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  1. Only if it’s between that or
  2. And on a separate note, I didn’t even realize Liverpool went out yesterday!!! Whoa
  3. Correct, not the normal plant foot sliding into the ball first.
  4. Disagree, his plant foot caused the rise into the top of the net. His strike skipped up off the plant foot sliding under it. But I’m biased.
  5. Rudiger gonna give me a heart attack. Next up Arsenal
  6. Oh man, the rare double touch on a slip. Wow!!! Lots of slipping today on this pitch
  7. Well an ar-10 is 5 less than an ar-15 so yeah
  8. On that particular point even in Mandalorian when Migs Mayfield and Valin Hess talk about Operation Cinder. So I think the bluntness could really be in play to see this season. My body is ready
  9. Madrid with a golazo Followed by an Atleti golazo. Impressive
  10. That was Thrawn’s Tie Defender program in Rebels.
  11. Ain’t gonna lie, nothing irritates me more than going to someone’s house to watch a game and the TV is mounted way up above a fireplace hearth… Especially when it’s some new build and the hearth is already like 6’ tall so the TV is nearly 10’ up a wall. Give me this silliness over that.
  12. They really missed a great opportunity for “7 8 9” joke
  13. My body is ready! I also got a much enjoyed surprise… I thought it was gonna be. 9 episode season with 3 arcs, so finding out that it’s 12 with 4 arcs is great! What I spotted: 1. Tie Avenger back from the video game! 2. Looks like we might get a Krennic - Mon Mothma meeting at what looks like her daughter’s arranged marriage. 3. Saw Gerrera’s XWings and transport almost look to be leaving a rebel base with a dead rebel laying in the shot. His “terrorist” ways coming to a head here? 4. Is the yellow wheat/grass fields planet Dantooine? Are we gonna see the rebel outpost at Dantooine in action?!? There were more but I’m forgetting them now
  14. Season 1 was better but Season 2 was solid! Already ready for Season 3!
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