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Everything posted by next2naus

  1. Follow Me to Hell: McNelly's Texas Rangers and the Rise of Frontier Justice has anyone read this? https://www.amazon.com/Follow-Me-Hell-McNellys-Frontier/dp/1250214556?qid=1676265287&refinements=p_n_publication_date:1250228011&rnid=1000&s=books&sr=1-85&linkCode=sl1&tag=werdcom-20&linkId=182a406d359571b50f980b4c051c195a&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl Mods: where do we post book related posts?
  2. SWA pilot sound like some jerkoffs
  3. Where was Ted Cruz?
  4. Did not know we had a Brewery https://surlybrewing.com/
  5. "Pork"...it's a noun and a verb
  6. Tonies https://us.tonies.com/ has anyone here purchased theses and if so...how the fuck did you get them set up? I'm technically competent and work in technology and I cannot get it to work. I would be pleased to if you could Zoom with me or walk me through it
  7. lots of Jai Alia and Brooklyn Pils....then some other DIPA and NEIPA here and there
  8. I'm left handed, my dad was left handed and few others in my family are. Part of me wanted one of my twins to go lefty but then again I did not. I surely didn't want to force it and there are times that being a lefty sucks....so righty they are.
  9. "It's all about the 3 T's in this wild world of sales: Territory, Talent and Timing." I left my last gig of 8 years back in August. It was home-run city but I needed s change of scenery. New gig is in same ballpark but adjacent security solutions and lots of former colleagues from the last place so that made it feel like a smart move with with some folks inside I could lean on. Stayed in my Metro NYC role supporting existing clients and closing new logos, little cross-sell, upsell, renewal biz and new logos. Sounds good right? Fast-forward to December and we laid off 18-20% of company, they also are making us pay for some of out healthcare which was previously 100% company paid, still saving me about a $800-$1K a month. RIFF was mostly in Marketing and Sales. Fortunately (?) I made a good impression on the CEO and new CRO and they kept me. I landed in a New Logo role (I like to hunt) and I get to report to a guy I know from the old shop who likes to close deals so thats good. Now I get all of NY,NJ, DE, PA, CT and RI. Way too big of a territory, but hey...thats a good problem. The convo about getting back to normal and face to face....most of IT is still working remote and plans to remain doing so. With the Macro economic picture, don't be surprised if this doesn't change as organizations can save on real estate costs, leases will kill a business. the ongoing WFH makes is hard to see people IMHO. I hate all this Zoom shit, I miss my milage expenses. I miss fucking around in the city, frankly...I'm home around the wife and kids too damn much
  10. Is there a Buc-ees there? Kids will be in two so a truck stop like that is not out of the question
  11. Seems that it's midway driving between Dallas and Houston. Is there anywhere worth eating at?
  12. The Coffee Peanut Butter....shit is fantastic, some might find it a bit grainy versus "chewy". It's sweeter than I expected too. Wish they make a Chunky version vs Smooth. PB and Miracle Whip is a killer sammich
  13. I;'m in this shit, I drink Sumatran Mandheling daily.
  14. do you wrap and rest in a cooler?
  15. interesting, I've contemplated 6 six hours on the smoker (heard that after 4 hours its there is no more "smoke" value, just low cooking") then oven to finish for 8 to 10 hours at 150
  16. thx
  17. I'm thinking about how make my life easier w.r.t. smoking a brisket on my stick burner this winter. And I stumbled across this video and it got me thinking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MUMmIedzwo Concern: I live in NY and I want to minimize my time outdoors tending the fire, adding wood, etc. Smoking a Brisket takes time....I have two little kids, so less time eye balling the smoker means more time w/ them. Has anyone used any of those long burning charcoals? Charblox or Bincho Grill as example? Thinking adding those to some Hickory (burns longer than Mesquite or Oak in my experience) and Meater probes to remotely monitor heat/temp
  18. I feel you, both kids (5 YO's) were sick the week before Halloween, the wife was sock, then I get it....it the "it" was this upper respiratory with fever for the kids and for adults more like an adult RSV like infection and an eye infection like Pink Ey in both eyes that make my eyes completely red, like no whites, all red. It's bene two weeks and my vision is still not 100%
  19. the taste and consistency were terrible on the Beyond product
  20. its not like Meta and Google are not doing this as well
  21. financing rates re rather high for purchase and leases right now.
  22. I'm getting these for my kids, thx
  23. Modelo
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