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Everything posted by Tylerocks

  1. Outside of the McClellan 80 yarder this D has been lights out. Text from friend at the game "This place is rockin" Kept it going....LFG!!!!!!
  2. From the mean streets of Montrose...somewhere between Erotic Cabaret, Adam and Eve and a tattoo shop! FIGHT!!!!
  3. College dude, with higher ground got worked by a 15 year old wearing white crocs.
  4. John Chaney trying to kill Coach Cal is pretty good. "I'll kill ya!"
  5. It was strictly a geographical decision as my pops lives out west and both my sister and I live in the Montrose area. Was trying to limit his time driving.
  6. It was October 7th in the year 2000. The morning started like any other OU game day, screwdriver/bloody mary bar set up at friends loft and everyone either nursing a killer hangover or keeping the train rolling from the night before. I was the latter. It was cold. It was rainy. And after Quentin Griffin scored what seemed like his 10th TD, I heaved my bourbon drink from our endzone seats to the field and walked out and swore off the game in person for good. I didn't make good on it as I made it back in 2009 a 16-13 W for the good guys.
  7. Sucks to hear about Wes. I need to get my poster from a few years ago framed up.
  8. No worries, it wasn't that big a deal...think it was just compounded because the food was a let down. Have friends that live around the corner and have had great bulk orders. Chalk it up to a bad day I guess.
  9. That's cool. Just because he's a hard worker doesn't mean he can't be a dick. Maybe dick is a little harsh. He was just rude to my sister and my 81 year old dad who weren't standing where he wanted them when ordering. Again the restaurant was basically empty. Oh well, whatever
  10. Well, that was underwhelming/disappointing No line, barely anyone there, guy taking orders was a dick, and the food sucked.
  11. Hitting Jack White in Houston on 9/24 Love that dude and have seen every iteration. White Stripes, Dead Weather, Raconteurs I also love the fact that he plays sandlot baseball and is just one of the dudes...
  12. Warning- Their knock-off cheez it's are fucking terrible. I don't know what I was thinking trying to skimp $1.50 and not get the real ones. These, however, are fucking delicious.
  13. What's the line/table situation like at Roegels on Voss? Never been in, but will have 3 different sets of people and thus 3 different arrival times, meeting there for lunch..
  14. While you're correct on the pass being bad, too hard etc, he most certainly should've caught it. He's a fucking Division I football player. I was always taught and believed that "If I can get my hands on it, I can/will/should catch it."
  15. While the bolded is true, you can't discount a misplay by the WR and blame the QB. I'm not saying that was the case with Thompson, although at least the one I saw should have been caught. You think WV fans are blaming JT Daniels for that pick 6 to lose last night? I doubt it.
  16. He did. 2002 Roster has him and Sloan as #1 Did he play his freshman year?
  17. So I may have mentioned this before I can't really remember with all the various entries on the thread...anyhoo... My wife doesn't close things. Cabinets, ziploc or ziploc type bags (think shredded cheese or dog food bags). She also doesn't tighten lids all the way. Anyway, we have a canister of peanuts in the pantry. I go to pick them up by the lid and it was just tight enough for me to pick up, but not tight enough to hold up to the motion of pulling them off the shelf. Crisis was averted due to my cat-like quickness and the great hands of a former WR, but fuck I would've been pissed at cleaning up hundreds of peanuts from the pantry.
  18. Texas- 49 ULM- 13 Bijan 197 total yards (162 rushing, 35 receiving) 2TD's Whittington goes for 100+ receiving
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