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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goofyboy

  1. Make sure you get your A1C checked. I found out I’m pre-diabetic and that really fucks with how easily you can become dehydrated. If I’m not very careful, I get a hangover off of one drink. I - like you - hardly drink anymore.
  2. We bought a new fridge. Ours was going on 12 years, so it was about time.
  3. 20oz Diet Cokes. They are $3 now. It’s the one thing I’ve really watched go up in price over the last 8 years.
  4. Thank you for the links. One suggestion was limit caffeine. If my wife limits caffeine, she will burn down her warehouses. She tolerates coffee during the week. She lives for her espresso on the weekends. Anyone have any good info on HRT and breast cancer? My wife had breast cancer a year ago. She’s 100% clear and had testing done. Everything I’ve read basically comes down to don’t do it OR we were wrong about risks and they are minimal.
  5. I’d also be interested in this. Wife is in peri-menopause.
  6. I pay the $15 plus tip for them to bring it to my house. I refuse to be around the unwashed masses anymore.
  7. Who owns NBC? Their license isn’t going anywhere.
  8. My father is 93. He still walks as much as he can. He used to get 2 to 3 miles a day all through his retirement years. Also, don’t over eat. Between those two things, he’s in pretty good health.
  9. You’re assuming the military folks aren’t laughing at that list. They aren’t exactly without power.
  10. He said in the interview after the fight he had bills to pay.
  11. The military not being beholden to the President might actually come to a head. Leaders of the military might stand up to Trump at some point. They swear their oath to the constitution. Start bullshit treason stuff against military folks and that might not go well. This is going to be a shit show.
  12. Lockheed Martin apparently has the bodies.
  13. Watching some replays of the Tyson exhibition. Mike had MULTIPLE opportunities to hit Paul. There were some glaring points where he just didn’t pull the trigger. I really don’t think he was allowed to actually hit Paul. He got his paycheck.
  14. You stated that the working class have housing prices running away from them. This is yet another example of them fighting against their own interests. There are democrats that say housing is a right and want to dismantle large conglomerates from owning massive amounts of rentals OR just empty houses. Float this past a group of working class or middle class folks and it’s turned into the government won’t let people invest in real estate. How do you suggest the democrat party attract those people? I don’t think it’s possible.
  15. Considering he thrives off of the attention, this might not be a bad idea.
  16. How do you properly have class politics when a massive group of poor people fight tooth and nail for billionaires and multi millionaires to hoard more and more wealth?
  17. It looked like Mike would stop before he really got going. Also, Paul was running away as fast as he could. Mike was still fast (hands) and hard to hit at 58. Paul is a joke of a boxer (as far as professional/ semiprofessional) boxing goes.
  18. WTF? This timeline is so confusing.
  19. Might need to wear blublockers nexts time.
  20. Paul ran away the whole time. Tyson didn’t have the legs to chase him. Paul sucks.
  21. This is a new one.
  22. Netflix just asked a round of questions to see if my router might be the issue. Fuck Netflix. This is awful.
  23. I am behind and I get 30’seconds and then it freezes. Exit, come back and 30 more seconds
  24. My Netflix is freezing. On a fire stick
  25. Where can one bet on this fight for fun? I know I’m in “freedom” loving Texas that doesn’t allow gambling, but was hoping for a way around it.
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