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BabaYaga last won the day on March 17 2022

BabaYaga had the most liked content!


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  1. Modern CAG training is modeled almost directly on SAS selection. As is RRC. They are some bad mother fuckers.
  2. One of the dogs is a complete asshole behind a fence and a giant poon in person. Social media dog?
  3. We tried too many times to stretch the defense out and try and seal the edge against their smaller, faster D-line. We needed to pound them up the middle (your mom) more and more and wear them out. They were also WAY over pursuing. Not running many misdirection plays or reverses was criminal. Maybe they were getting too much penetration (also your mom)?
  4. Working at home over the break, consisted of my telling everyone calmly that I need to go on mute for a Zoom call, then yelling across the house to SHUT THE HELL UP at our two damn dogs every time somebody dares grace our house with their presence.
  5. They have holes just like most teams. Saban was smart enough (see what I did there) to get out early and not face the inevitable decline that these marquee programs are going to face now that they can't money-whip kids under the table.
  6. Does the perfect GIF exist to illustrate our kicker and his woes....
  7. Me, I've made ribs on a webber charcoal grill more than once. But yeah, you do.
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