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Everything posted by NOMAAA

  1. low energy, more than one instance of two bits of audio playing at the same time.
  2. Top ten is going swimmingly.
  3. Month or so I thought they said.
  4. theres one prick involved.
  5. Took a big L this week. We will rebuild.
  6. So is it still section 8 housing or no?
  7. Strider is not on the block.
  8. Doesn’t. Means more uncomfortable “hey me too guys! Look at me guys” Bob.
  9. I’ll take whatever.
  10. Overlaughing while offended Bob will be a bad character featured every single segment will be a great character! Every day from 3-7!
  11. Haven’t listened all week. It’s been pretty nice.
  12. so that guy was able to get Westland to be recognized as a town or whatever?
  13. Bet payoff sirois literally led to a couple of the best ticket bets in years.
  14. what does norm do like few others regarding ad revenue? stumble through a spot? forget the copy? forget how to read the copy?
  15. Also he’s wrong. Team leaders can advocate to the big bosses all day every day for people on their team. If him or Craig truly gave a shit they would have gone to the bosses for Jer a long time ago.
  16. Man that was full on red riding hood Gordon in that last part. No way he doesn’t know that Jer doesn’t get paid shit. No way
  17. He just went deep! Bieber for the salve. Let’s do business.
  18. Got two bottles of the jd triple mash today at liquor depot. $35. Took three stores. Plenty of bonded out there. Liked the bonded a lot. Hope this is a good too.
  19. wonder how many F Cumulus! Pay Sirois! shirts Ty could sell.
  20. who would have thought that grubes leaving all those years ago would start the great resignation of the ticket.
  21. no joke. almost lost jake, lost danny, lost sirois. but keep norm?
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