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Everything posted by demos

  1. No more pad thai, rather no more peanuts, peanut oil or other peanut related products. Broke the seal at work and was downhill after that. Drive home was harrowing.
  2. You’ll poke your eye out kid
  3. This seems appropriate for this thread:
  4. Almost had to post in this thread last night. Thankfully came out clean (the toilet was destroyed though).
  5. Finally finished the last book in the series, now I can watch the season and be properly disappointed in the show’s ending.
  6. Somewhat fawning article in the Austin Monitor: https://www.austinmonitor.com/stories/2021/12/mackenzie-kelly-a-collaborative-conservative-among-democrats/
  7. Knew a guy who would stick prime rib in the microwave until it was well done. Dumbass. Which reminds me we’ll be having some prime rib post-Christmas for my grandpa’s birthday.
  8. “It took me til the 4th verse to realize there were different timelines” Lulz
  9. Check out Christopher Lee’s metal Christmas album. Yes, that is a thing that exists.
  10. Knight Rider is on Netflix. Patricia McPherson was great. Loved this show as a kid.
  11. Doesn’t have to go into genpop to have an “accident”
  12. Was on one of these one time when someone threw up. That was fun.
  13. At least you can see where the money went. It’s not hidden behind a toilet.
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