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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by alphahorn

  1. Bednar looks like he's all adrenaline. that shit wears off. we need to work counts and get his pitch count up.
  2. way too early comment. the difference between Texas home and Omaha is usually home runs
  3. it doesn't count when it's given to Faltine
  4. Not a fan of southern cracker names like ROWDY, just sayin
  5. I like Madden stuff a lot more, his spin rate is pine tar quality. We'll catch up to Bednar's fast balll.
  6. that was high and outside. I fucking hate umpires. we need a computer automated strike zone.
  7. it's hard to be that bad as an umpire. they seem to be motivated
  8. don't worry Zubia is saving it for the CWS
  9. this guy doesn't have real stuff. this was inevitable
  10. we'll see at least 5 pitchers tonight, at least!!!!
  11. I bet, pitcher signaling he needs a drink
  12. we're fine, second time through the line-up we'll torch this guy
  13. Another sign that Sark and I might just get along
  14. fuck LHN, stream on discord????
  15. williams is devoid of baseball instincts
  16. Every QB transfers to Utah
  17. just a few to get to started: 1. In quantum mechanics time is a classical background parameter and the flow of time is universal and absolute. In general relativity time is one component of four-dimensional spacetime, and the flow of time changes depending on the curvature of spacetime and the spacetime trajectory of the observer. How can these two concepts of time be reconciled? 2. Is there a theory which explains the values of all fundamental physical constants, i.e., of all coupling constants, all elementary particle masses and all mixing angles of elementary particles? 3. Why does the predicted mass of the quantum vacuum have little effect on the expansion of the universe? 4. How does the Sun generate its periodically reversing large-scale magnetic field? Can't wait to hear their answers!!!!!!
  18. Really appreciate your efforts, that was great.
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