They are breaking us up into two groups, A and B, each gets three weeks of furlough, so it's every other week. It's complete bullshit. Our business is not down due to C-19, in fact it's all our own doing and and it would not warrant this action, this is just convenient cover. the other BU's might need to take this action, but not the Info-sec group I am in. lots of issue sto unpack.
If we were a stand alone unit as we were last year, this would not be happening. The argument of "we are always working even when on PTO" is crap, when I'm working on a deal sitting in the beach in Aruba its by choice and to get a deal done. its my time and my dime. This is "keep working and use your earned vacation money to get paid or don't get paid"
expecting me to work and progress my business and use my PTO to fund my base pay is shitty. If I take the time off and don't work, I negatively impact my earning potential. it's a lose lose as I won't have that much more earned paid time off. what if the mothership or my BU decides to do layoffs? then I have used up some of the vacation pay that I had in the bank and won't receive it as "walking money".
bear: leadership? leadership? what's that. when we acquired this competitor they put their guy in the drivers seat. he was getting beat, he got acquired and he somehow won out. He's a french tool. he has dreams of all this being "self service" and thinks you scale by hiring more people. Both companies did about the same revenue and we did it with a fifth of the Sales force. their a bunch of stooges. I'm hear to close two more large deals, then I'll be six years in and ready for a new thing.