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Everything posted by next2naus

  1. company went being on the precipice of acquiring two other companies (a competitor and an adjacent) to being acquired by a complimentary partner. crazy times.
  2. most beers in a can or draft are 5%. Current Fish & Oyster is really good and the bar next door..."Under Current" is cool I sat at the Copper Onions bar and had a really good meal recently. Get the Pork Belly https://www.thecopperonion.com/foodmenu One would not think to get Sushi in a land locked town on the high plains but https://www.takashisushi.com/ is no fucking joke. Yardbird here is good : https://www.prettybirdchicken.com/
  3. Grand Floridian Pool bar was good to dad. Same for JW Marriott on Marco Island. Disney with twin 6YO's was fun, minor meltdowns but all in all a success. the Boy rode Tron, Space Mountain and GOTG and really loved Thunder Mountain. think I have a rollercoaster kid.
  4. I'm about two hours from flying home to NY from two days of meetings in Chicago and early in the morning we fly to Orlando....twin 6YO's first Disney. Short 4 day trip. I've not been since I was probably their age. Then driving over to Marco Island for another 4 days. I self medicate and drink so I suspect this will as fun as humanly possible.
  5. I live 50 mile from the FiDi....my whole house shook, made for a fund Zoom call
  6. Everyone came just fine, wait,wut?
  7. stick two in, twins are fun!
  8. Go Knights! '90
  9. will look for it this weekend, its like a janky Chicken Parm
  10. making chili, way too much of it for the 4 adults that will be over but I like having it in the freezer. This means Cornbread with cheese and corn and chili in it. Fried Pickle Dip, Store bought Pigs in a Blanket, a couple Armadillo Eggs for good measure and old mans favorite snack item....Broiled Summer Sausage slices with a dollup on hot mango chutney on them. They are amazing, sweet, savory, acid, fat, everything all at once. My buddy coming over will lilly make some Focaccia as well. no sweet treats unless you call Bourbon a sweet treat.
  11. kid goes to all practices
  12. well...generally some of their comp is tied to yours so if you rock it out, they get paid too. That being said, I buy drinks and meals for my SA all year no matter how good or bad it is. If we knock it out of the park, I'll do something nice for my SDRs/ one year I took everyone to dinner at Per se...that was fun.
  13. who cares? let them enjoy them in their rooms or the house for as long as they want.
  14. this
  15. We have twin 6YO's and they still "buy in" on Santa, they know we give them gifts and other family members but Santa and his "list" are still in the mix, we leave a note for him along with cookies, milk and Reindeer treats on Xmas eve. Mind you...my kids also get to celebrate Hanukkah. little double dippers. no need to blow the myth.
  16. Brisket... why is she afraid of mom...what does she think is going to happen?
  17. Mexicans don't build bridges, they just swim across. heyooooooooooo!
  18. Congrats @ Celery also: why Soy milk? is the 2.5YO allergic to Dairy Milk or Lactose Intolerant?
  19. Are you a straight dad who knits but also associates knitting with being gay?
  20. I enjoyed this place the last time I was in Paris: https://www.peninsula.com/en/paris/5-star-luxury-hotel-16th-arrondissement. Wife talked me into the Superior Suite, while pricey...it was real nice.
  21. get a cheap or refurb iPad, ours are 6 and they started watching on them on their own at 5 and had had some limit access before that. its largely Streaming Services (Netflix, YT kids, Paramount, Amz, Disney+) followed by JrChef, Kidtopia, some Slime app, and TMNT apps.
  22. Have you looked into this place?
  23. Every fucking day. Apple Watch everyday, sometimes the Rolex, rarely the Timex Field/Expedition watch and an Orvis watch I was gifted and wear next to never.
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