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Everything posted by Speedtrucker

  1. Jude is a midfielder that plays like a poacher. Man he has far exceeded what I was expecting when we signed him.
  2. Yeah villain wasn’t the right title. He does seem conflicted even past new republic and empire, he has problems with the Jedi Order and at least a fear/serious doubt about witch magic.
  3. So we all on board that the night troopers were loading nightsister caskets for another army of NS zombies or magic that will eventually make its way to exogol for the cloning-revival of EP
  4. Yeah we’ve had Ronin in most “heroic” shapes and forms. We’ve had fallen Jedi and sith. The games have seen gray Jedi and cloned dark Jedi. I don’t think we’ve seen one like this, Baylan and Hati are chasing the sun and the moon, they catch them at ragnorok by Norse legend. He seems to be jaded with the Jedi thanks to both Anakin and Palp, so he sees the flaws in both the religious and the state. He definitely does not like dealing with nightsisters. I can’t figure out where he wants to go but he acts like he knows Thrawn isn’t the answer and neither is the new republic, nor is a revived Jedi academy. It sucks so bad that Stevenson passed away. This is a new look at a force wielding villain
  5. Yeah this was also used with Kylo putting his mask back together.
  6. I said it 3 posts above yours
  7. I was like Thrawn?!? AND a Roman Calvary mask?!? AND Ronin bandits?!? AND Ezra?!? Yes please! And some teenage mutant ninja rocks!
  8. He’s perfect
  9. I mailed my paper form 1s on May 30. Still waiting. Guard filed on like week 2 of it opening, paper form 1s with a trust. He got his rejection notice 3 weeks ago along with refile instructions, he got his approval notice last week.
  10. I’m just making sure, there are 2 more episodes to go. It did kinda feel like a finale
  11. I didn’t say I blind line vote. Like I said my wife keeps us looking forward. We have tried to do our part to keep the nuts out of school boards and likes, I irritates me to no end that the Paxtons call Collin “home”. But Collin co is ridiculous I went from John Wiley Price driving my family crazy to somehow a worse human in Paxton
  12. This… I’m Republican but Jesus, it’s gotten sooo bad in Collin Co. My wife keeps me updated on who is batshit crazy and who cannot be voted for…
  13. Not to mention Zahn loved Filoni’s Thrawn in Rebels.
  14. That won’t happen. We tried before and that got shot to shit.
  15. That’s it, 8-22 on the money. It’s church. He is untouchable.
  16. If there isn’t a conviction in the misappropriation of funds in 8 and the other article I’m forgetting, this snake is gonna walk… Unbelievable that the gap was so huge in the Nate Paul article 2.
  17. The Rules of Attraction “without you suicide scene” I love that movie and it still is a sitdown and watch movie for me but damn the suicide scene is tough to watch.
  18. Right, I thought they leaned pretty heavy into letting the SW geekdom know that aha that isn’t an inquisitor but a nightsister zombie spell, we’ve seen them with Daka in the CW and Merrin in Jedi:Fallen Order Agreed he doesn’t fit the Sith way, he is more a fallen Jedi turned merc that actually sounds like he despises a anakin/Vader…
  19. Finally got to watch it. Wow! Filoni is a master. Snips live action was pretty amazing, a teenager leading soldiers to their death like canon fodder. The 501st and captain Rex… The 332nd and Commander sexy Rex, along with the orange marking clones! Anakin totally seemed like the meshing again of himself and “the son” in the mortis arc, teaching and tempting Ahsoka “the daughter”. Holy damn that was pretty badass.
  20. Kallus would need to be recast seeing as how David Oyelowo looks slightly different. Kanan was almost a perfect Prinze Jr
  21. College football and European soccer are quite similar in all facets.
  22. That’s pretty much what my daughter and I said, Zeb and Kallus needs to come flying in on the phantom II and dock on the Ghost… As they prepare to board the Chimera “ghost” ship
  23. Now I’m gonna have to listen all day Tuesday.
  24. So the inclusion of Anakin seems to be divisive in a lot of places. My first thought was it’s going to be another reference to Mortis and the Son and Daughter frm their CW story. My daughter is annoyed Zeb hasn’t met up with Hera yet. We both expect Thrawn to make his appearance this next week!!!
  25. Sorry shoulda put more info than a blind link… Buy a set vortex binos for $249 and get the $125 FHF pro-m Bino harness free. Today only
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