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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ellellelle

  1. Sketchers commercial terrifying.
  2. I feel like he walked into both of those sacks.
  3. Yeah, I agree that 14 is a lot, I'm just referencing NIAAA guidelines. Drinking at what is technically moderate doesn't mean you won't meet the criteria for alcohol use disorder, the pure numbers and patterns are just more of a screening tool to look for problem drinking.
  4. For a male, binge episode is 5 standard drinks or more. If you're drinking this much, the average doesn't matter because it's harmful drinking. If it's 4 or less per day, you can average that out over week. If you're at or under 14 and you have no binges, this is considered moderate drinking. 14 drinks a week all the way to 1 drink a month is moderate drinking for men (7 for the ladies).
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