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Posts posted by NOMAAA

  1. 11 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    please stop.

    look at capt cool over here.  i dont give two shits, but its a valid argument since wins/qs seems to be debated every year to add both.  also if we are adding an extra of spot, why not add an extra offensive category as well to make it 6x6?  caught stealing, babip and xbh aside, there are probably a couple categories to choose from.  just an idea, not trying to change the fabric of the game over here.

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  2. does travis still post here?  he could probably elaborate on the problems with that location.  think i remember someone saying it has a lot more to do with the city/parking than the success of a restaurant owner.  or something. 

    "you know something" - bob knight

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