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Everything posted by NastyDreams

  1. NastyDreams


    Anything golf: ___________ pasture pool. Cameltoes: Cow stepped in mud Poor: We'uz so poor daddy used to make all us boys stand on the porch and jack off to feed the dogs ....... then we had to jack the dogs off to feed the cats.
  2. Your pompous suggestion is weighed against the fact he was just fired.
  3. There is always tinkling.
  4. When I'm sitting in a MSG coated stove vent Chinese Hut. Is the incessant tinkling of music over my head top 40's in China?
  5. Is there any confessing in your religion?
  6. You sound like a homo desperate for rep
  7. I just read a post on another site where some chick was asking, 'if they are gonna pose pone the game.
  8. A cordin how far your hed hangin off da bed.
  9. Merry Christmas
  10. Such bad business. People pay to come watch games. Such good business. People don't pay to watch shitdrizzle.
  11. Zygote Failures
  12. Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent. - AR
  13. I must. Recent discussion with my GF, Me: You sure buy a lot of tissues Her: You don't? Me: Never have
  15. NastyDreams

    Summer Tunes

  16. Some of these need to be more pacific.
  17. I have often felt on long road trips the symbiosis with another traveler. No admiration, just our innate desire to dance.
  18. It's so hot a frog come up on the front porch and got a drink out of my iced tea.
  19. Struggling; like a possom trying to pass a peach pit Golf; pasture pool When I finish with her it'll look like a cow stepped in a mudhole
  20. Nasty Dreams is playing at the Stinky Beaver.
  21. Mark one off the list: Never been Coon Huntin Never drove an 18 Wheeler Never watched an NBA basketball game all the way through Never listened to a rap song on purpose That shit was lit!
  22. biology: a woman pee's through a urethra, not her vageyenie
  23. The GF said when I called her, yep "in the last 5 minutes"
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