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Everything posted by Tylerocks

  1. Is he though? I'm hesitant to declare a guy a finished product after only 83 pass attempts. May the best man win!
  2. I know it's unfathomable to some of you, but a player actually can improve from one year to the next. Maybe Card is taking a step in the right direction? Maybe Ewers isn't as great as once thought? Maybe go fuck yourself?
  3. I'm on ep 2 of 3 of the Woodstock thing. I agree with all posted above. John Scher seems like the biggest piece of shit of them all. Michael Lang, I give him credit for pulling off the original, but fuck man...how out of fucking touch do you have to be?! I like the one guy with the beard that apparently spoke up during one of the production meetings as a 22 year old. They just looked at him like he was a fucking moron. Watched "I Just Killed my Dad" yesterday. I'm glad he didn't end up in jail, but that kid is fucked up...and will be for the foreseeable future. Sad, like @Texzilla58 said...everyone failed him.
  4. Brian Howard with the jersey tucked in to the jeans ..lol I gotta give him props...he was in one of my classes.
  5. Surely we can make up for the loss of Neyor by committee between Omiere, Milton, Hall, Thompson, Cain etc.. (I know they don't all play the same position, but still) Someone just needs to step up. Kai Money ain't walking through those doors...
  6. Not sure he can pull off the "Ron McKelvey", but it's worth a shot I guess if he can punt.
  7. My wife is there now visiting her folks. I wish I was there....I would be going to Rage by myself. They're hitting Indochine tonight. Went to Mamo (?) last night. My wife hated the place...Not sure about the food. Said it was just too "sceney"
  8. That's Mrs. Card to you. I just think it's funny that you attribute one unknown play as a bad read by Card and the other as "trying to make a play" by Ewers. Given nobody knows, it's just as likely that Card was trying to fit a pass in a small window and Ewers made a bad read.
  9. Is this post for real? So it's "likely" that Card made a bad read and it "could be" that Ewers was just gunslinging? Any more conclusions on your mat that you want to jump to?
  10. Anyone else's wife leave wet clothes/sheets/towels to mildew in the washing machine? Just me? Awesome. For the record, we wash our own clothes...so I always smell spring fresh!
  11. Speaking of early 90's... #21 Grady Cavness
  12. Yeah, the early 90's are kind of a wasteland for online pics. As a high schooler and college person from that era I, for one, am happy about that. lol
  13. Just google image search and it looks like the family pic was posted on twitter by a family member (Sister? Wife?) He was a favorite of mine when I was playing wr in high school.
  14. I broke my ankle while in school and the Tax assessors office issued for my handicapped placard for 6 months instead of 6 weeks. It was glorious being able to pull up right to my class buildings.
  15. I'm guessing I could've been arrested for criminal mischief every weekend from high school through college, lol
  16. It's fun watching these kids as an "old". Their fielding and their swings seems so much more advanced than ours were back in the 80's and 90's I also think the fences need to be moved back. HR's back in the day were still fairly rare.
  17. Houston Are they different in different locales?
  18. I'll say it. The banana pudding milkshake was a let down. Didn't even finish half of it.
  19. Man, I'm glad I don't remember that. Had to get Ivan Williams those carries, I guess Following weeks: 31-131 23-100 2td 31- 157 26- 108 2td 28- 213 2 td 27 -79 2td
  20. Lee Jackson. or as some of you might know him, "Ivory Christian"
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