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Everything posted by Speedtrucker

  1. This little guy never comes out in daylight and it’s usually only on camera once maybe twice a month at most.
  2. Damn, KDB laser shot. Both teams had great shots blocked. tchouameni with a chance to win it at the end with a laser and Edison made a huge save
  3. Que Golazo! Good first half, need a few more in the 2nd
  4. Lol this. My 20gun could fit maybe 20 marlin 22lr with no optics… Realistically I could fit 7-8 pistol/rifles with optics in the bottom 2 sections. The handguns aren’t an issue.
  5. Yeah I went from a gun locker keeping my young children out of it, to a 20 gun safe that is 30min 1400F fire rated. It’s not the best but it’s the last line of defense after house alarm and security cameras. It’s wedged in a closet, against my wife’s wishes, so between the deterrents and the police it should do the job.
  6. the wife and I are watching this. I did sit up and take serious notice during the UT talk. I chuckled at the corrections her attorney ex told her. I also did the whole “akshully, the south end zone wouldn’t have looked like that back then!”
  7. Lol, no cologne in highschool… In grade school, it was an old bottle of canoe and high karate i pilfered from my dad and uncle. Eventually sharing a bottle of drakkar with a cousin… Issey Miyake at UT which the Asian girls loved… Now I can’t stand cologne
  8. Lol while watching the diplomat I looked up older pics and got confused asking my wife “didn’t she kill someone while drunk driving?” “Wasn’t she the noxzema girl?!?”
  9. Is this a Make Richmond Great Again or a Build Back Better story?
  10. You are way off, the Musers alone wasted 2 long segments on it…
  11. Then do the Super Bowl in Qatar the following year. Sounds fun to me! /s
  12. Probably wanna avoid Karaoke 4 kids if that is your goal… Just sayin
  13. That’s the point, except it was funny when you in one scene it’s a once a week washed look and then the next it’s been blown out. My wife was pointing that out to me everytime. To which I will say it’s funny because I can point to a few former federal prosecutors that fit the same type of person. Wore the same 3-5 work suits, hair always like they didn’t give a shit, car was always like it needed a car wash even if they just came from a car wash…. But 2 of them would stand toe to toe with the worst drug traffickers while in La Picota, they went hard in trial prep and trial even when credible threat were made on us. 2 of them are now in DC steady moving up the chain. We are enjoying this show.
  14. Yes I felt like that was a “just for in case” finale. This allows Filoni to put this series to rest if he has to, create the “Rebel Din Duo mercenary action stories”, or just put them into his other spin-offs as mini-arcs like Filoni does all the time.
  15. So in total, Filoni basically took Dark Forces I & II along with Jedi Outcast and wrote out Kyle Katarn. Lol He re-introduced dark troopers and teased the “dark Jedi” as clone Gideons. My daughter and I commented to each other that Grogu pulled a Kanan-maneuver to save them. Solid finale, Mando and Grogu are now a Din family. Bring me Ahsoka and Thrawn!
  16. Yeah that was Zeb earlier and Pellaeon in this last episode. Everyone already got the Thrawn/Sabine/Hera tease on the Snips trailer.
  17. Yeah usually the case, Filoni usually tells a story in his heel turns. Agent Kallus was for sure a long turn to the rebellion.
  18. Had a buddy and his wife always give me shit about driving my 6.4L V8 challengers with the standard set of jokes/ribbing/etc while they both drove Teslas with their home solar panels from Tesla. When Elon did his heel turn, I made sure they were the first to hear from me. “I always thought y’all were anti-vaxers! And that y’all were closet MAGA!” lol, ah how the turntables
  19. Axe left the fight early too. Remember he escaped up the hole in the ceiling
  20. Spy talk in order of who I think it is… 1. Axe Woves 2. Pirate Mandalorians 3. The Armorer I guess it’s how you wanna see the air assault play out… Will Axe Woves alert the mando fleet? Will the Armorer do something to sabotage the fleet? Will the “too weak Pirate Mando” do something once they are aboard the Light Crusier? I still think the children of the watch and the armorer are so entrenched in their faith, she can’t be the spy… which is why I think it’s Axe or the Pirates.
  21. We had a 2” ring on ours as well. They didn’t have an issue with it. I need to put ours back out this summer
  22. If the A-Team never had any problems with the mini-14 then they are GTG for me!
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