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Everything posted by next2naus

  1. I'm not a Doctor...that being said I walk 3miles a day and hit the dumbbells and kettle bells. Cardiologist has ok'ed this, he said I can do a 5k if I want. I'm not a runner. I did my one marathon back in 2003. I'm about the turn 52 so I'm just working out the stay alive. I can't shovel snow anymore which is a real bummer... no seriously, I like it, I;m weird that way. Your Cardiologist will set the rules.
  2. I used to carry one of these in my backpack/laptop bag along with all my other "IT related" do-dads, cables, etc. Carried for years, all over the USA, MEx, Aruba, etc. Then came that fateful trip to Montreal....the Canadians found it, pulled me aside for a conversation in a small room, relived me of the item and suggested I might be be able to enter Canada again if I traveled with one of these again.
  3. Are a cheapo or did you get the Passport card and if you do have it, is it valid? It allows for driving over the boarder.
  4. Cannot encourage peeps to get one enough. I did my first one back in 2014....scored a 70 and my GP said, work on your diet, etc. fast-forward to last year it was something like 700 or a 1000. Went to a Cardiologist and he ordered a Nuke Strees test which showed a healthy heart but Arterial Occlusion. went to the CATH Lab...LAD was 100% occluded, CRX was 90%, RCA was over 80%. Mind you....I felt great and had no outward signs of heat issues. Want to know what the survivability rate is for a LAD Cardiac Event if you are not in a Cardiac Care center? 12% I had three stents put in, in and out the same day, two sessions. Now its as if they were not occluded. crazy shit
  5. Nextdoor is a blight, its all people bitching about shit and stirring the pot of fear
  6. Anyone using a "public" or free USB port gets what they deserve. Carry a battery or your own cables you fucking savages
  7. That family is the Austin Lebanese mafia right there.
  8. Never rent a car in Miami. walk and Uber, which are cheap compared to other cities.
  9. it's a tasting event, we are sending people tasting kit for a virtual event
  10. anyone (not Neonmoon, he has spoken already) familiar with these guys? https://drinkrangercreek.com/whiskey work is using them for an event, is it tasty? which products have you tried?
  11. which product have you tried?
  12. anyone familiar with these guys? https://drinkrangercreek.com/whiskey work is using them for an event, is it tasty?
  13. Are we gonna get a speedo picture this summer? You got stones for doing this and sharing it, Hook'Em
  14. No Country for Old Men reads like a screen play The Road: made me cry and I was probably in my peak Single Guy Partying in NYC mode, crazy. McCarthy can do that to you..Blood Meridian had sections like that, that you just had to slog thru.
  15. Follow Me to Hell: McNelly's Texas Rangers and the Rise of Frontier Justice has anyone read this? https://www.amazon.com/Follow-Me-Hell-McNellys-Frontier/dp/1250214556?qid=1676265287&refinements=p_n_publication_date:1250228011&rnid=1000&s=books&sr=1-85&linkCode=sl1&tag=werdcom-20&linkId=182a406d359571b50f980b4c051c195a&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl what about this guys other books...worth a look? like his style? etc.
  16. Follow Me to Hell: McNelly's Texas Rangers and the Rise of Frontier Justice has anyone read this? https://www.amazon.com/Follow-Me-Hell-McNellys-Frontier/dp/1250214556?qid=1676265287&refinements=p_n_publication_date:1250228011&rnid=1000&s=books&sr=1-85&linkCode=sl1&tag=werdcom-20&linkId=182a406d359571b50f980b4c051c195a&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl Mods: where do we post book related posts?
  17. SWA pilot sound like some jerkoffs
  18. Did not know we had a Brewery https://surlybrewing.com/
  19. "Pork"...it's a noun and a verb
  20. Tonies https://us.tonies.com/ has anyone here purchased theses and if so...how the fuck did you get them set up? I'm technically competent and work in technology and I cannot get it to work. I would be pleased to if you could Zoom with me or walk me through it
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