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Everything posted by Tylerocks

  1. 1- Aggy and it's not even really close. Imagine being hated more than the bible thumping, holier than thou murderes/rapists in Waco? 2- Baylor/Briles/Bliss/Drew/Jesus- The fact they have cheated,murdered, raped their way to relevancy in Football and Basketball is insane to me. I guess Tech would be a distant 3rd only because of 08 and they seemingly always beat us when I was in school (early/mid 90's) Nobody else really registers. I know UH gets hate here, and probably rightfully so, but my dad was a prof there so I grew up going to their games at the Dome in the 80's, so I have a soft spot for them.
  2. I'll have a brewski, Charlie. The name's Mitch.
  3. As a quick, kind of gay aside, (NTTAWWT) anyone know what the brand(Nike?) pants the staff was wearing on the sideline last night? I assume they're some sort of nike golf pant. I like them..
  4. The sooner some of y'all realize Card is a backup, a hobbled one at that and a solid game manager, the better off you'll be. We did exactly what we wanted to in this game. Run the ball, take some shots down the field, get the ball to playmakers in space. While, yes, the first half was a little uncomfortable, they stuck with it, outscored them 34-3 from the 2nd Q on, and won by 3 td's. I'll take that.
  5. Yep. Was about to lose my shit when it looked like they were going to get that XP off.
  6. I don't think a call, ever, should be initiated by the booth. Like someone mentioned upthread, if it's not called on the field, it's not called. I do think there is a place for targeting in the game, it's just the ridiculous inconsistencies/interpretations of it. Overshown= Not targeting. ND LB - Cal receiver- textbook targeting.
  7. All I could think while watching parts of this game was "How in the fuck is Miami ranked at 13?"
  8. I've never paid much attention to Galindo, I tune out most announcers anyway, but is he always this excited for the opponents? He creamed his fucking shorts when they got the onside kick. WTF
  9. "Gorgeous" seems a bit excessive
  10. This is fucking hilarious. Buncha boomers up in herrrr
  11. Man, I had no idea Williams was no longer on the Cowboys. No wonder I didn't see him during their game.
  12. I'm so fucking proud of this team. This thread reminds me why I never really check the game thread. 80% of this place is raging fucking pussies. See y'all Monday, motherfuckers
  13. It's amazing, that we're watching the same game with a lot of these fucking "fans"
  14. Later, Bitch. What a fucking clown.
  15. Lotta time left you fucking pansies.
  16. You motherfuckers that are dwelling on what should have happened, need to fucking drop it and focus on what's happening and what's going to happen. Fucking losers
  17. Playing on the road, the crowd, Clearly expected to expected to roll through Austin for the W. Fuck that. LFG!!!
  18. Outside of the McClellan 80 yarder this D has been lights out. Text from friend at the game "This place is rockin" Kept it going....LFG!!!!!!
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