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Posts posted by NOMAAA

  1. Just now, BurntEyes said:

    Things you've just heard.

    Source, any source that isn't you flinging shit again the wall. 

    I seem unhinged for asking for a source for claims you are making regarding this mysterious but certain money flow? 

    It’s been rumored since before we hired Charlie and Patterson was the name everybody wanted. How long have you been following Texas? Are you 11?

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, BurntEyes said:

    Ah.. So you've gotten a handful, which is around 5 invites to a free meal and a coach lecture. You chose to attend them all, even though he's the head coach of a different School than you claim to support. Based on avoidance of my question I can only logically conclude you've never done the same with a different head coach.

    And from those 5 lectures and dinners you got for free you were able to obtain deep insight into Patterson's mind.

    Yet you call me a shit bird when I made a logical conclusion that you were a TCU fan.

    How odd.

    Nowhere did I claim to get deep insight into Patterson’s mind. You’re weird. 

  3. 2 hours ago, BurntEyes said:

    I have no clue what makes you and some other posters spout out the insane dribble. 

    Jesus. Who pissed in your corn flakes. I’ve gone to see coach p speak in fw a handful of times and it’s pretty obvious that he does not care for the university, Austin or Texas football. Of course money changes things, but he is already making a shit ton at tcu. There’s always more I guess. I don’t think he would take the job regardless. Unless it was full blown aggy money. 

  4. put together a slick little 5 team parlay this morning. 

    wyoming +1

    umass u63.5

    la tech -10

    vandy -3

    tech o67

    like it a lot.  also on zona -11.5 for a good amount.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, kmac30 said:

    She’s sheltered. Smart girl, just a little clue less about some things in life. I was surprised she was dropped by the one she wanted. She’s a cute girl, was head cheerleader. She’s a goodie goodie.


    She got into UT because she was top 3%.


    If I can find a pic of her I can post I will.

    so you have pictures of her that you cant post?  you had my curiosity....

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