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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goofyboy

  1. The last thing any of us should want is Biden stepping down. WE are not the ones that will have any influence over who would be picked to be the candidate and we all know the $$$$$ will fuck this up. If Harris isn’t anointed, we lose a massive amount of the black vote and that is a damn big risk to take. Couple that with the guaranteed litigation from the GOP, along with the bought courts and that’s it - Dictator Trump is in.
  2. As many have said - 4 months is a life time in politics. This keeps as revenue going and clicks happening - which makes more money.
  3. Gen Z seems to give a shit. They are the generation that got to live through being shot at in schools and lock down drills and it’s only gotten worse. A lot of them are or have been voting age for a bit and should show up this time. Maybe.
  4. To be fair - one or both could die before November. A bad case of COVID could easily take Trump out. These guys are OLD. 4 months is a loooong time and a ton of stress.
  5. He has a vision - but it’s BORING and boring doesn’t sell. It keeps the country and global economy going, but it’s not sexy and does not get the attention as well as “fight, fight , fight.”
  6. Biden is not dropping out per Jennifer Dylan (campaign chairwoman). She was on morning Joe this morning. I don’t think he can drop out due to the GOP and their ownership of the courts.
  7. I’m seeing that the GOP is planning lawsuits in swing states if Biden steps down. What can they sue over? The democrat nominee hasn’t been picked.
  8. Minimally impacted until he does some insane shit like impose massive tariffs on all goods. To assume that a Trump presidency isn’t going to be anything other than a giant disaster is foolish.
  9. If Harris is stepped over, we lose. Either keep Biden or hand it to Harris. Personally - I think we lose with anyone other than Biden.
  10. This is what I’ve been saying. There are anti-Trump voters that have come out willing to vote Biden. I think Harris makes those same people stay home.
  11. Spend money on your contact point items - bib, seat, shoes, gloves. Long rides hurt if your gear is not comfy.
  12. Biden could lose, resign and hand Harris 3 months to overturn an election. The GOP would do it. Nothing is stopping her from doing it - especially with her having immunity. If we are gonna watch this fucker burn, at least make it interesting.
  13. Hang tight - if Biden resigns, Harris moves up - who controls the Senate?
  14. Based on the COVID thread on this site, this round is not exactly easy going. This really might cause him to step down.
  15. The other half of Harris running is who would she pick for VP. Too many democrats want Pete as VP. That’s a dead end ticket - again because we aren’t that progressive as a society. Has a VP been discussed?
  16. Have you guys forgotten where we live? A black woman is not getting elected. This country is deeply racist and misogynistic. White, male democrats that aren’t a Biden lock will stay home. OR is my perception skewed because I work in Houston, in a mostly white, male industry?
  17. There is four long months until the election. We haven’t made it through disaster season on the east coast / Gulf coast. The 24 hours news cycle has to have news for ads and clicks. Good news does not produce clicks.
  18. I thought They had to nominate him early due to Michigan. Also - Gen Z, who’s in their 20’s now, does not respond to polls and they are tired of the GOP. They might save our asses yet.
  19. Any opinions on indoor trainers? I’m look at the Wahoo KickR Core. Thoughts?
  20. A lot of people in my neighborhood have that type of setup. The biggest thing you’re missing out on is power outages from a bad thunderstorm. I’m out on the west side (99 and Mason) and our power blips every heavy thunderstorm. My whole house automatically starts up and I’m down for no more than 30 seconds. Since I work from home - it’s nice to be able to just keep going without any extra work on my part.
  21. I guess now is as good a time as any to remind everyone that according to SCOTUS, the police do not have to serve and protect. Thats just marketing. The police (local, not SS) are not responsible for protecting anyone.
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