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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goofyboy

  1. Fetus isn’t a person then.
  2. Yes, you are. You support dead people having more bodily autonomy than living women. A woman has to die to have a say over what happens to her body. Abortion doesn’t actually affect you at all. It just feels bad to you and you want it gone. Why the fuck can’t people like you mind your own damn business?
  3. The one next to River Oaks?? Ok. Sure.
  4. When’s a good time to short BestBuy? Jan 19th?
  5. That makes the tariffs hit 35% for Chinese goods. All of your construction / ag costs are going up again. All machine parts that go on those John Deere (and others, including CAT) machines just went up an additional 10% plus fees.
  6. Is it as fun as it looks??
  7. Apparently the cost of Thanksgiving Dinner is lower than it has been and if adjusted for inflation the lowest it’s been in decades. I was told groceries cost too much.
  8. Sainz had three races left with Ferrari. If I’m him, I’m going for the best for me. It’s obvious the team still can’t plan a race, so why bother playing fair.
  9. I saw a click bait that said Perez wants $20M to go away.
  10. Looking forward to the crazy this year.
  11. I’m sitting at a 5.7 A1C, so I guess I’ll be following along this thread as well.
  12. Wait - are you bald or short? Gotta check all the TV boxes.
  13. We need a straight, white, male, AOC. Instead of chasing an ever moving middle, go left. Run on Universal health and tax cuts for everyone under $400k etc etc.
  14. Same. I was living broke from 22 - 23 or so. Parents had to cover my rent for me for a few months. It was enough that I learned how to budget and live way below my means. this was 2002 - 2003ish. I don’t know if living below your means is even realistic for many people anymore.
  15. I started Googling after I was extremely hung over one Monday. The day before, I had donuts and kolaches from Shipley’s for breakfast and then went and drove a skid steer in the heat for 4 hours. I was drinking water and Gatoraid (more sugar) while working. I thought I was fine. I had TWO drinks with dinner that night and was massively sick from 1am or so till damn near 2pm Monday. The sugar spike, the heat and poor hydration threw my entire system off and then I tossed gas on the fire with booze. I now limit to a glass of good wine here and there and water before and after.
  16. Make sure you get your A1C checked. I found out I’m pre-diabetic and that really fucks with how easily you can become dehydrated. If I’m not very careful, I get a hangover off of one drink. I - like you - hardly drink anymore.
  17. We bought a new fridge. Ours was going on 12 years, so it was about time.
  18. 20oz Diet Cokes. They are $3 now. It’s the one thing I’ve really watched go up in price over the last 8 years.
  19. Thank you for the links. One suggestion was limit caffeine. If my wife limits caffeine, she will burn down her warehouses. She tolerates coffee during the week. She lives for her espresso on the weekends. Anyone have any good info on HRT and breast cancer? My wife had breast cancer a year ago. She’s 100% clear and had testing done. Everything I’ve read basically comes down to don’t do it OR we were wrong about risks and they are minimal.
  20. I’d also be interested in this. Wife is in peri-menopause.
  21. I pay the $15 plus tip for them to bring it to my house. I refuse to be around the unwashed masses anymore.
  22. Who owns NBC? Their license isn’t going anywhere.
  23. My father is 93. He still walks as much as he can. He used to get 2 to 3 miles a day all through his retirement years. Also, don’t over eat. Between those two things, he’s in pretty good health.
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