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Everything posted by Speedtrucker

  1. After this show, all Jedi should die. The Sith are the good guys or at least better than Jedis. Trackers are useless. The senate was feckless. Yoda is probably the worst Jedi ever. Droids default to Sith status when hard rebooted. QGJ at least moved the Jedi forward spiritually despite being a terrible person/jedi. Crouching tiger hidden Jedi and The matrix strikes back can’t save this.
  2. Garbage. 1 cool part. 2 meaningless cameos. No arcs tied up properly. Everyone was unlikeable. Please don’t give this a second season.
  3. And we are sure this is all planned vacation and not contracts?
  4. Funny thing is he created an Italian restaurant in coruscant. Sol’s Comsos Pizza
  5. My wife calls me a star wars apologist… I’ll try to defend droid episodes of TCW to my kiddos… None of us like this very much. Saber play was nice tho
  6. If you love Star Wars… yeah I could see binge watching this. I’ll say this, watch episode 7 right after episode 3. It’ll at least feel like you watched a cohesive story at that point. Weekly episodes do not help this messy story telling/directing. Episode 5 has some great saber play.
  7. That was not good. Kalnacca being the heel was dumb. At least we got a saber fight sorta. And probably the worst abrupt ending going into a finale. Now we have 28 minutes to tie up 4 different arcs
  8. As with most political nominees, they often are asked to step down when presidents change. As long as it’s an “acting” figurehead, we never get squat done. We have this happen across the board. When I was up in Chicago for 3 years, we had an acting head until the last 3 months I was there. It was impossible to get shit changed internally and then all of our fellow agencies couldn’t agree on shit either. I saw that article earlier and it confirmed what our resident agents were saying. On of my old agents did a stint in NFA and he broke it down the same way years ago, just like the article.
  9. I like that for 2 episodes they made a big deal about rhe ROUS moths attack light sources… And then a single ROUS moth decides to attack a not light source so that baldy can lazer whip it right after we have seen Qimir’s scars. Maybe they aren’t ROUS but actually Inquistor Moths helping Qimir. [emoji848]
  10. Not good. Went no where. This was basically Prince Humperdinck following Wesley and silly parent trap. Ep5 fooled me…
  11. To quote my wife… “That was it?!?”
  12. Bye Gregg
  13. That was my problem with that ending… 2 chances to eliminate an absolute threat to you, the civilian, the Jedi order, etc and yet he relents twice and instead relies on ROUS moths to pester him away from the fight…
  14. Right where Beskar was an ore and highly resistant to everything including blaster bolts and lightsabers. Cortosis was a mineral that was highly brittle in pure form. So it was alloyed into metals and made into weaved armor. That way it could deflect blaster bolts and defend against a save strike. The purer the Cortosis, the greater the ability to short out a saber blade but a liability against not energy based weapons. In Legends a Cortosis Blade was created to kill Vader while he was hunting down Jedi. They lured him into a trap, disabled his saber and almost killed him. He gains control of the blade and kills all the Jedi there with it.
  15. I thought I read spring 2025… could be/probably is wrong.
  16. I feel like those coulda all been in one post. But yes solid sword play that is up there in quality
  17. It was the best of the 5 so far but it’s been a low bar. Pro: Sword play really good, Cortosis gauntlet and helmet was/were nasty! Con: the dialogue was bad… really bad. ROUS moths was dumb, just fight. Mid: writing and directing was finally better in ep5, hopeful for final 3ep
  18. I mean she does clearly have 2 eye teardrop tatts. She’s openly warning that she’s sith and droppin bodies
  19. Well since his name was Porkins… Fat Jedi shoulda been Fatawan
  20. To quote my wife last night: Wife: It’s over?!? Me: that’s what she said! (Failed smile)
  21. Right but if palpatine wohlda pulled a red saber out in front of 8 Jedi, they might of noted it. I mean seeing Maul for the first time raised quite a few questions… But this dude, and Ki Adi Mundi forced cleared his own mind
  22. Ok so spoiler time
  23. Oh the Rodent Of Unusual Size?
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