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Everything posted by Speedtrucker

  1. If anyone’s in the hunt for some glass and a solid Bino harness: https://store.themeateater.com/products/DB-215.html?lang=en_US&utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=9.7.23_MeatEater_General_OSD-Diamondback&utm_term=https%3a%2f%2fstore.themeateater.com%2fproducts%2fDB-215.html%3flang%3den_US&utm_id=806106&sfmc_id=499989106 I use FHF gear and love it
  2. I remember seeing the rendering of what it would look like when they first started and though no fucking way that’ll be the final product. When that video hit my madridista email, I thought it was the same video again. Holy shit, it was worth 3 years at di Stefano stadium
  3. Bad choice for Hawkeye…
  4. Getafe keeper having the game of his life, he has robbed at least 4 goals in the 2nd half alone. Because of him alone it’s 1-1 at the 70’
  5. Yeah I feel like that was what current day Brownie and Bucky were alluding to this week. He was more broken then they realized and brushed it off
  6. Everyone is all cool with each other for now. Had a Doe come by with a Fawn earlier this week. Couple of other Does have found the corn as well. But 2 hogs came by last night… sent the word to my BiL that he needs to get his hog gear ready to eradicate some of them before my deer season starts
  7. Hala Madrid! Hey Jude You have found her, now go and get her! /Beatles.
  8. F & B look to be violent groups. Depending on which version of Galatasary and Shaktar show up to UCL, A & H could also be rough, it’ll probably be the lamb versions this year. G & D for soft groups
  9. Ahp forgot to reply to this. I’m on the fence still… someone above listed a vortex Filipino glass option that I have pinned. Whatever I do it’ll be before 11/6 so I can zero and doe my dope notes…
  10. Especially considering the stainglass light refractory period takes longer
  11. Never heard it called knotkneed… Is that when your legs are tied together?
  12. Nehi grape in the short round glass bottle with the styrofoam label from a small Phillips 66 gas station in the middle of nowhere Texas. But really Nehi Peach was better
  13. Yeah I’ve put it in a prior thread. Vernon went from no hogs 5-6 years ago, to a few one spring showing up, to a few sounders, to now we will shoot a couple hundred during the year. This late spring and summer we shutdown all of our feeders and stuff to see if we could get the hogs to move on away from my property. It has kinda worked but there are still hogs everywhere out there. We turned the feeders on 2 weeks ago and to my surprise no hogs have shown up yet. The deer are going hard like 12-14 hours a day at my feeder…
  14. That clip/scene kills me… Even his “redemption” video where he tried to explain that his form was because he was throwing to a guy 5 feet away…. Then proceeds to throw just as terribly but to someone “down field”
  15. Yeah I should add, we have 3 AR-10s and 1 bolt. The bolt gun user is the one who Carrie’s a sidearm because he does baby his rifle and doesn’t load up till he’s in his stand. So our walks with safeties on is with AR-10s. Which we all have been doing for prior work for years…
  16. Yeah our walk is between 200-1000 walks from my front gate to the 4 stands. The morning walk in and the sunset walk out are locked and loaded, safeties on. Although whomever sits in the middle stand usually doesn’t and will carry a sidearm. We have hogs that like to come out and hit the feeders predawn and post sunset.
  17. It wasn’t my favorite but kinda cool to see their interpretations of all the elders. The dudes who did Brownie and Bucky nailed them. I had to look them up to see if either of them might actually be related to Gary Farmer and Wes Studi… It was an interesting look at what shaped the elders. Mabel wanting to raise a big family and doing so, Brownie being a basically the same and Rez Dog’s “Wooderson”, Bucky having cosmic aspirations and ending up being a cosmic artist. Even Irene (Cheese’s “adopted” grandmother got her little part and damn I love Quannah Chasinghorse, she is so damn hot. I think the Maximus story was the odd-man out story, we just met him a couple of episodes ago and it kinda felt like he pushed himself to the outskirts, his problem with Fixico seems like self-inflicted. I also feel it helped shape Fixico from being a bad medicine man to his future as a medicine man for Okern… But damn Quannah Chasinghorse is smoke. Makes me wish Mexico registered blood quantum as well!
  18. Holy shit that was awesome! You could everyone start to lose it as they kept going Edit- just catching up, watched the IHS episode last night. Loved the crew together again. Also Cheese has those sweet moment, his “oh my you’re really beautiful!” when he puts his glasses on and sees her clearly for the first time.
  19. I’m kinda around there, Gordo segments, then around lunch I’ll tune back in to see how midday is going… catch a couple of HL segments and that’s about it. No forcibly hating on them, just lost/losing interest outside of Gordo’s antics these days. Sucks not hearing Dan durin my lunch time
  20. One of my group has a family member that works for TPWD and knows our GW well enough. We’ve seen him out around when they were shutting down a sketchy processor in Iowa park… and again at another joint. We have never seen him around my land but we’ve talked to him when we started having poaching problems that started turning into near harassment issues a few years ago. He looked into it for us and shit straightened out. Haven’t had a feeder or stand fucked with since. I’d imagine their stress is super high with hunter harassment issues since everyone is armed at all times
  21. And that student was Albert Einstein!
  22. Thanks, normally my cameras are off during July august so I don’t really ever see the deer until late sept
  23. As my first post of the thread… Y’all smarter than me peeps, what’s going on with this bucks “hair loss?” Normal, ticks, lack of food?
  24. Not too far for deer but hogs out to about 4-500yards. My land is big but not long. That’s what she said
  25. So I have lived all 3 episodes so far. I have no issues with Harjo telling the stories he wants about this group.
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