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Everything posted by next2naus

  1. nice, boring, security infra is usually good.
  2. I'm living the TPS Reports scenario. Company got acquired, happy to be out from under the PE overlords and into a larger public company. While its fun to be an overlay....its also like having 8 managers telling me we are using cover sheets now did I mention I'm on my 4th Sales VP in three years? 4th CEO, new Public company one isn't going anywhere which is kinda nice except for he and the COO think our BU can now contribute 25% of the companies total revenue and implemented a TAM model where I cover all of NY from Metro NYC versus covering NYC/Norther NJ, Philly, the typical model that everyone else in the whole tech world has used forever.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coney_Island_Hot_Dog_Stand
  4. Sydney" Agree, but its a family event so the apes are coming to H-town. all good ideas, thx
  5. Trudy's was a drinking option for dinner and a decent hung over meal choice.
  6. currently staying in Museum dist
  7. Boy and Girl (twins)....give me some fun shit to do and kid friendly dining. I go to any trip sight and find museums and that ilk, looking for better stuff. whatchya got?
  8. Do we think that the Horns get the Visitor bench? I'm hoping so as I'm in the first row section 13 right by it. It'll be my kids first Longhorns sporting event.
  9. try sifting the flour
  10. legs and eggs
  11. my dad was born in rural Wisconsin back in '36. All bias aside, then man could cook circles around everyone of you and your families. I shit you not. He learned what tasted like shit from the Navy but it also helped him find was was amazing and different from his travels in that Submarine. He spent time in SEA with the Ford Foundation in the 60's and his "work" kept him traveling all over North America. Wisconsin State Journal came to house and did a story about his Chinese cooking, meals were planned and executed around the writings of James Beard and Craig Claiborne. He would drive out of his way to find small restaurants and markets and make friends with the proprietors and learn new shit from them. I won't ever order sweet & sour pork anywhere because its just crap everywhere and not like how dad made it. Same for Ratatouille. He traveled 2 to 3 days a week, and. loved it when he was home because I missed him but also because of the food he'd make, sometime friend tofu, always made in the garage in one of the plug in electric fryers or I;d find dough rising on the counter for homemade pizza, always thing crispy crust. Ice Cream...he made a mean homemade ice cream, usually it went into a float. We most him in '88 and I still see him on my mind in the kitchen, apron on.
  12. They are fine and cheap as fuck. our school district gives them out to the kids. makes sense, cheap, enough SSD space, everything else is cloud storage and apps. If you are a windows users thy are useful option.
  13. better than Texas, Dave Portnoy can't find a good slice here but it exists. Slices: try Mesino in Deer Park...they make special off the menu sit, they are all from Naples. Pies: https://www.saveriospizza.com/menu/
  14. Double Dave's Pepperoni Rolls via Buffet was a deal Gumby's....could walk around the Frat House or the Waterford and collect coupons off discarded PIzza boxes for a free cheese pie. Gatti's...broke my leg hoping over the fence at the Balcones one, remember going there the day my dad died, crushed much pizza, sticks, etc at the MLK and Far West locations. My wife is from NY, one trip to ACL Fest I turned her on to Gattis post festival as we ate in our hotel room, she understood the nostalgia and the deliciousness of the cheese sticks srsly, or eggs rolls off the food carts for like $2
  15. 100%
  16. I'd kill for a Gatti's on Long Island, yes we have stellar pizza but I miss my Cinnamon Sticks and the BBQ Chicken PIzza. So many memories of Gatti's especially the one off Balcones Drive by 2222.
  17. I bet Dogs and other animals would disagree with this. I bet from their POV there are plenty of asshole digs, and they should know. There is a goldendoodle out there that some jack russell thinks is an asshole.
  18. man, this sucks
  19. the parents did
  20. ah shit, this must be a doctor thing
  21. hanging with some Doctor friends the other day and they shared some newborn names they encountered in the NICU. one of easy, the other...maybe not so much What are these names.... 1) La_a 2)JKMN
  22. part of the UFC....letting them know that you may not be right for them, ICP be damned
  23. underlooked and critical aspect of sales...disqualifying
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