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Posts posted by NOMAAA

  1. On 10/31/2018 at 5:04 PM, uoftorange said:

    We recently got a dog, I'm not a huge fan of having a dog, but whatever, kids want one.  Of course they don't help but my wife for once actually is helping.  But it led to this conversation:

    Her:  Pretty crazy, I picked up about 50 pieces of poop, he's been pooping in the exact same place every time
    Me: ?
    Her:  Yeah, it was one big pile right behind the garage
    Me:  So you think this 8 month old dog only poops in one place after 2 weeks of using the backyard?
    Her:  Yeah, it's was all right in one pile.  So I put it in the trash can.
    Me:  I'm trying to not laugh at you, but it's there because I picked it up and piled it together.  Just hadn't put it in the trash because tomorrow is trash day and I don't want it stinking up the garage in the meantime.

    Seriously, she thought a dog kept piling up it's shit a foot high and a foot wide.  She also dumped it straight in the can we only put bags in instead of putting it in a bag and tossing it in.  So after the trash guy came it still had like 10 turds in there, that was lovely to find out after the fact

    holy shit im in tears.

  2. i dont care. you raped my roster in baseball all the way to the bank to help pay for meds or some shit.  how did you do it? the same over justification of your moves that you are doing now.  not falling for it again.  might be my loss, might not be. its a long season.

  3. 16 hours ago, pops said:

    That's a shit ton of points.  San Jose is obviously not great, but I'm not sure they are as bad as their record presents.  Only army would have covered that spread (wazzu would have pushed).  

    Utah State's QB didn't play after the middle of the 2nd quarter last week due to concussion protocol.  He will play this week but I'll bet he's out before half to make sure he is healthy for games that matter later in the month.


    good info.  im off that one i guess. 

  4. 5 hours ago, LonghornJones said:

    Playing the Under of 55 on NIU tonight. I have no real good reason besides gamble.

    i do not care for that play.

    but good luck nonetheless.

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