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Everything posted by demos

  1. College OT rule: Thunderdome. Two men enter. One man leaves.
  2. aggy already got a law school. Dammit shoulda scrolled down further.
  3. Meteor might not be enough. Comet maybe.
  4. Those old people vote come hell or high water. Cabo steve should be worried.
  5. Kinda hope they keep drafting defense just see rogers lose his mind.
  6. Judging from the packers first pick last night not sure they give a shit what rogers wants or says.
  7. https://bearswire.usatoday.com/2021/04/27/bears-rumors-texans-deshaun-watson-trade-nfl-draft/ Waiting to trade him blew up in their face like Watson on a massage table.
  8. Tide cold call commercial. Tho I did chuckle when he said, “Because Stone Cold said so”
  9. Then we burn it all down (if the homeless camp fires don’t do it first)
  10. If they say Lady Bird Lake, it’s a good way to know who the interlopers are.
  11. Acting was definitely on par with the original. Effects and fight scenes were much better. Could definitely use some more sub-zero vs scorpion.
  12. Sunrise has been feeding them for a long time; long before the campsite arose. They’d be there regardless of Sunrise was feeding the homeless; just look at other overpasses around town where no services are adjacent.
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