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Everything posted by Speedtrucker

  1. Today it’s been raining all day… 5 days of sun and 20pts winds before Saturday. Fingers crossed
  2. Hala Madrid! Jude is crazy. I’ve said it a bunch but dude is a midfielder that has a poachers eye. He always moving towards the attack
  3. Started this last night. Looks interesting.
  4. Through the first 4. Interesting. But the wife and I love Bosch-verse so we might be slanted opinions
  5. He must be upset about Israel as well. Either that or his secret boyfriend ghosted him
  6. Right and technically if Huyang was doing his job, he should have been charting the path. So they just need to repair her ship or snag a new one somewhere close by and then take a longer trip back home. Way behind Thrawn tho
  7. Oh right, need to add that to this long weekends family watch!
  8. I won it at Wet n Wild at their Pepsi station by the wave pool
  9. Loved that scene. Benicio can be a bad mofo.
  10. The first I had seen of her recently was the sequel to Valley Girl… she played a grown up Julie (deb foreman)
  11. It’s power was down to begin with, it’s been getting hammered by eye of scion gun ships, the space mines, etc, now as the ties made their straggling runs Huyang says they don’t have enough power for what she’s diverting. Which in reality was just to pull a Holdo maneuver.
  12. Watched Reptile last night. Not horrible, not great. It kinda felt like they didn’t quite know what type of movie they wanted to make. Lots of you thought it was gonna be this guy, wrong! Roundabouts. Benicio was great in it though. My wife and I liked it enough.
  13. Great episode… great finale… Thrawn is always amazing, sunnavabitch loves his aerial bombardments. His ronin speech to Ahsoka was perfect. Damnit the Baylan/Ray part hurt to watch. It was so perfect and yet sad to see. Agree they just need to recast, no cgi or “mask”. Chop I’m sure is gonna be ready to slaughter another 10-20k troopers after this. Ezra building another saber was a nice touch with Huyang. Nice reference to Kanaan and Caleb during their conversation about his thin saber and the emitter shield. Feel free to fix that YouTube link
  14. They’ve shown her light saber/bokken closet a few times already. Huyang looks to have kept them through his years post purge. Along with the marksman training remotes
  15. I think they have been alluding to some kind of relationship building between Bear and Jackie. Bev could see the snag coming when they were working together at the IHS. Rita references it when she is is leaving town and they both kinda shy away from each other.
  16. I like that. He could an anthology style series of different groups, families etc and I’d be down with that
  17. Lol I love that the Star Wars nerds have labeled Chop as the most dangerous droid. He has roughly 50,019 kills, and he’s tried to kill Ezra twice in season 1 of rebels. So yeah his lounge was absolutely with bad intentions!
  18. Yeah solid little story. A funeral along with the explanation that we don’t die, we live on through everyone’s lasting experiences and reflections. Bringing everyone back to complete the circles. Sucks that the ride is over, really hope Harjo has some new stories to tell ASAP
  19. Gotta be hit list, since he is a merc. Poor little Ben Solo already being hunted and he’s so young
  20. Hah not surprised. I am bummed though, I just watched this movie again a couple of weeks ago. My favorite lines: It’s coming… It’s coming?!? It’s not even breathing hard… If you think that by threatening me, you can make me your slave… we’ll, that’s where you’re right!
  21. Ezra all peaceful and not a frustrated teenager anymore is killing me! You got work to do homie. That’s a lot of storm trooper dog tags in your armor, get to laser swording! Even if you weren’t a great swordsman. But him completely force-stopping Shin’s strike was pretty fucking badass.
  22. There were quite a few videos that popped up during the winter, guys melting snow to clear their driveways with one
  23. Yeah because of the mortis and WBW threads. Abeloth reaching out to Baylan would bring it back to Ahsoka as the daughter and Anakin as the son, since the father is dead.
  24. Right, Filoni has been consistently adding more and more cultural lore. It’s always had the ronin samurai feel, he’s brought Nordic, Wild West, Roman Legonary, etc. I don’t think Filoni puts anything into his stories without intention.
  25. Thrawn and Vader were tested by Palp. They both knew they both knew and were begrudging allies. Thrawn was a master tactician and met Anakin before he joined the empire, he aided Anakin. Later Palp test them and they don’t kill each other, it weakens their “control” but makes Palps that much more in control. Your understanding is pretty close
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