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Everything posted by next2naus

  1. oh yeah, it' all good. funny is funny
  2. voting, smoking, and selective service at 18 Driving at 16 Drinking at 21 Arbitrary shit to some degree. I was "able" to drive at lets say 12, but not legally till 15 (hardship) and freely legally till 16. Should teems have access across the board to mobile or online betting? nope, but some kids can handle it and its great way to "teach" them many life lessons. Where's my pedo bear?
  3. Sure, but lets be honest..some kids are old enough for more very adult "things" at a younger age....its a made up number.
  4. Arbitrary age is arbitrary.
  5. She asked the Network for equal pay...they fired her...she went on to make millions with Thigh Master.
  6. what happened to a good old fashioned Atomic Sit-up?
  7. not really but people love to print the legend
  8. inside joke ?
  9. sort of...my Inlaws are big cruisers and they have been on the new Prima boat...said while its nice, the Haven is smaller and roms are not as big. the Breakaway has the best Haven.
  10. " or NCL which are walmarts of the sea" w.r.t. NCL...sort of right...they have their "Haven" experience which is nice. It's like a ship within the ship. You get your own bar and restaurant (not formal, but table cloth service with a dress code), pool, and indoor and outdoor deck areas. Cabins get a Butler and the best part...you get walked down to special seating for any shows and on and off the boat first.
  11. I get it. We went thru multiple miscarrages, IUI (waste of time IMHO) and IVF...multiple IVF which lead to twins...and yes...its costly but what isn't when it comes to kids?
  12. Life is challenging, the glass is not half full or half empty, we drink from the waterfall.
  13. Adopt
  14. the Neon Cornfield. St Elmo is a local institution, I'm sure its fine
  15. Yeah, I wasn't angling for politics, or trying to be an asshole, just curious what you meant or what your intent was/is.
  16. please tell us more about your "Demographic"
  17. Coney is shit show in general but worth doing once. The Subway is a long-ish ride but its the best option. If you go...ride the Cyclone.
  18. Crack Shack...eat there
  19. yeah, but when people say "Italy" they tend to mean the boot and not the ball. I've been to Italy, never been to Sicily.
  20. Italy and Greece with stops in Sicily and France
  21. Traffic: Commuter traffic is different that local secondary street traffic Business: yeah....I enjoyed it more when every Tom, Dick, and Harry wasn't at Home Depot, the Grocery Store or wherever at 10":00 AM or 2:00 PM, it was easier for me when those folks were in their offices. Sales guys life has gone from 50% in front of clients (in some years is was 25% f2f and 25% virtual) to 100% virtual.
  22. ain't gonna lie....I'm happy for folks to go back to work and the WFH to get back to being mostly us IT Sales folks. I'm tired of the local traffic, places being filled/busy duriung the day, and the relentless virtual meetings. I want to get back to meeting my folks in person.
  23. Dirty's needs online merch sales
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