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Posts posted by NOMAAA

  1. 3 hours ago, Mossyhorn said:

    Yes, I know we can “throw stats out the window” in this game. However, for the sake of discussion, a few relevant stats:

    Total Offense,

    Okla., #1 (643.8 ypg); #3 in rush offense; #5 in pass; #2, scoring offense.

    Texas, #19 (483.6), #11, scoring offense.


    Total Defense, Okla., #46 (346.4 ypg); #64 run defense; #25, scoring defense.

    Texas, #104; #126 pass defense; #68 scoring defense (26.6 ppg).

    Turnover Margin, Texas, #10 (+1.00/game); Okla., #43 (+.4/game);

    Net Punting, Okla., #19 (41.9); Texas, #71 (37.89);

    Penalty Yds/Game: Texas, #83 (60.2); Okla., #129, next-to-last (90.4). 

    Factoring in teams already played accounts for much of the above. Texas’ two biggest advantages, creating turnovers & an edge in penalties. Okla. can kill drives more frequently, or extend opponents drives. Let’s hope that holds up. 

    We are still last in the country in punt returns. 

    "who gives a shit?" - Harrison Ford - NOMAAA

  2. 20 minutes ago, lateshow said:

    Is the fat guy that was a failure at selling vehicles still running a team? 

    yep.  just got kamara too. or a meeting with him.  or something.  this season has been diarrhea against the wall and i guess it all stuck.

  3. Been listening to sturgill for a couple weeks now. I love isbell. A lot. Tonight I realized it might be a Kobe vs shaq deal.  Sturgill made his move, time for Jason to get off the stump and take his place back.  The other thread there’s a lot of political talk and who’s good and who’s bad. Isbell did good on his last record with it. Sturgill, sound and fury granted its 2 years old, is better than anything isbells last album had on it. 

    Im rambling.  Need to figure out a game for al4isu and 4th and 5 to hang out. You guys seem like good dudes. I’m a huge nerd.  

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  4. 4 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

    political or not it's bad.  and i'm a fan of a lot of their stuff.

    could give two shits if its political.  its whiny pussfolk.  moreso than usual. granted, i have only made it through about 20 seconds of two different songs.

  5. 11 hours ago, coachkiss said:

    Not sure if it will happen, or when it will happen, but Dan spent Friday night in the booth with me at the Celina game.  We had a great time, joked around some, got some very, very high praise from him, and I think he has a recording of me singing that may make the air.  Quality dude, and I think that every time that I meet him.

    That is great. Dan is the best. 

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