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Everything posted by demos

  1. The magic beans would be a smarter move so the Texans will get Trubisky
  2. And that is why I will continue to wear latex gloves when I stop for gas. Never going back.
  3. Given all the people still in the league, this seems incorrect.
  4. The HL Hunt saga is some of the craziest shit I have ever read.
  5. I mean that’s not even debatable. That front office could fuck up a wet dream.
  6. Keep hitting at that aggy. Maybe bean him in the head.
  7. Good lord. They really do make shirts for anything
  8. Speaking of politicians that take their clothes off, here’s a new one from a couple days ago
  9. Whoever is in charge of the sonic commercials needs to be put out of our misery.
  10. Didn’t help he was paired with fcb
  11. Jeff fisher and high octane football? Lol. Yeah, except he’s usually on the losing end of that deal.
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