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Posts posted by NOMAAA

  1. Minor Lynn Gibson lyles and allard isn’t a dogshit rotation if the front two hold form. They aren’t a last place team. All you internet gm’s must have forgotten how hard it was to get to a playoff team.  And we are only what, 3 years removed from competing for the playoffs? Good Christ. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Get ln My Van said:

    I understand the ownership may be hamstringing him, but fair or not, sports are a what have you done for me lately business. 

    Since Nolan left Jon Daniels has not made any GM moves that have given the appearance of hope for the future. If you don’t have results you sure as shit better have the appearance of hope.

    What moves did he not make to give you hope for the future?

  3. not defending past mistakes.  but trading the farm for 2 years of bryant is a bad move.  i wouldnt say that he low-balled rendon.  if they really put out 6/200 with an option for a7th, thats far from lowballing.  who have they lowballed recently?  asking because i cannot remember.  i remember the plan a few seasons ago was keeping the powder dry waiting for kershaw to come home, but that ship has sailed.  i think they want big free agents but arent going to go about it dumb like they did in the past (i assume the albatross you mentioned was Choo).  giving donaldson 75mil would have been as bad as choo, just less years.  and choo didnt have one year of success.  i guess i just defended a past mistake.

    spending stupid money is bad.  trading away the farm is bad.  jd has been around long enough to do both and i am hoping that he learned a lesson and can build something.  that said, would have loved to have matched the angels offer and gotten rendon.  hurts to lose that one if he was really even interested in coming here.


  4. 14 minutes ago, Post Oak said:

    Per Levi

    Out on Donaldson now too.  

    I know next year they'll be average.  About like last year. 75 or 80 wins.  There will be good runs and good weeks but I almost think I would lean to trading everyone not named Gallo, Solak, Guzman and Willie and see if you could rebuild.

    if the asking price for Doucherson is as high as what is being reported, good.

  5. if we offered the guy 33 million a year but ownership didnt want to go to 7, not sure how that's JD's fault.  33 mil a year is a boatload of cash for the rangers to offer someone.  not sure when the the last time was they made an offer that big to anyone.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Do people not realize we had a 2 run lead AFTER Cruz's blunder? That cancelled it out. Why not mention everything after that. And before that. Like having Michael Young on the field, who was fucking terrible at defense. Ron Washington is the main reason for that loss. He let Cruz stay on the field instead of putting German in there. German was ready to go and running out to RF and Cruz called him off. Ron Washington being the loser he is allowed that happen.

    Also, the Rangers dropped the ball so much on the Cruz situation. You want the guy to serve a 50 game suspension the season coming after his free agency? Then you take care of him right then and there. Give him a contract extension or the promise of one. Why would Cruz want that 50 game suspension hanging over his head in the offseason if he had no promise from his team they would take care of him for appealing? But nope, we let that shit linger and we made some bullshit QO. No shit he was going elsewhere after that. I don't blame him. He wanted out after that.Having Cruz for the long term here, especially 2015 and 2016 would have been beneficial. Dude is still light years better than anything we have currently. 

    wasnt that endy chavez?

  7. 1 minute ago, Vic Mackey said:

    We traded for a guy who is only one year younger and not even putting up stats that Mazara is doing and he's in Single A vs Mazara in the MLB. It's a stupid fucking trade. Want to trade Mazara? Cool. But getting this return? What is the point at all? We get a worse player and it's not like he is some very young player. 

    not defending the trade.  

  8. you talking about the nelson cruz that got popped for peds and chose to sit out instead of appealing in the middle of a playoff run because he wanted to get paid in the offseason, then didnt take our qualifying offer to sign a one year deal with the orioles?  AFTER he game 6'd us?  we didn't let him walk.

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  9. seems like a lot of fans are holding onto the "rangers let guys go and they blossom" narrative.  since JD who has done that?  Chris Davis?  that dude sucks.  Adrian Gonzales, that was a bad deal.  Kyle Hendricks?  Thats probably the best one.  Who else am i forgetting that we traded away or let walk that turned into a badass?

  10. yall should ease up.  you dont know what its like to be on the field and have each others back and look forward and not listen to the haters but always look forward and have each others backs because you are a professional athlete who takes it one game at a time but continues to look forward and have your guys back.

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