11. I received the email posted below from a fishing buddy of mine.  He is in his early 70's, a Vietnam vet, voted for Trump etc.

    He is in the habit of forwarding these types of emails every few months.  We are all aware of the olds propensity to forward urban legend type email chains of all stripes, and while my friend is not as bad as some of my relatives, I feel like I should respond but I don't really want to do the research or end up being a dick about it.

    So I am starting this thread for the surly time wasters to posts their own encounters and provide their debunking evidence-try to keep it in the political arena to remain relevant to the board.

    The email below is obviously of the right wing variety but I am sure just as many are out there from the left-I guess.

    As for the below email-without doing any research whatsoever, I am willing to bet most if not all of these stories are completely false and never happened and even if they did, some of the responses seem pretty stupid and kind of ass hole-ish.  This particular email made me think of the aggy "good sport" nonsense that spews forth on the regular.

    So take break from the intense political scene and enjoy the low hanging fruit. Because facts matter.

    These are good


    Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, was in France in the early 60's when 

    DeGaulle decided to pull out of NATO. DeGaulle said he wanted all US 

    military out of France as soon as possible. 

    Rusk responded,
    "Does that include those who are buried here?" 


    did not respond.

    could have heard a pin drop.

    When in England ,
    at a fairly large conference, Colin Powell was asked by the 

    Archbishop of Canterbury if our plans for Iraq were just an example of 

    'empire building' by George Bush.. 

    He answered by saying,
    "Over the years, the United States has sent many of 

    its fine young men and women into great peril to fight for freedom 

    beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for 

    in return is enough to bury those that did not 


    could have heard a pin drop.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

    There was a conference in France
    where a number of international engineers 

    were taking part, including French and American. During a break, 

    one of the French engineers came back into the room saying, "Have you 

    heard the latest dumb stunt Bush has done? He has sent an aircraft 

    carrier to Indonesia to help the tsunami victims. What does he 

    intend to do, bomb them?" 

    A Boeing engineer
    stood up and replied quietly: "Our carriers have three 

    hospitals on board that can treat several hundred people; they are 

    nuclear powered and can supply emergency electrical power to 

    shore facilities; they have three cafeterias with the capacity to 

    feed 3,000 people three meals a day, they can produce several thousand 

    gallons of fresh water from sea water each day, and they carry half a 

    dozen helicopters for use in transporting victims and injured to and 

    from their flight deck. We have eleven such ships;
    how many does France have?"

    could have heard a pin drop.

    A U.S. Navy Admiral
    was attending a naval conference that included 

    Admirals from the U.S., English, Canadian, Australian and French 

    Navies At a cocktail reception, he found himself standing with a large 

    group of officers that included personnel from most of those countries. 

    Everyone was chatting away in English as they sipped their drinks but a 

    French admiral suddenly complained that, whereas Europeans learn many 

    languages, Americans learn only English. He then asked, "Why is it that 

    we always have to speak English in these conferences rather than 

    speaking French?" 

    Without hesitating,
    the American Admiral replied, "Maybe it's because the 

    Brit's, Canadians, Aussie's and Americans arranged it so you wouldn't 

    have to speak German."

    could have heard a pin drop.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~



    Robert Whiting,
    an elderly gentleman of 83, arrived in Paris by plane.
    At French Customs, he took a few minutes to locate his passport
    in his carry on. 


    have been to France before, monsieur?" the customs officer asked 


    Mr. Whiting
    admitted that he had been to France 



    you should know enough to have your passport ready." 

    The American said,
    "The last time I was here, I didn't have to show it." 


    Americans always have to show their passports on arrival in France !" 

    The American senior
    gave the Frenchman a long hard look. Then he 

    quietly explained, ''Well, when I came ashore at Omaha Beach on D-Day in 

    1944 to help liberate this country, I couldn't find a single Frenchmen 

    to show a passport to." 


    could have heard a pin drop.

    you are proud to be an American, pass this on! If not, delete it.
    I am proud to be of this land, AMERICA
  12. 1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

    What does "advanced" even mean? What determines the "highest" point of civilization?

    Is it this moment?


    I don't mean that to be snarkily political, but take a few steps back from it, analyze the characters involved in a larger historical context, and contrast the supposed social holiness and wonder of the grand institutions involved with those characters.

    And then try to argue something about the highest, most advanced civilization with a straight face.

    Obviously a Harry Potter Fan:


    • Haha 1
  13. 23 minutes ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

    Same here.  I was a daily Rush listener back in the day.  I believed he was truthful in all things.  And he was sometimes pretty fucking funny.  One day he said that nature had already repaired all the damage that was caused by the eruption of Mt. St. Helens as an argument that we can do our worst and nature will repair itself faster than we can destroy it.  Having never been to Washington, I believed him.  My dad went a couple years later to Washington on vacation, and visited Mt. St. Helens.  He told me the actual truth, that there are whole areas around that volcano that were still desolate (this was likely late 90's). I often wonder what would have happened if I'd have missed the day that Rush said what he said, or had my dad not visited.  Would I have kept listening long enough to turn into a Republican automaton incapable of questioning the reality I'm told to believe in, despite my lying eyes? 

    Flew over it on the way out of Seattle in 2013.  I had no idea we would be flying near it.  I recognized it instantly from all the photos I had seen in a 19802 National Geographic.  Not even close to being back where it was. It was also a rather small eruption as far as those things go.

  14. 3 hours ago, tantric superman said:

    Dang, the ignore function on this board is pretty good.  Johnny Sack went from being to once in a blue moon bright to incredible tiresome asshole, and now he is gone forever I think. 

    I have been thinking the same thing.

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