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Everything posted by Speedtrucker

  1. To quote my wife last night: Wife: It’s over?!? Me: that’s what she said! (Failed smile)
  2. Right but if palpatine wohlda pulled a red saber out in front of 8 Jedi, they might of noted it. I mean seeing Maul for the first time raised quite a few questions… But this dude, and Ki Adi Mundi forced cleared his own mind
  3. Ok so spoiler time
  4. Oh the Rodent Of Unusual Size?
  5. Yes, sometimes. Usually in bulk. Ammoseek is a great tool because you can see a good range of price per round. Also which sites have better deals on shipping including free shipping at certain price points or bulk counts etc. And sometimes the prices are close enough that the convince “fee” is negligible so buying at academy/cabelas/gebos is worth it. I just miss the ability to buy my hunting rounds directly from Federal with my LEO discount. Now they only offer the range ammo and top of the line hunting ammo….
  6. This dude started popping up on my X feed… Jesus he must be getting paid by the acolyte. He’s opinions are everything the Acolyte and TLS are the greatest ever. Period
  7. Yeah but how does he react to aggy losing to Texas?!!
  8. My wife is hate-watching… I’m kinda hopeful-watching… but also kinda disappointed-watching. I have to finish it because my daughter and I share Star Wars love so we always watch and talk.
  9. I do like that the new writers decided to give young children spice cream… You know that drug that is mined and purified by slaves and smuggled from Kessel across the galaxy for crime lords. But heh cool spice cream! Although I could be like “you know when Spice Cream(coca cola) was first invented doctors actually put spice in it”.
  10. So we’ve decided space fire is acceptable because it’s happened before and I didn’t fuss about space fire. But…. Jesus I’ve never seen stone be so flammable. The evil twin set that fire with a diary and it went up like they built their fortress in gas mountain. Also way to take the witches and make them as lame as possible. My wife walked out for a glass of wine when they started chanting. At least this episode didn’t have the Jedi acting dopey and dumb… but man everything outside of Sol is killing me. The young twins are bad, jar jar bad. “Jedi are bad!” “Jedi are good!” [emoji849] I’ll fight through this for hopefully some kind of payoff
  11. We got a rca to hdmi converter for my wife’s Nintendo back when our daughter was young. When our son came along and covid hit, we had the new mini-Nintendo, mini-SNES and mini-genesis and we all played the hell out of those again. My boy and wife still break out Super Mario 3 every so often. I like my Super Metroid best
  12. Yeah I didn’t get the space fire crying. My first thought was back to the Executor on fire crashing into the 2nd Death Star. The writing and story isn’t there for me yet. It also doesn’t help that all the outside noise from the actresses and writers and directors that this was created to “make white men cry”. Jesus just make a good show. Basically just give me Andor s2 now please.
  13. Wife did not like it at all, well she actually liked the Asian Jedi but the rest she didn’t. I’m trying but damn it just wasn’t that good. Also making Jedi Guardians(yellow sabers) such dolts… doesn’t help.
  14. At least we have some competitive national tournaments with Euro and Copa America carrying us right into the next transfer window
  15. Hala Madrid! If you don’t score your chances early, letting Madrid get down to Madrid time is dangerous.
  16. There it is. 2 more coming soon
  17. They’ll be shooting with their own fans behind their goal. Right now it’s opposing fans
  18. I do love German crowds. This match has had everything but a goal so far. An invader, and like 4 dortmund rushes…
  19. Here early so someone doesn’t claim I just joined the Madrid celebration late. Hala Madrid! I’m feeling a 4-3 win for Madrid. Jude is MOTM with his late game winner at home in Wembley to get the English hyped for euro24. Also Lunin didn’t travel due to Flu, Tibo is goal
  20. Saw this before the Mavs game. Really good, I kept feeling like Hot tub time machine waiting for Furiosa to lose her arm! I guess my only “want” was hoping to see a little bit more of her place within Immortal Joe’s citadel but I get it.
  21. Wild! So if you don’t want Neverlusen to comeback just hit an amazing hatty and don’t give up any chances
  22. Fun movie. Wife and I both loved the original series, she wanted to go watch it for mother’s day. Even our 18 and 12yo liked it. Fun movie, gosling is funny. Aaron Taylor-Johnson doing McConaughey as space cowboy was pretty funny and accurate
  23. I know it’s basically dances with wolves in Japan but I still really like this movie
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