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Everything posted by demos

  1. What happens in the scrum stays in the scrum.
  2. Remember the idiots who thought they were gonna launch a coup in Venezuela?
  3. The 8th Night. Korean horror
  4. Seriously. Was watching and went, “holy shit is that brendan fraser? Fucker is fat.”
  5. She turned off the comments but she still getting dragged in the quote tweets.
  6. The fbi does a background check? That a problem? Nope.
  7. We offered right? Dude would be a beast on the field.
  8. Even though i post on this forum with the rest of you degenerates, not sure I deserve that.
  9. For the uninitiated (like tfoolery apparently):
  10. I hope i come back as a dog. But with my luck, i’ll be the dog in the aspca commercials.
  11. ^ This. The inconsistency is laughable. And completely transparent.
  12. ^ god dammit. I swear i just saw that in my bookface feed
  13. I’m thinking that guy hasn’t watched much nfl lately.
  14. It ain’t pretty, but not gonna lie, I’d probably eat that, especially if drunk or stoned.
  15. Only 9 waffles in 15 hours? What a little bitch.
  16. Saw it on Facebook, but did lol.
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