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Everything posted by TXLNGHRN10

  1. It's one of craziest things I've read on this page On another note Looks like F250s are coming down in price. May be time for an upgrade
  2. Forgive me for not being more clear. I should've worded having a house differently. I mean if times get hard though, I can live in my camper and therefor tow my home. I've seen many a minivan at the Home Depot loaded to the ceiling with mulch and soil. Loaded down til it's resting on the bump stops. I'll keep my F150
  3. I don't understand how this is even a topic I have a home, a bbq pit and a camper I tow every now and then. I don't see how owning a camry fits in with my outdoor, home improvement lifestyle. How much mulch can you fit in the trunk? What about the shitty roads I drive on to go fishing or hunting. Hell the shitty roads around Austin will fuck up a car's suspension as it is. If you don't want to own a truck, then don't. Ride your bike or drive your prius or tesla for you 1% and don't worry about it.
  4. What grass will the rest of the yard be? St Aug will be fine with the water and shade. I would think bermuda would get enough light to work as well
  5. My great grand parents walking with one of my great aunts down Congress Ave early 40s My great great aunt and uncle in front of their house (Now the Thundercloud at 4 Points)
  6. It was 53 at 11:00 here in 78628 now it's 25 This is going to be fun. I bet HEB is a disaster right now
  7. I don't have access to a compressor, so I shut the water off and then started to run my zones, but they are not coming up, I guess due to lack of water pressure? Am I furcked?
  8. I have an area in my back yard that stays wet. Water is seeping from the hill above my yard and the neighbors runoff when it rains. It's great for free water in the summer, but no so much now. I have bermuda growing in it What could I do that area to keep it from being a constant mudhole? I was thinking adding a couple inches of sand in the spring
  9. I've done something similar with left over pulled pork. It's a great meal
  10. Tri tip, roasted potatoes on the pit and green beans Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. My first try at making shrimp scampi Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. For a pitcher we've been using this from HEB (When it's open) Shake and Share Margarita Mix https://www.heb.com/product-detail/h-e-b-shake-share-margarita-drink-mix/5323533 HEB Limeade https://www.heb.com/product-detail/h-e-b-select-ingredients-limeade-52-oz/4374543 Mix how you like, I do 50-50 add tequila get drunk
  13. City of Leander posted that they are going stage 4 restrictions, no irrigation what so ever for the next month so no more rain would only make sense
  14. I’ve got it patched for the moment Put new foam insulation and a new ceiling But I want to get it fixed right Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Has anyone had a leak in their slide? I had a hole / tear in the roof of my rear bunk slide right at rubber seal The roof decking has a rotted spot so that needs replaced too. No idea how hard this is to DYI or how much it cost to have some one else do it.
  16. We got 2 inches @ 29 and Ronald Reagan yesterday, woke up to rain and the sprinklers going off
  17. She seems nice https://www.instagram.com/allisonmillertv/
  18. Can confirm Western 78628 coming down
  19. Texas has 2 weather patterns. Flood and Drought
  20. At least the hill country is getting some rain. Weird this semi low semi boundary has been around for a few days and we aren’t getting more widespread rain Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. This little gem is a steal on amazon right now https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00PXVU3GM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  22. So close Yet so far away Ronald Reagan and 29 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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