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Everything posted by demos

  1. I got one that is part border and part australian. I know why she was free. Woo boyz
  2. Considering that you couldn’t get that signal most of the time, it was gone a long time ago.
  3. Because a bunch of them aren’t actually playing the instruments?
  4. Lol. Guess parsons will have plenty to talk about on his podcast.
  5. Add Cowboy Love by the Reverend Horton Heat
  6. My great grandpa was a paint contractor. Pretty much everyone who worked for him were drunks, but there was one he usually had to pick up from jail because he spent the night in the drunk tank.
  7. Played a bad game; learn from it and move on.
  8. I need to put some money on Vandy in a couple of weeks.
  9. You’re turning on the milk men.
  10. Unfortunately i’m even older than that.
  11. Burn her at the stake for witchcraft
  12. Is colorado good or is the big 12 really shitty?
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